Chapter 196 Extraordinary Perception! (One update!)

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Do you want to consume 2 free attribute points to increase the perception attribute to 20? Please note that this operation is irreversible!"

Looking at the prompt information that appeared on the retina, Yi Xia directly confirmed it with his mind.

In the next instant, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:

"Important reminder from the comprehensive network: the detection of this operation will cause the perceived attribute of the comprehensive network player to break through the extraordinary stage, and the relevant plane detection is in progress, and the attribute improvement operation is temporarily locked..."

"It is detected that the plane meets the relevant basic requirements, and the attribute promotion operation is unlocked."

"Property upgrade in progress..."

"The attribute has been upgraded successfully, and the character perception attribute has been updated: 18→20 (2↑)!"


Important reminder from the comprehensive network: when your perception attribute reaches 20 points and reaches the extraordinary stage, you can choose one of the following extraordinary characteristics as a promotion reward for your extraordinary perception:

1. The Eye of Truth:

Type: Extraordinary ability


Huge spiritual power is flowing in your body.

It infiltrates into your body, thus focusing on the eyebrows.

Here, everything is in your eyes, and there is no obscurity and darkness...


The character's gaze will ignore all invisible effects, and can directly observe the magic field and other related energy manifestations above the energy level of ring 0, and is immune to illusion-related effects related to vision related to the master's proficiency below.

2. Vast mind:
Type: Extraordinary ability/psychic ability is limited to occupations


It's like infinite spiritual energy, stirring in your sea of ​​consciousness.

They roared and set off waves of psionic energy, engulfing all wills that tried to invade it.

You are the ruler of the vast mind...


You are immune to all mind-related negative effects below extraordinary, gain an additional +5 (the same type of saving strength cannot be superimposed, take the highest value) saving strength against psychic spells above extraordinary, and all spells with the concept of psychic gain additional +1 extraordinary strength.

3. Elementary group will:

Type: Extraordinary ability/professional qualification with relevant extended sequence


From the boundless world of will, you comprehend the power of the great cluster.

A strong will that allows you to carry it through the physical world.

You start trying to link your will to your followers.

This is the beginning of immortality:
You believe that the great promotion lies ahead...


You can perform will-linking with lives that do not exceed the character's life level * 150 (based on the character's current occupational correlation coefficient), and convert tactical actions within one standard action into immediate commands, and the time required for tactical actions exceeding one standard action significantly reduced.

At the same time, when faced with mind-related attacks and spell effects, all units linked with will will share such attacks/spell effects together.

4. Will Intervention (Limited to Legendary Advancement: Man Determines Victory):
Type: Extraordinary ability/job-specific

The long practice makes your will grow day by day.

The wall between the material world and the spiritual world seems no longer so strong.

Maybe, will can change the world...


You can choose one of the two advanced directions of "substance" and "self", and get the corresponding strengthening effect.

Matter orientation: Your explicit and relevant spiritual effects have been greatly strengthened, and some damage spells have additionally obtained a large amount of physical damage.

Self-oriented: You will be free from low-level will-related spell effects from the external world (positive spell effects including fanaticism, etc.), and your mana and other related resources will receive a significant increase in perception bonus effects.

Limitation: You gain a certain base resistance to fate spells.


"Comprehensive network reminder: It is detected that the player has a basic attribute reaching 20 points, and the extraordinary level evaluation meets the relevant requirements, the player will automatically unlock the extraordinary life template."

"Comprehensive network reminder: It is detected that the player has a blood template, and the extraordinary template will be changed to: Wu (extraordinary) when the character's occupation level reaches level 10."

As the dense information on Yi Xia's retina refreshed.

He slowly closed his eyes, endless spiritual power roaring in his sea of ​​consciousness!


The rising flame!
Countless flames, like real waves, are stirring in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

Those filthy, feeble messy thoughts, like all things, are constantly emerging all the time.

In the waves rising like a sea of ​​fire, they instantly turned into scorching green smoke.

The huge concept of the protoss has finally been fully stretched.

They are naturally not the original concept of Protoss that they really correspond to.

It is the true manifestation of Yi Xia's will after absorbing the power of the protoss.

Take the roe owl, for example.

At this moment, Yu Yi Xia's ferocious body roared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It is the cohesion of greed, gluttony, restlessness and other wills after absorbing the characteristics of the roe owl.

To put it simply, it can be summed up in an imprecise way: Yi Xia's irascible, hard-boiled side...



Yi Xia Anran sat cross-legged in the basement, his body did not show much abnormality.

And in the realm of consciousness where ordinary things, and even most extraordinary existences, are difficult to peek.

A great promotion is underway.

That was a real leap from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

For those who do not have a strong bloodline, it is a real life class leap.

In a daze, a flame-like red light gradually appeared on the sky outside.

"Wow, Huoshaoyun!"

The students who were stepping on the morning light to study outside, discovered this splendid scene by accident.

That scarlet cloud looked as if someone had really sprinkled a cloud of heavenly fire in the sky.

So it lingered away, with the meaning of brilliance.

Over the more or less polluted Liucheng.

Fire-like clouds also occasionally appear.

But it was late autumn.

Such a pure and clear celestial phenomenon is really quite rare.

They all stopped and admired the rare sight.

Not far away, Yi Jiao, who was studying early at school, rubbed her temples rather drowsily.

The complicated studies made her exhausted.

Even in the morning, I was a little drowsy.

She caught a glimpse of her deskmate who was "fishing".

Yi Jiao gently pushed her to wake her up.

Then, through the windows that were only cleaned during the sanitation cleaning yesterday.

Yi Jiao saw the red sky outside.

Then she saw her awakened deskmate follow her gaze.

"Wow, what a beautiful Huoshaoyun."

The deskmate immediately suppressed his voice and exclaimed.

Like the azure blue jewel-like sky, such pure scenery can cater to the universal aesthetic.

Yi Jiao was stunned, she looked at the indescribable scenery outside:
Above the dome of the sky, a shimmering light like a flame enveloped everything.

Everything seems to be turning into dense fireworks in the dark and distorted daylight!

No words needed.

In just an instant, Yi Jiao was able to know:
That is the real longing hidden deep in her heart that she has never made clear!
So, the tiredness went away.

Under the high-intensity study day after day, the ideals of the past seem to gradually disappear in the tired days.

But now, she glimpsed a more distant spark.

From an endless distance of light years, a ray of pure shimmering light was sent.

Just like the endless night road under the dark night.

At this time, the lights flickering slightly on the horizon have a new temperature.

Peking University must win!
Yi Jiao is full of ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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