Chapter 141: Witch Cheng Shocks the World! (Two updates!)

somewhere in Wushan
Wu Haoxue walked slowly on the rugged mountain road.

At this time, it was extremely hot outside the mountain.

But in the mountains, under the mist, on the side of the cliff.

The mountain breeze is blowing, but it is a bit cool.

The mountain road was slippery, and Wu Haoxue's progress was rather slow.

He is over seventy years old, the age when half of his body has been buried in the earth.

As early as the year before last, he was taken to live in a building down the mountain by his worried children.

But Wu Haoxue was worried about the ancestral house in the mountains.

Every once in a while, I still climb up to check.

The children are worried, but due to work, it is not easy to accompany them, and they cannot be stopped.

I had to entrust my nephew Wu Leihao, who came back from vacation recently, to help take care of it.

It's just that they obviously overestimated the physical strength of their nephew.

"Grandpa, let's... take it easy..."

Panting heavily, Wu Leihao shouted from behind.

He grew up in the city since he was a child, and he doesn't like sports very much.

Climbing such a steep hillside suddenly is a bit overwhelming.

Wu Haoxue made fun of his grandson's physical strength, and led him to find a slightly flat rock to sit on.

Then he took out a dry cigarette and smoked it with a click.

"At that time, your grandma and I would carry oily rice and go up the mountain from here."

Wu Haoxue pointed to the mountain road hidden among the clouds and mist, and recalled the past somewhat.

Wu Leihao looked at the steep cliff below the roaring mountain peak, and felt shocking.

In some places there is no road at all, just some steep rocks.

If roads are built, the damage to the environment will be too great.

Otherwise, the concrete road would have been repaired here long ago.

Fortunately, the families in the mountains have almost moved.

Wait a few more years, a hundred years after Wu Haoxue's generation.

It is estimated that no one went up.

Wu Leihao thinks this is a good thing, and this place is too dangerous.

I don't know how the ancestors thought of running to such a place to settle down.

But speaking of ancestors, Wu Leihao was a little interested in what his grandfather had said about Wu Zhi's past.

The old people always have some strange country tales they heard from nowhere.

I don't see any "collecting the wind" anywhere, and I can always hear stories that I haven't heard before.

It was as if, before Wu Leihao's generation was born, strange things were everywhere.

The reason why Wu Leihao was interested in this was because in the story told by his grandfather, there was a Gu Shi girl who was dressed in an exotic style and looked fresh.

Who doesn't like fair and tender little girls? (shock)

Occasionally, Wu Leihao also fantasized that a young girl from Miaojiang would fall in love with him and secretly violate the group training to give him a love gu or something.

Thinking about it now, I really dared to think...

Sure enough, it was okay to sit down, and my grandfather told Wu Leihao some past stories about witchcraft that seemed to be true or false.

He said that in the early years, they were witches here.

At that time, the environment was very chaotic, and the people in their village went outside but no one provoked them.

It's not like running amok, at least people can still sit down and reason with you.

After the founding of the country, there will be no witchcraft.

Those former "shamans" also switched to other professions.

"Then do they really know how to release Gu?"

Wu Leihao asked curiously.

"I'm not happy now."

"The police station wants to talk to them."

Wu Haoxue licked the cigarette with his tongue to make it firmer.

Then he took another sip and said slowly.

Wu Leihao: ...

Grandpa's stories are always so full of mysterious elements and closely combined with reality.

While it makes people feel speechless, it also makes sense.

If you go out to tell a book, it must be very popular.

And just when Wu Leihao had enough rest, the two of them were about to continue walking up the mountain.

Suddenly, I saw a green snake running down the mountain desperately.

When he saw two people, he didn't wait.

He climbed directly to the woods on the cliff next to him, and disappeared in a flash of smoke.

Wu Haoxue was taken aback for a while, but didn't care.

He only muttered that the snake was probably a mouse that had eaten the poison, and continued to climb up.

Then, after turning a corner, they saw the real "big army".

That was a scene that Wu Leihao had never seen before:

Ordinary and extremely rare centipedes and many strange insects crawled down the mountain wall.

There are even more mice running desperately in groups.

Even if there is a snake next to it, it doesn't matter.

And the snake didn't pay any attention to them, just headed down the mountain sullenly.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid there will be an earthquake!"

Wu Leihao shouted in panic.

Such a scene instantly reminded him of the earthquake science popularization he had read.

Even if it wasn't an earthquake, it probably wouldn't be a good thing.

Wu Haoxue stopped, he groped in his pocket for a long time, and took out his reading glasses.

Then he put it on tremblingly, raised his head and began to seriously look at the gradually thickening fog on the mountain.

For a moment, Wu Leihao saw an unprecedented strange expression on his grandfather's face.

He saw solemnity and surprise from it, and there were many emotions that he couldn't express.

I just feel that the grandfather at this moment has become very strange.

"It's not an earthquake..."

After a long time, Wu Haoxue said in a muffled voice.

Wu Leihao found that his grandfather's voice became extremely hoarse, and his face became tangled and struggling:
"Go back! I'm also a witch, he won't hurt me."

Grandpa suddenly grabbed Wu Leihao's hand, his strength was so strong that Wu Leihao felt a little painful.

Then, he let go and ran straight up the hill.


This made Wu Leihao stunned, he gritted his teeth on the spot, and ran after him.

Can you go back with confidence?

What happened really happened, not to mention what uncle and aunt thought, he couldn't sleep peacefully in his life.

Along the way, the fog gradually thickened.

Wu Leihao endured his nausea, not knowing how many insects he trampled to death.

He feels that this is better than the scene of caterpillars being infested and everywhere when he was a child, and finally the government photographed a helicopter to spray medicine.

Even more creepy.

Finally, when his chest seemed to be stuffed with burning coals, it was so anxious that it made him ache.

Wu Leihao finally saw his grandfather's frail figure.

At this moment, suddenly, in the cloud and mist in front of him, there seemed to be a heavy thunder explosion!
So, the mountain shook!



endless power...

Amidst the miasma, Yi Xia stretched his body.

After he left the battlefield, he did not awaken his blood in the basement.

Instead, through the method of Nuo: Wentian, I got a suitable place, and then followed the map in the sea of ​​consciousness to find it all the way.

This is somewhere in Wushan, one of the condensed points of the ancient concept of Wuzhi in this world.

And as the Titan's core sank into his stomach, Yi Xia suddenly felt the flames in his heart, and his flesh and blood were boiling hot!
Clothes that originally fit gradually became tighter.

Finally, with a tearing sound, it completely broke apart!
The world seems to have become an egg.

And he is slowly pushing away from the egg!


The thick fog that can't be seen!

In a daze, Yi Xia heard the sound of bones being torn apart.

He just felt like he was getting bigger and bigger!get bigger!

In the thick fog, he himself couldn't see clearly.

I just feel the shadow of the originally towering mountain.

At this moment, it seemed that he was a little shorter.

And in the chest cavity, the heart that had been silent all this time suddenly moved!

In an instant, it was like empty space.

Some people use the mountains as hammers and the earth as drums.

With one hammer, the sound of drums shakes all directions!

Then everything was silent, the beasts fled, and the sky trembled!

The sea of ​​clouds was completely cleared, the sky was shining straight down, and the sea of ​​fog was churning like anger!

In an instant, the strong wind blew straight through the peaks and ridges, and the sound of the mountains sounded like weeping!

After that, the sky changed suddenly, and the lead clouds were densely covered, stirring up thunder bursts!

Some kind of turbulent will travels through endless time, choking in Yi Xia's throat.

Among the mountains and mist, he couldn't help roaring:

That roar rose with the wind and went straight to the sky!
Just as the electric light was stirring, the sky and the earth were brightened!
For a long time, there was no sound of thunder, only electric snakes were seen darting, shaking the sky and the earth!

This is the final sound of the wild!

So lonely, as if the Milky Way is pouring down, and the heavy rain is pouring down.

Yi Xia slowly opened his eyes, in the thick fog, he was in a trance for three days.

He looked around, the mountains lowered their eyebrows, and there was no barrier.

He saw the two of them were as insignificant as ants, struggling awkwardly in the rain.

A person is old and frail, but energetic.

Yi Xia felt a feeling in his heart, and sighed slightly.

They just dispelled the curse one or two times, and seeing their stubbornness, they drove them down the mountain with magic.

After the self, there is no witch...

In the dense fog, Yi Xia shook his head.

Afterwards, the figure gradually disappeared without a trace...

(End of this chapter)

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