Chapter 149 We are the Po Army! (Two updates!)
Rusty Dagger-Maruna-Cantu is a goblin captain.

Of course, it prefers to be called by its current title: Captain!
Yes, under the leadership of the great and wise Junio, the goblins are no longer robbers, bandits and scavengers.

They want to accomplish the feat that all the goblins have not accomplished, and even dreamed of:
They want to rule this land!

Rust Dagger-Maruna Cantu held his chest high, making it look misshapen and ridiculous.

But no one dares to make fun of them anymore!

The fortress that humans regard as "eternal protection" was breached by them a month ago.

Even the sacred royal city, which once made goblins unable to look directly, is within easy reach!
What a great deed and glory this is to make the goblins tremble!
Goblins can also have their own kingdoms!

Rust Dagger-Maruna Kantu felt an endless flame burning in his chest.

Like all goblins at the moment.

They are chasing the Goblin King Junio ​​crazily.

It was so tall and mighty, unlike the smaller bodies of other goblins.

The goblins said: That is the wisdom that the goblin king has nowhere to put.

"Slap times..."

The oil lamps in the camp made some kind of unknown explosion.

Rusty Dagger-Maruna Kantu glanced dissatisfied.

It is a magic lamp made of the oil of enemies and other creatures, which can illuminate those who try to hide.

As the great goblin king said:
Humans never thought of ruling the world as equals with goblins.

And the goblins will not leave a seat for them in the future.

Only goblins are goblins, as for the others, they are enemies and food!

Rust Dagger-Maruna-Cantu heard that there are still humans trying to form an alliance with the goblins to deal with humans together.

Stupid and despicable human beings...

Their seemingly glamorous but filthy bodies have occupied and polluted this world for too long!

Heartbroken, Rusty Dagger Maruna Kantu ground his teeth, feeling a little loose.

Not too old for a goblin.

But he had eaten too bad food for a long time, which seriously damaged his teeth.

It wants some honey.

But now it's duty time, it can't leave the post.

This is an extremely glorious task, and it must use its own eyes to stare at every dark corner.

This is worthy of the title of goblin captain it was given.

And at this moment, Rust Dagger Maruna Kantu felt that the sky was getting dark.

It was as if there was a dark cloud covering them.

Subconsciously, Rust Dagger Maruna Kantu looked up.

Then, its breathing stops:

It saw that above the clouds, a huge humanoid creature was floating there!


Do not!
Rust Dagger-Maruna-Cantu directly sounded the alarm!
Times have changed!

They are no longer cowardly and weak goblins!
They want to chew every piece of sweet cheese in this world, and they want to breathe every trace of fresh air in this world!

Even such monsters can't stop them!

"call out!"

With the harsh sirens, the goblin camps distributed like honeycombs became restless in an instant.

Like a nest of ants suddenly gushing out, the seemingly chaotic team all ran to their defensive positions in an orderly manner.

As the Goblin King said:

A brood of goblins can only eat carrion and maggots, but a team of goblins can feast on the blood of the enemy!

bring it on!Monster, you will see the power of goblins trained by the goblin king!

Rusty Dagger-Maruna-Cantu was mixed in the team, it picked up the magic crossbow in its hand, and tried to follow the opponent's trail.

Once the opponent enters the appropriate strike range, follow the guide with one arrow.

They will instantly shoot tens of thousands of magic arrows!

But the other party seemed to have no intention of approaching.

He just hovered there, calmly staring at the goblins who were about to move below.

"If an enemy is close to you, give me a set of acceleration, and pay attention to protecting yourself at other times."

High in the sky, a muffled thunder-like sound resounded.

The kitten who was tightly wrapped by a construct-like thing nodded quickly.

Then, fire fell from the sky!

Rust Dagger Maruna Kantu's pupils shrank suddenly.

The next moment, the flames splashed!



The ferocious flame mercilessly devoured everything in sight!
run away?

The flame that seems to be activated has completed the initial accumulation in a very short period of time.

The goblin's wooden structures and their flesh provide enough energy feedback for the fire.

What's more, there was no time for flames to fall from the sky.

As if with just a blink of an eye, the goblin's frontline barracks were completely engulfed in a sea of ​​flames!


The flesh-and-blood goblin only had time to let out a short, abrupt scream in the midst of the flames.

Then it completely melted into that raging crimson.

Ferocity and cruelty, great deeds and achievements.

Everything became silent in the flames!

The kitten looked tremblingly at the sea of ​​flames below.

Even if it is in the sky, it can still feel the rage and ferocity of the flame.

It was not the magical flames swallowed by monsters, nor the docile firewood in the furnace.

It is a fiery red monster that devours everything, an ocean of fire that drowns everything!

The strong wind mixed with hot air was blowing, making the little cat man a little hot.

It sniffed, as if smelling some kind of burnt meat.

The kitten was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly pulled out an air filter equipment from the item backpack.

It still wants to eat meat in the future...

Although there is no killing revenue share, it still refreshes new dungeon achievement unlocking and faction relationship change reminders on the retina from time to time.

In just half an hour or so, it has become the eternal enemy of goblins who "run through life and death".

The timid little catman didn't feel so panicked this time.

Because even if it is not very good at fighting, it can see:

The goblins of this world may soon become history...

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your team destroyed the Goblin Outpost Battalion, and contributed more than 90% of the combat contribution value in this annihilation campaign. All members of your team will receive the achievement title: Breaking the Army (19875 Goblins) /Epic, those who already have relevant titles will get relevant boosted attributes”

"Breaking the military:
Type: Epic title

Requirements related to the title: Under the condition that the relevant level of the individual/team does not exceed the relevant level of the enemy by 15 or more, the basic effect can be unlocked after defeating/annihilating an organized enemy army with a scale of more than [-]
Title description:

Defeat tens of thousands of enemies with a handful of people.

Bravery and strength, perseverance and wisdom...

No matter what you rely on, complete this legendary deed.

In the epic of blood and fire, you will leave a strong stroke that will make the enemy tremble...

Title attributes:
When facing related enemies:
1. Obtain the fear effect based on the increase attribute (in the behavior of breaking the army, the number of kills in a single battle).

2. All spells and spell-like effects that need to be self-checked get enhanced judgment/no judgment required.

ps: Passing by silently, I don’t dare to have more bbs in front of this kind of war boss title... ——Comprehensive network hot comment 9999+
ps: I think Zongwang still has a small structure, why must it be defeated and annihilated—assuming I can defeat [-] succubi? ——Comprehensive and powerful anonymity

ps: Is there no one who cares about Zongwang upstairs?Come on, come on, come on, cancel anonymity, let me be healthy——Zongwang Anonymous


"Reminder for newbies on the comprehensive network: Titles with fear-related effects will cause the initial relationship deterioration of the relevant camps."

Kitten: Meow?
Looking at his integrated network panel, suddenly there was an epic title, and the kitten was lost in thought.

Then, he finally noticed that his president was contacting him.

After thinking about it, the kitten forwarded the attributes of the title:

"President, we have reached the title of epic! @刀队-麦克克里, title attribute link: Pojun (dazzling golden light)..."

On the other side:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have a new friend message, please check it in time."

Blade Shield-Mike Kerry, who was running the task, suddenly stopped, and then he clicked on his comprehensive network friend list.

The next moment, Blade Shield-Mike Kerry fell silent...

(End of this chapter)

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