Chapter 171 The Hometown of the Kitty Man (One more update!)

When Yi Xia sensed the distorted space around her, it gradually calmed down.

He opened his eyes and found that he was standing in an extremely empty field.

There was a faint smell of saltiness in the air.

Yi Xia is quite familiar with this - he once had a passionate fight with the murlocs accompanied by such a sea breeze...

"I thought you were usually in giant form."

"Welcome to Juscelino, my hometown..."

The kitten Mili Yali-Xin Miao waved the colorful flag in her hand, and behind it stood many strangers that Yi Xia didn't know.

Yi Xia guessed that this should be its teammate.

Most of them are human.

But probably not from one world.

The fluctuations of magic particles in the plane, the gravity of the material world, and the laws related to the operation of particles, etc., will all lead to external changes in life forms.

Even if they are all human beings, there may be quite different differences in the presentation of their physical form.

To put it in a less precise way: the style of painting is different.

"Hello, Mike Kerry, Xin Meow's president.


Blade Shield-Mike Kerry stepped forward and shook hands with Yi Xia.

This is quite a strong fighter.

Yi Xia followed them across the plains on a gigantic camel with some bovine features.

After climbing a steep slope, I saw the magnificent scene of the sea and sky.

This is the ocean of the world where magic particles are extremely active - when it is restless, it is enough to set off a monstrous wave that will overthrow civilization.

But now, it sleeps peacefully there.

The undulating waves are more like its whispering when it is sleeping.

The city of kitten people is located in the corner of this quiet sapphire - this is the hometown of kitten people.

The sea, like everything else, cares for these little furry guys.

"Ding dong..."

Across the plain, there is a road paved with fine gravel that stretches to the end of the line of sight.

Although it is not very wide, it is enough for two camel beasts to walk side by side.

From time to time, Yi Xia could catch a glimpse of camels passing by.

Most of them have bells of different styles hanging on their bodies.

The kitten people above have different costumes and fur colors.

Some of them would look at him curiously when they saw the strange Yi Xia.

Then, after their eyes met, they moved away with a flicker.

When Yi Xia turned his head, he immediately looked again.

But there are also a small number of kitten people who have always been quite vigilant towards Yi Xia, even close to the state of blowing their hair.

In addition to the racial specialties of agility, kittens also have corresponding bonuses in perception.

They may have seen something in Yi Xia that is not as "gentle" as he appears on the surface...

"Old Feng Si's son, seems to have made another dangerous friend..."

On a camel beast, a kitten said to the kitten who was walking beside him.

The little catman with some signs of aging in his hair sniffed and glanced at Yi Xia who was not far away.

It immediately retracted its gaze and took a sip of the pipe in its hand:

"My friend, it will not be dangerous..."

It touched another piece of dried fish casually, and chewed it casually.

If you don't know some "dangerous" friends, are you still a cat person?

Even if the hair is removed, the sensitive body becomes bloated and lazy.

But you can still know where it belongs through those bright eyes...



The catman's architecture is obviously a little different from that of humans.

They use logs or other things to raise the base of the house high.

There are also houses built directly in the shell of a big tree.

But there are no steps, only long ropes hanging outside the door.

Yi Xia caught a glimpse of a young kitten climbing the long rope rather clumsily.

And the adult kitten jumped up.

Their eaves hang high in mid-air.

A camel was found passing by.

Smelling a strange smell, the catman slipped out of the house full of various switchable holes.

Then, along the walls with protruding water chestnuts, he jumped to the eaves and sat down.

Yi Xia glanced and could see a small furry head.

And when Yi Xia looked over, they turned their heads in unison.

Some began to look at the house, while others noticed some uneven hair on their companions' heads.

The kitten person Mili Yali-Xin Meow's house is almost the same as other kitten people.

It sits on the western corner of the kitty market town.

Along the uneven houses, you can see a refreshing blue.

Yi Xia followed the kitten through the fence full of fragrant white flowers, a kitten slightly bigger than an adult's palm was fluttering butterflies in the yard.

And at its feet, there was a milk jug that had been kicked down.


The kitten Mili Yali-Xin Miao picked up her young brother.

Then jumped on the house and stuffed it into an open hole.

Then he jumped down again, and threw the milk can on the ground into his item backpack.

Between the ups and downs of the rabbit, the whole process was completed in a flowing manner.

It looks quite familiar...

"That's my worry-free younger brother. When Meow was so old, he could go fishing with his uncle!"

Mili Yali-Xin Miao shook her head, she seemed to have the air of an elder sister being a mother.

"Your uncle still keeps the pole that you bitten."

"When it came over the year before last, it asked you to pay for it. It was a pole given to it by your aunt when she was young."

At one moment, an old kitten came out of the house.

It jumped down lightly with agility that an old creature should not have at all.

The soft soles of the feet landed on the grass without making a sound.

The cat person Mili Yali-Xin Miao introduced to everyone that this is its grandma.

Because the structure of the kitten's room is not suitable for other life.

In particular, there is a super-giant existence that looks like a human being hidden inside.

Out of deep affection for the old house, the cat person Mili Yali-Xin Miao chose to receive everyone in the yard.

It promised Yi Xia.

Naturally, he should be invited to eat a wave of fat fish from the west coast first.

And considering that there are no corresponding advanced item backpacks, there are always some flaws.

For a picky eater like Kittenman, it is natural to have its stubbornness.

For this type of food, freshness is the top prefix.

There are many wooden tables and chairs in the yard.

It can be seen that these are freshly made to order.

Kitty people's furniture is naturally not very suitable for humans or even larger creatures.

Soon, the fish came up.

Kitten Mili Yali-Xin Miao has prepared many types of kitchen utensils for everyone.

Yi Xia was quite surprised to find chopsticks inside.

"Are you... from the East?"

Seeing Yi Xia choose the chopsticks, the female mage who had been sitting quietly next to her showed a little surprise in her eyes.

Then, she looked at Yi Xia and said in a rather jerky Chinese, but there was no problem with the overall structure and pronunciation.

Instead of using spell abilities, she did learn the language.

Yi Xia glanced at the other party and nodded, the fire in his eyes was slightly lingering.

The female mage is not of the blood of the Eastern lineage.

As a witch, he sensed it immediately.

"I have a friend who is also Oriental."

"She's a... awesome guy."

The female mage continued.

Yi Xia was stunned.

In the catman's painting style, Xiao Qiao's, exquisite house, surrounded by comprehensive network players with different painting styles.

Then a female mage who was clearly not an oriental face spoke mandarin with a pure accent, and she spoke very smoothly.

Yi Xia felt that it was a little subtle...

 There are double activities these days, ask for monthly tickets...

  ——From the bald guy who still wanted to continue the lottery although the lottery was 100*3 last month
(End of this chapter)

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