Chapter 198 Dragon Vein Warrior (One more update!)

Shane Starr woke up from the groggy darkness.

The breeze blows, bringing a little salty and wet smell intertwined with a little fishy smell.

There was something Shane Star was familiar with but strange in it...

With a sudden jolt, he broke away from the rather dazed state after the teleportation.

The surroundings are somewhat dark, the swaying and closed environment, coupled with the rather humid water vapor in the air...

we are at sea
Sean Star pushed open the damp, moldy wooden door.

Passing through a narrow and crowded passage, Sean Star gradually heard the noise.

Listening to the shouts and laughter intertwined with various accents, Shane Star couldn't help showing a look of nostalgia on his face.

Another war...

In addition to the darkness and humidity, there is a deck that suddenly opens up.

About dozens of human soldiers are chatting.

It's an old ship that looks like a sailing ship.

But Sean Starr could feel, hidden under its slender exterior, a behemoth-like heart.

Its sails hang high, and the white canvas of the full sail reflects a certain holy and sacred color.

And through the gap between the crowd on the deck, the endless blue sea came into view.

Shane Starr could see that there were countless ships with the same style as this ship.

It is being distributed in the surrounding sea area in a certain compact form.

Naval battle?
Shane Starr feels a bit of a headache.

He is not a pure landlubber, but he is not very good at swimming either.

What's more, in the primordial ocean of magic particles.

Even more skilled swimming skills are of no use.

Faith is a more important guarantee of life...

However, the gods that Sean Starr believed in had a little friction with the ocean realm...

"Comprehensive network reminder: the current scene is: the maelstrom bloody meat grinder battle (extraordinary battlefield), the current battlefield stage is the first stage: the mobilization stage..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: After the battlefield needs to enter the third stage, the sea beast attack chapter (bloody) will be opened near the main battlefield. Please choose the battle area carefully for players participating in the battle. Players who want to participate in the sea beast attack chapter should pay attention to the progress of the battlefield. If the third stage is over, the sea beast attack chapter will be permanently closed in this campaign."


Shane Starr lit a pipe, and glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Sea Beast Attack Chapter?
Is it to remind us that it is best to end the war before the third phase?

tnd, I have this ability, but also a copy of the fart.

I went to the kingdom's treasury to rob earlier, and I was promoted to a high-level dragon vein in a wave.

Shane Starr didn't pay too much attention, just continued to fiddle with his pipe.

This thing was modified with parts from a certain mechanical chariot.

He likes this stuff:

Because it can withstand the dragon's breath.

Yes, he - Shane Starr, is a dragon blood warrior.

At this moment, Shane Starr suddenly caught a glimpse of a human-looking guy drinking something in the corner.

He should not be a soldier.

Because, he didn't even disguise his costume.

Its painting style looks very different from the surrounding human soldiers.

Shane Starr leaned over, ready to mix some drinks.

Shane Starr with strong poison immunity and related abnormal resistance.

I am always used to using this method to quickly shorten the distance with unfamiliar comprehensive network players.

"Rum? Or something else?"

Sean Starr leaned over and asked.

He took a look and saw that there was some cloudy liquid in the bottle in the opponent's hand.

Feeling a bit like an alcoholic drink made from sugarcane or something?

The man glanced at Sean Starr.

Shane Starr's muscles tensed up instinctively.

Shane Starr, who has experienced many battles of life and death, finally smelled a strong killing atmosphere on the opponent.

Shane Starr remained calm, and glanced at the liquid in the opponent's hand that suddenly became suspicious at the moment.

It's stupid, it can't be bloody drinks or something...

In fact, I only like to drink a little beer.

Shane Starr's expression suddenly became a little stiff.

He has come into contact with some of these beings.

Some of them, and they don't always show the aura of madness and destruction.

It's just that there will inevitably be some creepy hobbies.

Especially, when it comes to diet.

Although Shane Starr is a dragon, he feels that his diet is quite small and refreshing.

"Witch medicine."

The other party looked back, and then threw a bottle to Sean Starr.

"Witch... medicine?"

Shane Starr chewed a wave, this strange word full of exotic atmosphere.

He has come into contact with, the only relevant to this concept.

Probably those witch doctors who always like to make his poor intelligence worse.

"Wow! The sea, my home field!"

At this moment, Shane Starr heard someone beside him shouting in a rather exaggerated, chant-like voice that sounded a bit like high elf language.

Shane Starr glanced at the other party and ignored it.

He smelled something unpleasant from the other party.

In contrast, he is still more keen to deal with guys who look dangerous to others.

Here, is the battlefield.

Sean Starr knows which guys are more reliable.

Shane Starr shook the witch medicine in his hand, feeling that there shouldn't be a big problem.

Then drink it all in one gulp...

"Shawn Starr, level 11 dragon warrior."

Shane Starr said so, and then a scorching dragon's breath spewed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

So cold!
The blood of that white dragon last time was even warmer than this!
Shane Starr feels a little over the top.

He only felt a burst of coolness gushing out of his stomach.

All the way to the throat, and then straight to Tianling Gai!

"Yi Xia, a level 6 witch."

Yi Xia's eyes were like golden flames, dancing slightly.

He was able to gain insight into the soul of the other party:

After drinking the witch potion, Sean Starr's soul did not appear in an abnormally gloomy state.

This means that the other party does not have much rebellion against his civilization in some conscious or subconscious aspects.

In a sense, compared to the spell identified by the faction.

Witch medicine is a method for witches to identify supernatural beings, which is closer to the essence level.

This is also Yi Xia's understanding of witchcraft with a higher level of spirituality after his perception has reached the extraordinary.

The promotion of extraordinary perception is not just as simple as the expansion of mental power.

Shane Starr shook his body, and he felt that the dragon scales on his neck seemed to be standing upright.

Level 16, a bit awesome...

However, in the next moment, Shane Starr broke away from some kind of trance auditory hallucination.

Wait, he seems to be talking about level 6...

Shane Starr, who has always felt that his level is relatively low in the same sequence of battlefields, discovered it for the first time.

It turns out that there are even more outrageous...


What kind of career is that?
Or a deity or something?
Sean Starr was lost in thought.

Perhaps, we can join hands with him to try to end the war before the third stage?

Shane Starr thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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