A little try...

Yi Xia stood in the void of chaos, staring at the world in front of him that he had wasted a lot of effort and dragged into the void of chaos.

In fact, in practice, he didn't need to be so troublesome.

After all, as far as the characteristics of Abyssal Gu are concerned, the life and death of life is not within its scope of influence.

According to Yi Xia's understanding, it is a distortion and refinement that directly affects the concept of life.

Gu refining itself corresponds to a sufficiently cruel and bloody fusion.

And this natural limited refining Gu born in the chaotic void undoubtedly raised those negative elements to the point that Yi Xia couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

Refining Gu full of void painting style...

Yi Xia stared at the demons that were constantly transforming in the distortion.

In order to be able to observe the whole process of its changes more completely, Yi Xia specially dragged this small plane over.

To a certain extent, this is a bit like Yi Xia's "old friend" - the taboo method used by the Void Sect.

Of course, relatively speaking, Yi Xia felt that her methods might be a little rough.

Just judging from the results, it seems that the difference is not bad...

The difference is:

One is put into the regulation of rules and spells, and the other is put into the offset of matter and time and space.

For the dark life, Yi Xia never had any empathy.

He has seen enough of the evils that come from darkness and evil.

It was cruelty and despair far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

They behave pitifully in Yi Xia's hands, but it doesn't mean that they are the same in other lands...

As for this world?

Yi Xia had observed it before.

Although it is not native to the dark world.

But the distortion and pollution of the devil has penetrated into the core of its plane.

After all, normally speaking, if there is still a complete continuation of plane consciousness.

When Yi Xia tried to transfer it, it would not refuse to interact and resist.

Although speaking, Yi Xia's relative reputation in the multiverse is not very lofty.

Only in this regard, his overall credibility is quite solid.

Especially when the situation is already so bad, the world that still has the relevant complete plane consciousness will respond instinctively to survive.

And the related actions in this world verified Yi Xia's previous observations.

If it works normally, it probably won't be saved...

Of course, Yi Xia didn't intend to destroy it either.

He planned to leave this small world here after the completion of this void refinement.

Is it a "gu vessel" in a broad sense?
And with the passage of chaotic time, the fighting of demons in this small world has finally come to an end.

This is a sacrifice of chaos, this is a twisted evolution...

remaining demons.

In other words, the distorted life form deformed by the demon as the base began to absorb the fruitful results of the surrounding battles.

Under the influence of the twisted rules of Abyssal Gu, they can completely absorb these twisted source qualities that are originally different from their lives.

This was a scene that filled Yi Xia with a sense of déjà vu.

It seems that although the painting style is a little more novel, it can still be classified as Gu refining in essence.

In this way, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Your temporary territory: Land of Abundance (Xia Wuyuan Gu) has added 74* high-level chaos units (for details, please go to Warlord: The list of conscriptable units)..."

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Advanced Chaos Unit?

Yi Xia had a thought, and then he stretched his hand straight into the small world.

At this time, the world curtain that has been distorted by Chaos Void no longer blocks Yi Xia's actions.

In this way, Yi Xia grabbed a chaotic life that could still be seen in the form of a demon from the bloody ground.

Under Yi Xia's fiery gaze, this distorted life full of rage and destruction maintained a state of tranquility like a stone sculpture.

This is not only due to the binding force of Abyssal Gu's rules, but also from a more real premonition of destruction.

It was Yi Xia who conquered this chaotic land first, and then gave him complete control over this life.

Rather than the latter simply giving...

The subtle difference between the two is manifested in the more intuitive manifestation of chaotic life.

It is indeed a chaotic life that is pure enough...

Its nutritional value can probably be equivalent to - a small yellow croaker?

Yi Xia sized up this so-called advanced chaos unit.

This thing is not a Gu insect.

However, according to Yi Xia's observation, it can be used as raw material for refining Gu.

Of course, the current Yi Xia obviously does not have the prerequisites for this kind of twisted Gu refinement.

Maybe, you can ask the Gu mother for advice...

Yi Xia thought so.

Of course, that was a choice after the growth of the bloodline.

Yi Xia has already realized clearly enough that the greatest value of this rich land to him is:
It can act as a "void transformer" to a certain extent.

This means that Yi Xia doesn't necessarily need to be obsessed with finding prey in the chaotic void.

Now, he has more choices.

For example, some giant planet beasts that were originally weaker than void life in terms of bloodline growth.

Now, Yi Xia can convert it into a chaotic unit first, and then refine it.

Or those cosmic insect swarms that are huge in number but also lack in blood material.

Today, they no longer seem so thin in terms of resource supply...

Land of abundance...

Yi Xia casually threw the petrified chaotic unit back into the small world.

This chaotic unit is far from enough to make soup.

It's just compared to their original life form.

These remaining chaotic units are much more valuable to Yi Xia.

But now, Yi Xia felt that it was still somewhat troublesome to operate.

Although speaking, it is also possible to use corpses.

But for group life, Yi Xia is unlikely to be able to guarantee that they can obtain their wreckage in such a complete manner.

The attrition rate of combat can drastically cut into hunting gains.

Yi Xia thought about it, and he planned to find a Void Sect to have a look.

They are best at doing this:

Whether it is pulling the material world into the chaotic void, or temporarily pulling the chaotic void into the material world.

These are the special tricks of the Void Sect.

What Yi Xia is preparing now is to learn how to temporarily pull the land of abundance to the material world.

That way, he wouldn't have to bother so much.

As for whether those void sects are willing to teach him?
Yi Xia felt that this was not important.

They are far more cunning than the world imagines.

After paying sufficient amount of destruction, everything will be presented to him as expected...

In the face of darkness, use fire...

And in Willow City on Earth
Yi Jiao carefully protected the flame in her palm.

It is as weak as a faint candle, but grows stubbornly in that void...

The flame is flickering, the torch is passed on from generation to generation...

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