The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 178 On the side of the ancient river, the boatman said that the dragon trace

Chapter 178 On the side of the ancient river, the boatman said the dragon's trace (two more!)

three days?

Yi Xia walked alone in the lush forest.

He doesn't know the depth of the evil dragon.

Prepare to go and have a look.

If you can win it, just win it.

Of course, Yi Xia also needs other resources.

But now, there is a witchcraft waiting for him to open.

The other resources are not very attractive for the time being.

Considering this copy, it is very likely that it is a related derivative copy of the Eastern Extraordinary Civilization Lineage.

Yi Xia didn't fly to the sky.

His flying ability is really not enough to get it in the pedigree of the extraordinary civilization of the East.

If you keep your feet on the ground, you will be able to play more stably.

The woods were full of wanton shrubs.

There is no forest where there are a lot of human activities, and the plants grow wildly.

This also gave birth to a large number of wild animals.

Yi Xia passed through arrogantly all the way, causing a lot of commotion.

There are common wild animals such as pheasants, and there are also rare species that are hard to see on the earth where Yi Xia is located.

For example: a big cat squatting on a tree not far away.

Yi Xia glanced at it.

With the fire in his eyes, the other party's flesh and blood were peeled off.

Thus, Yi Xia was able to see the glowing power in the opponent's body.

Well, probably better than the one I just met in the Gobi Desert.

To be about ten times stronger...

Well, it's a demon.

It seems that Yi Xia is not afraid, which is quite a rare thing.

The big cat moved closer.

Then, it finally sensed Yi Xia's breath.

In fact, Yi Xia never restrained his aura.

In this regard, witchcraft does not have much heritage.

In other words, there are probably also some, but most of the witches don't like it very much.

Then, the big cat was slightly taken aback.

The ancient memory hidden in the blood finally made it correspond to some ancient and terrifying concepts on the strange-looking human being opposite.

Its hair exploded, as if it had gained weight out of thin air!
Then jump up, ready to run away!

In the next moment, the danger of some kind of death made the big cat slam the brakes on the car.

"come over."

It heard a muffled cry behind it.

The breath of some kind of death became stronger and stronger, and the big cat slowly turned its head unwillingly.

Then, it saw the dissipated sparks from the tip of the opponent's nose...

"Do you know where the evil dragon is?"

"Don't wag your tail, I know you understand."

Yi Xia looked at the big cat in front of him and asked.

Evil Jiao?

The big cat's tail wags faster.

Bitterness, another person who wants to add food to the Dragon King...

But why bother me?
Sensing Yi Xia's increasingly hostile eyes, Big Cat felt that it was always better to die later.

So, he bowed his head and stepped forward dejectedly to lead Yi Xia the way.

By chance, I caught a glimpse of the same kind with peeping.

The big cat is also ready to call it over.

Most of the other party gave it a cold look, and slipped away without responding.

Only a certain crow has been hovering in the air.

It always likes to watch such inappropriate things...

"Quack, quack."

Its voice always made the big cat below feel full of sarcasm.

Although, this guy hasn't removed the crossbone in his throat, so he can't say anything yet.

But the big cat always felt that this guy was talking about "unlucky ghost" or something.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't join in the fun.

I don't eat people, so I ran to see a ball!
The big cat resented in his heart.

It just watched the chickens and dogs jumping in the forest, and wanted to come over to see the excitement.

Who knows, it was left behind as soon as it was seen.

Although the speed at which the big cat was moving forward was not half as fast as it was when it was running for its life.

But the location of the evil dragon is not too far away.

When the sun was slanting to the west, under a hill full of fertile wild wormwood, one person and one cat heard the sound of water in the distance.

Although never seen.

But just by listening to the sound, Yi Xia could feel the rush of the water.

When the big cat got here, it stopped.

It pointed forward with its paws, and then crawled on the ground.

It turned out to be like a human being, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and carefully perceived the other party's state.

In the world of the Eastern Extraordinary Civilization lineage, there are obvious spiritual changes after cannibalism.

This big cat doesn't seem to have eaten anyone.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and threw a magical cooking to the other party.

"Let's go, don't harm anyone in the future."

"Otherwise, I will scrape the intestines and remove the stomach, and swallow you up."

Yi Xia said so.

So, the big cat was stunned.

Just as he was about to turn his head and run for his life, he thought about it again, turned his head and picked up the magic cooking that Yi Xia had thrown, and rushed into the forest like crazy.

After a while, there was no trace.

Yi Xia went straight through the wild wormwood in front of him.

Not long after, a wide and turbulent river appeared in Yi Xia's eyes.

So, how to get the evil dragon out.

Yi Xia looked at Dahe in front of him and fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia was going to test the depth of the water.

If it is not deep, he may be able to refer to the reproduction of a certain operation.

And at this moment, Yi Xia found someone worshiping not far away.

Yi Xia walked over and saw that it was an old man.

The old man was startled when he saw Yi Xia's strange face.

Taking a closer look at the soles of Yi Xia's feet, he was relieved to find that there were no wet marks.

"You want to cross the river?"

"It's just a coincidence."

"The Dragon King went to Xiaohedu in the east to have a banquet, but he didn't return after a few days."

"According to the usual practice, you have to wait for three days, and the Dragon King will not return until he has had a good drink."

"Then you can cross the river."

The old man thought that Yi Xia might be a passing traveler, so he greeted him.

He is the boatman here.

Only when there are no relatives and no reasons can we ferry people safely.

If not, I have concerns, but I am afraid that if my heart softens, I will suffer disaster.

This Hejian Dragon King is not a kind and gentle person.

"I see."

Yi Xia nodded, thank you.

At this time, he naturally understood why the task had to wait for three days.


"Where is Xiaohedu? I wonder which god's banquet the Dragon King is going to?"

Yi Xia pretended to be curious and asked.

Seeing that although Yi Xia was wearing weird clothes, he behaved politely, not like a rude person.

You don't need white noodles, you can sound upright, and you are not eunuchs.

The old man thought for a while, then pointed to the east:

"It's a long way. It takes a few days to go down the river."

"When you meet a mountain and divide the water into two, follow the flow of the sunshine. When you see a peach tree forming a forest, it is a small river crossing."

"There, there is also a Dragon King."

The old man twirled his beard lightly, he knew a lot about such immortal matters.

"Thank you old man, I don't know where there is a place to stay."

Yi Xia immediately smiled when he heard this.

The old man thought that he was smiling because he could hear such fairy tales.

He didn't care too much, and ordered a nearby lodging place with him.

He has a woodshed nearby, but no one is allowed to stay.

Yi Xia thanked the old man, then took his leave and left.

And in a certain luxurious place, there are two people dressed in Chinese robes, with the head of a dragon, and they are enjoying a drink...

(End of this chapter)

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