Chapter 183 Wuzhai, Sowing Good Desires to Seek the Law (One more!)

The night was cold, and the cottage surrounded by mountains was soon shrouded in deep darkness.

The torches swaying in the mountain wind distort the light and shadow into various grotesque appearances.

I don't know when, it started to rain lightly.

The river, which is used for children to play during the day, seems to have quietly risen a few points at this time.

Under the light of the fire, a little deep light was refracted.

Occasionally, you can glimpse some broad backs like a glimpse.

In the dense darkness not far from the cottage, a few soft chewing sounds pierced the surrounding silence.

A ferocious and dangerous aura seemed to quietly infiltrate the dark night.

Here is a hundred thousand mountains, a place that humans of the extraordinary civilization lineage have not yet been able to cover.

Yi Xia stood on the wooden attic, quietly looking at the dim night in front of him.

At this time, he was already in this Wuzhai named "Return".

Boliang is an orthodox wizard, and he probably fits many stereotypes of witches in the hearts of the world.

Yi Xia could tell that the clansmen were in awe of him.

But not alienated.

It can be treated like a famous, but traditional and stubborn elder in the village.

It's just that Boliang has a little more treacherous and unpredictable means compared to ordinary elders.

In Wuzhai, not everyone can use witchcraft.

It's just that under the influence of my ears and eyes, I have mastered some methods of using Gu and small techniques.

Just like the black dog's blood to ward off evil spirits, it is an indigenous method that circulates in the world.

There is no essential difference between the two.

Even the latter is more similar to the method of hunting and gathering medicine.

It's just forced by life.

At this time, it was getting late.

People in Wuzhai rest early.

In such a place where ghosts and gods are ravaged, nightlife is extremely extravagant.

After entering the stockade, Yi Xia had a conversation with Boliang.

He had a general understanding of the condition of the village.

Yi Xia was somewhat surprised by this:

Bo Liang seems unwarranted by him.

Speaking of the situation in the stockade, there is no taboo.

Maybe it's because there aren't that many overturning backstabs among witches?

Yi Xia had some vague guesses.


At this moment, Yi Xia heard the sound of someone stepping on a wooden plank upstairs.

This building looks like a building on stilts, and it's not bad to live in.

That is, there are often gaps between the planks.

After a long time, stepping on it will make various dull or sharp long sounds.

Yi Xia turned around, and saw Bo Liang was staggering towards him with something like animal skin in one hand and a clay pot in the other.

"It's cold in the mountains, why don't you go into the house and drink some hot soup together."

Boliang looked at Yi Xia who hadn't rested yet, and said so.

Yi Xia glanced at him, his eyes were filled with fire.

Then nodded.

Before leaving, he saw a dark wind blowing outside the village, which was really scary.

Then he breathed out a breath of hot air, turned into a white rainbow and left.

In the uproar, if the wind howls.

As a result, the cloudy wind disappeared, leaving only a bright night.

So the ghosts and demons dare not enter again...



Entering the house, Bo Liang threw a fire under the jar.

After a while, there was smoke.

Then a fire lingered in it, and white smoke rose from it.

In the air, the aroma of broth gradually filled.

"One hundred thousand mountains, so hot and humid."

"Even with the power of Gu insects, it's hard to keep rotten flesh from producing maggots."

"I have to take some good meat and hang it on the beams of the house. When it is smoked, I can get food for a hundred days."

While Boliang was talking, he took out a lot of pieces of meat that had been sliced ​​earlier from his pocket.

Only pour it in when the broth is boiling.

Put a lot of spices, dry goods and the like.

It's kind of like hot pot.

"Wizard's night visit, why did you come here?"

Yi Xia looked at Boliang, and he roughly guessed the other party's intentions.

"I'm really ashamed. It's been 50 years since Liang learned witchcraft."

"Taste and observe the ancestral home, understand the things of the great witch, and give birth to the aspirations of the heart."

"So I made up my mind under the banner, and wanted to become the business of my ancestors."

"The days are bad, and I am still trapped in the mountains."

"The method of cultivation is not good, so far it is rare to continue"

"It's not good to be honest."

Boliang sighed and said with a bit of sigh.

"Come here rashly this time, not for the old fantasy."

"Liang knows that wizards are really extraordinary."

"Just looking at the wizard, if you can see the children in the village, it will be a good thing."

"But not extravagant."

"Just leave a few words and that's it."

Bo Liang slowly bent down towards Yi Xia and said.

Wu is not a barbarian, and his waist has the meaning of a thousand pieces of gold.

In addition to offering sacrifices to ancestors, how can they be less important than others?

"It doesn't have to be."

"I'm also an empty stomach, and I only know a little bit of superficial methods."

Yi Xia holds Bo Liang up.

If someone has a heart, he would kneel on the ground and not let him be shaken.

In the flame-shrouded will, the act of weakness has already been turned into ashes.

"It's superficial, it's superficial."

"Don't ask them to be successful, but only let the descendants of Dashan not be trapped by hungry, cold and wild ghosts."

Bo Liang heard the words and said hastily.

Yi Xia thought for a while, then nodded:

"I can stay here for up to six days."

"During the day, I need to go out to find something to eat."

"In the evening, you can call some well-behaved ones, and I will tell them some clumsy methods."

"Maybe we can drive some fireworks away to get rid of the wind and cold."

"I'm not good at delicate work."

It is the trend of the times that witches withdraw from the trend of the times.

Unless the world is finally in chaos, human beings will once again face a wild predicament.

Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before the shaman's inheritance is cut off, or even assimilated.

But just like the sand and gravel of the times, falling on the head of all things, it is a heavy object that lifts the sky.

It is not a disaster to give these descendants of witches a little continuation.

Bo Liang was so excited when he heard the words.

After a long time, I remembered another important thing:

"Conscience knows that wizards come here to find spirits and monsters."

"This is a map of the surrounding mountains and rivers, which was made by the ancestors of the wizards in the village."

"So far, it has been hundreds of years."

"Although less than half of the [-] mountains are available, it may be used by wizards."

Boliang took out the animal skin-like thing that had been clamped in his hand.

Then, handed it to Yi Xia.

Yi Xia took it, only to see chaos above.

Then move your eyesight, and in the flames, you can see the mountains rising suddenly.

There are monsters that are weird and fierce, roaring on the animal skin.

"here is?"

Yi Xia pointed to a dark place on the map, looked at Boliang and asked.

"There is a forest of plantains. Many years ago, there was a group of giant elephants entrenched here."

"The giant elephant is mighty. I haven't visited it for a hundred years."

Bo Liang looked at it and explained.

Giant elephant?

Yi Xia pondered for a while, and planned to take a rest for the night, and go to have a look tomorrow.

He's generally interested in ordinary spirits.

What's more, the spirits and monsters around are also an important food for the nearby cottages.

Naturally, it was inconvenient for him to hunt aggressively.

It is more convenient for him to fight on the hills farther away.

In this way, Yi Xia discussed some witchcraft skills with Bo Liang, and went to bed early.

And the other side:
After running all over the nearby map, the mechanical gunner, who didn't see the figure in his memory again, fell into deep thought.

Fuck?Where's the boss?
I didn't see him quit the copy either...

(End of this chapter)

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