A large evil organization...

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, and he glanced at some small meteorite-like floating objects in space.

He could feel the fleeting cold gaze coming from it.

That certainly did not come from a living thing.

When lying in that world, Yi Xia found those guys who looked like orcs.

Although compared to murlocs, Yi Xia was more familiar with evil monsters.

Yi Xia may not know much about orcs.

But at the beginning, he also had more or less contact with these existences.

Yi Xia still remembers a certain female orc trying to protect her child.

It was a cruel and tender population that was not rebellious.

It's just that at the moment, those are obviously not the orcs that Yi Xia is familiar with.

But the one with the appearance of an orc—the biochemical warrior?
Yi Xia could tell at a glance that these guys stuffed with all kinds of messy things in their bodies could not be natural creations.

After all, if it's pure flesh and blood life or mechanical life, it's fine.

But this is flesh and blood life, and mechanical tissue.

Even, there are natural life with several psionic organs.

At least Yi Xia has never seen it before.

Perhaps at the junction of multiple civilizations, in the cross-contamination and distortion of the rules of multiple civilizations, such aliens may also be born?
Because of his life level and body size, it was difficult for Yi Xia to enter the world where the ginseng essence that tried to summon him was located with less damage.

Therefore, after throwing some bean soldiers inside, Yi Xia rushed over following the space-time breath of these orcs.

For ginseng essence, you can throw a copy later in the form of generating projections or communicate with it directly through consciousness.

As for the evil organization, although the business is not very suitable.

Now that it happened, Yi Xia didn't mind cleaning it up.

Because from those biochemical warriors that looked like orcs, Yi Xia also saw flesh and blood tissues that belonged to humans.

What this means, Yi Xia naturally knows.

He may not necessarily pay attention to those guys who conduct evil experiments on live flesh and blood.

Human beings can be used for dark living experiments, which is a completely different level of behavior.

Although these humans do not necessarily belong to the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

But as in most cases, doctors on vacation don't stand idly by after encountering a stranger with a sudden illness.

This may be beyond the duty and the limitation within the conscience.

The boundaries of witchcraft in this regard are not rigidly classified into a certain order.

The differences that may exist between the two are:

Regarding the latter choice, there are not many voices of disobedience.

At least no organization or individual would jump out and tell Yi Xia that his actions did not conform to Wu Ji's responsibilities.

Ever since he smashed a multiverse-level newspaper and mastered his own voice channel.

So far, Yi Xia is quite pleased to see:
There will no longer be any organization or individual, relying on the advantages of the information channels of the multiverse, to speak out against him in areas that he does not specifically focus on.

Pursue power, not necessarily to do whatever you want.

But the premise is: you must have mastered the power to do whatever you want...

In this way, Yi Xia finally arrived at this space boundary shrouded in a faint halo.

This is no longer the abstract umbrella-shaped world that Yi Xia traced back before.

Rather, it is in another material universe which is quite distant from this.

This evil organization is entrenched in one of the planets.

In fact, Yi Xia still likes the world form of the material universe.

Because compared to the world directly surrounded by the astral world or the spiritual world, this kind of material world Yi Xia can travel relatively more conveniently.

Of course, if the strength of the material rules of the material universe is too weak, it is not easy to say.

protective barrier?

For this, Yi Xia is not so gentle.

He was in no hurry to get close to that planet.

After all, under his perception, the life on this planet is glowing scarlet.

In order to prevent it, the guys inside fled everywhere.

Yi Xia suddenly waved down the witch flag familiarly.

In the next instant, the power of chaos manifests itself in this material universe in the form of mist.

It is like a creeping blanket that spreads out, directly wrapping the planet!
It was at this moment that Yi Xia sensed that the cold eyes from before were looking at him again.

Yi Xia ignored it and flew straight towards the planet.

He could feel that there seemed to be something missing in the attention of that unknown messy creation.

Because the other party didn't have any malice, Yi Xia couldn't lock him with the power of Ya Zi.

But Yi Xia can be sure:
Before that, something should be attached to those devices.

Mechanical life?

Data life?

Yi Xia didn't pay much attention to it.

Then, after howling, it turned into a fiery red figure like a shooting star in space.

Yi Xia flew in front of this planet.

Without the slightest pause or desire to communicate, Yi Xia picked up the Wu Banner and slammed it down towards the planet!

Compared with the planet Yi Xia is most familiar with - the Earth, this planet hosting the evil organization is undoubtedly a few sizes smaller.

This also means that Yi Xia, who has increased his attack range through the Spring and Autumn Halberd, can almost directly cover the planet with his attack range!
In the next instant, a dazzling line of fire flashed across the vast space.

In an instant, the energy field that protected the entire planet collapsed instantly!

The violent energy squeezed the atmosphere inside the planet, before the majestic streamer fell on the surface of the planet.

A storm more violent than any storm of any magnitude known in the physical world, brutally destroying everything that rests on the surface of the planet.

In front of such a tyrannical celestial phenomenon, the many magical brilliance that flickered along with it.

Like the clods thrown at it before the flood came.

More like a ceremonial farewell...

Forbidden spell?
Twisted will?
Deep darkness?
Under this majestic power that directly gives half of the planet the night, everything is as tiny as dust!

Someone is trying to escape.

Someone is trying to struggle.

But it didn't help in the end.

When the short but violent hurricane engulfed the buildings and even the mountains disappeared out of the sky.

The deepest night fell over the planet.

The next moment:


The planet is shaking!
Hundreds of millions of matter, from which suddenly burst into all directions of space!

The binding force from the celestial body and the universe can no longer stably maintain the planet in its original position!

The unique tough structure makes it work hard to wrap up the remaining material.

it starts to burn...

Like suddenly turning into a shooting star, it flew towards the depths of space.

And everything that once belonged to it has nothing to do with this only remaining planet, or the star core...

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