Chapter 190 Witch's Idealism (One more update!)

And as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, relevant prompt information was immediately refreshed on his retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Please confirm whether to choose limited inheritance-witch medicine/recipe: soup, as your ceremony reward for this ceremony: Sacrifice-Kyushu? Please note that this operation is irreversible!"

Yi Xia directly confirmed it with his consciousness.

In the next moment, some ancient information that cannot be carried in words began to emerge in his consciousness:
"Choose success, a new recipe has been added to your potion/recipe: Soup."


Type: Witch Potion/Recipe
Quality: Epic

Limited to: witchcraft (for witch medicine), oriental extraordinary civilization pedigree (for recipes)
Drinking requirements: witchcraft level 10 or completed the awakening of witchcraft blood, perception 15 points/perception, constitution above 20 points (based on the actual level of witchcraft, not fixed), and have energy ablation skills above master level and ogre level above Stomach and related digestive system
Proficiency Level: Level 1 (0/10000)


Recipe content (witch medicine expansion):
After a brief ritual or ritual-like effect, the witchcraft applies a spell-like effect (fire-related elements) to the selected witchcraft instrument, and this type of spell effect will continue to affect the witchcraft instrument... After the substance is dissolved, the After the magic power of the witch is prepared, the energy in the witch medicine is maintained in a short-term equilibrium state, and the witch medicine: soup is completed.

Additional precautions: Please try to finish drinking the witch potion within one natural day after finishing the witch potion, otherwise, certain effects such as energy disorder and material collapse may appear after subsequent drinking (for this effect, refer to the witch potion after blood awakening drinking demonstration)

Recipe characteristics (witch medicine expansion, epic limited):

1. Furnace of extraction:

This formula can condense the energy of input substances and greatly reduce the loss in the conversion process

2. Limited energy fusion/infinite energy fusion:

This formula can obtain a huge amount of related active energy through chaotic fusion of energy.

Unlock lv5 (Legendary Wuzhi): By putting in the material in the form of a concept, the legendary Wuzhi inspires its infinite power, thus obtaining the effect of infinite energy fusion.

2. Chaos balance:

This formula can achieve short-term stability through the dissolution, fusion, and recombination of energy during the refining process, so as to ensure that no high-intensity energy and violent reactions will occur after drinking.

Unlocked at lv5 (requires legendary witches): The witch medicine that has obtained infinite energy fusion will no longer be able to maintain a regular stable state, and the legendary witches will guide it into a chaotic balance. (Scarlet Warning: Do not attempt to craft such items without proper handling and digestion)

Recipe effect (witch medicine expansion):
After drinking, the witch will gain permanent life growth, attribute gain (the sum of the basic energy of the input material, the minimum relevant conditions must be met) and bloodline growth after a certain period of time (based on the digestibility of the drinker).

The specific effect of witch medicine depends on the energy synthesis (basic value) of the input material and general experience/limited items (energy fusion multiplier).

Non-witch drinking, the test list is as follows: 1 test related to the will of the compound civilization lineage, 5 comprehensive will checks...

After passing all checks, non-witches can get 1%~20% of the related witch potion effects (only below level 5).

Scarlet Warning: After drinking the witch potion once, the drinker needs to wait for the witch potion to be completely digested before drinking it again, otherwise the character may be seriously injured or even die!


The dense reminder information on the retina can't fully display the ancient knowledge emerging in Yi Xia's consciousness at this moment.

Brewing witchcraft is one of the oldest ways of witchcraft practice.

According to Yi Xia's previous understanding, its essence should be a kind of spiritual fusion that combines idealism and matter.

Now it seems that its idealistic way of opening is a bit subtle...

To put it simply: controllable ideal energy fusion?
Yi Xia sensed the countless witchcraft knowledge emerging in his mind.

This is undoubtedly the most complex and obscure witch medicine that Yi Xia has come into contact with.

It's so complicated that Yi Xia doesn't feel like it's a witch drug.

However, considering that it is opened from the perspective of technology series, it may present a sea of ​​formulas.

Yi Xia felt that it was not so unacceptable anymore.

Old doesn't always mean powerful.

But for some things, there is no such thing as a historical process.


Yi Xia sat on the top of the mountain, staring at the sky above his head, and couldn't help but yearn for it.

It was an ancient era that did not exist in human writing and history, and belonged to witches and gods.

How many souls born at the right time shine brightly in such a big screen.


Yi Xia took out a bottle of mint witch medicine and drank it in one gulp.

The cold witch medicine made his hot will seem to calm down a little.

He is like this, in such a rolling scene, he is almost like all living beings.

The road is still long...

Under the quiet night, Yi Xia stretched slowly.

Then, he took out the condensed Wu Ding.

Compared with the previous information on Wu Ding's integrated network panel, some new information has been added:

Wu Ding:

Type: Strange Item/Heritage Concept
Durable: Eternal

Quality: Civilization Inheritance

Item level: 6
Binding: Yi Xia

Item Features:
1. The cauldron of the witch pattern/basic characteristics; 2. The fire (not activated)
3. Soup wok (unlocked by binding):

This artifact can be used to make witchcraft or cooking with soup elements, and greatly (-80%) reduces the related mana digestion.

4. Witchcraft (additional binding):

The magic weapon can change in size with the size of the binder or the infusion of mana, so as to obtain changes in specifications.

5. Suppressor (new binding):

This magic weapon can be used as a ritual suppressor, and greatly increase the effect of related rituals.

6. Supreme Kingship (inactive): Unlocked after obtaining Kingship-related occupational abilities

Yi Xia stared at the information on Wu Ding's comprehensive network panel.

Compared with Wu Banner, Wu Ding's attributes are much weaker.

There are currently only two types of inheritance information that can be seen in it.

However, consider its practical use and related concepts derived from it.

Yi Xia reckons that it belongs to the core inheritance tool of the King Power series of shamans.

So what about the witch drum whose specific information is not yet known?
Yi Xia thought about it, and guessed that it might be related to inheritances like war.

Or, it is a pure killing tool.

Yi Xia thought for a while, then opened the comprehensive network panel, and chose a daily dungeon that looked quite bright.

He's about to start building!

(End of this chapter)

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