Yi Xia raised his head slightly, and glanced at the sky above his head.

He could feel that some kind of distorted collapse was taking place in the time and space there.

Some aura that Yi Xia is familiar with is overflowing from it.

that is void...

With the screams of people and the screeching of brakes, the city was shrouded in darkness and fear.

Armandley watched everything with a cold expression.

When the bean soldiers fabricated by Yi Xia descended in front of him, Armand Ray was ready to meet his end.

In Armandray's view, this is the future that all the beings who try to step into the void have already expected.

It's just destroyed...

In some senses, Armandray felt that he should be considered a scholar of the void.

He was now obsessively chasing the mysteries of the Void.

It's just that compared to a pure void scholar, Armand Ray's method of practicing his will is undoubtedly not so "academic".

Over such a long period of time, Armand Ray has of course accumulated his loyal strength.

However, the moment Yi Xia arrived, he completely severed his connection with this layer of power.

He knows that some can and need to be resisted.

And some, it is completely unnecessary futile struggle...

In this respect, Armand Ray does not seem like an extremist chasing the void.

Beneath his calm and indifferent expression is the surging manic void power.

It has never been such a simple matter to directly pull a piece of void into the material world.

Even among the plethora of void cults in the multiverse, not all sects possess such abilities.

But Armand Ray was able to activate such a taboo power only by relying on his own power.

Yi Xia, who had already destroyed many Void Sects for this, still recognized this point.

If this ability was so easy to obtain, he wouldn't have obtained Armand Ray's information after destroying so many Void Sects.

Obviously, what is more urgent is not him...

At this time, the clouds and stars above the city completely disappeared, and a deep, wriggling darkness engulfed everything.

But it didn't expand, but maintained its original appearance.

Some weird creeps stretched out in the darkness.

Just the next moment, those squirming stopped.

Everything returned to the dead silence of darkness again...

"Integrated network area reminder: scarlet warning! The local environment is alienated, and a dangerous area of ​​high difficulty appears: the void, triggering a difficult epic challenge event: the void descends!"

"Integrated Network Area Reminder: Highly Difficult Epic Challenge Event: Void Descent has been cancelled, and the danger level in some areas has temporarily decreased significantly..."



Yi Xia ignored the prompt message that was refreshing on the retina.

He sensed the energy changes in Armand Ray's body.

As far as Yi Xia is concerned, of course he cannot fully master such complex spell skills as Armand Ray in such a short period of time.

What Armand Ray showed Yi Xia was how to project the void into the material world from a practical level.

As for theory or more details?

Yi Xia didn't need it.

After roughly understanding the basic principles of this thing, Yi Xia already had some ideas.

At this time, Armand Ray withdrew his gaze from the calm dark sky outside.

He looked at Yi Xia, and said calmly enough:
"I still underestimated your prestige in the void."

Yi Xia glanced at him upon hearing this:
"No, they're not all that smart, it's just that I threw a flag at them outside the material world."

Armand Ray was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Then, he reacted.

"Allow me to take care of a few more chores."

Armand Ray bowed to Yi Xia.

He is not afraid of destruction, but he is slightly emotional about it.

From Yi Xia's words, it is not difficult for him to deduce that some void forces pushed him out as a sacrifice to quell the disaster.

This is the reason why Armand Ray looked down on these void forces.

They have never considered establishing a complete void system that spans time and space.

Instead, they are guarding the shackles of the so-called "doctrine" and "truth".

Relying on primitive methods such as slavery, intimidation, and corruption to grab benefits or satisfy desires.

What corruption and depravity...

Yi Xia nodded, it was rare to give the leader of the Void Sect who cooperated with him the last bit of time.

Maybe it's because I'm used to the distortion and evil of the Void Sect.

Meeting a leader of the Void Sect who was not so bad by chance made Yi Xia look a little sideways.

But that's all there is to it:

Yi Xia will not let go of any blood-stained Void Sect.

The politeness shown by the other party in front of Yi Xia is only because Yi Xia is here now.

For the mortal beings in this world or more worlds, his oppressive power and threat to them are beyond doubt.

Even compared to those crazy guys, Yi Xia felt that the Void Sect with such a leader was much more dangerous.

Of course, this kind of danger refers more to the degree of its potential to cause disasters in the material world.

On the other side, Armand Ray took out a stack of documents that had obviously been prepared a long time ago from the drawer.

He looked at the female secretary who was still standing there at this time.

After the terrifying celestial phenomenon appeared outside because of Armand Ray pulling the void, an emergency evacuation notice from the city's ruling class came.

The other employees have long since slipped away.

Although the female secretary was full of fear, she stayed until now.

Armandray was aware of the opponent's ambitions, and he did not underestimate the opponent because of this.

In Armandray's view, human beings are creatures chasing desires.

If you don't even have the courage to pursue your desires, then you are no different from a low-level beast struggling to survive.

He stuffed the document in his hand into the hands of the female secretary whose body was already a little stiff:

"It belongs to you..."

"Remember: don't hang out with fools."

Afterwards, he calmly walked in front of Yi Xia.

"I heard that you possess a forbidden flame that can burn everything, visible and invisible."

"I was born on the bank of a raging and muddy river, now, please allow me to say goodbye in the form of fire."

Yi Xia nodded upon hearing this.

In the next instant, a flame ignited from Armand Ray's body.

Only then did the female secretary collapse on the ground as if waking up from a dream.

She looked in horror at Armand Ray who was instantly engulfed by the flames.

Until, he was completely turned into a pool of ashes...

Even this time the flames did not disappear, but continued to devour the ashes that seemed to have nothing left...

A somewhat different leader of the Void Sect...

Yi Xia looked at Armand Ray who did not make a final resistance until he was completely swallowed by the witch fire.

He felt that he was well-informed, but the multiverse still did not hesitate to show him the infinite possibilities of beings.

And at this time, the void that lost the support of the caster also began to gradually recede from the material world...

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