Chapter 224 Old Qi Misunderstood Me! (One update!)

As twilight faded, Yi Xia came to this city built on the hills at the end of the day.

At this time, the sky was still bright and there were many pedestrians on the road.

Yi Xia searched the sky for a long time before he found a deserted alley.

No need to search on the mobile phone, the stomach pouch has already pointed out the direction for him...

The mixed breath could not confuse the Roe Owl's will.

In the air mixed with all kinds of oil fume, everything can be known.

Yi Xia followed the smell, and after a while... got entangled with the endless steps...

Yi Xia, who is already used to walking in a "straight line", fell into deep thought when he perceived the destination not far away.

The new era-limited opening method of Wangshan Running Dead Horse?

With his extraordinary perception, Yi Xia already knew the real way to reach his destination.

But obviously, he was a little reluctant to follow the road plan honestly.

Fortunately, along the way, it was not in vain.

Yi Xia carried a bag of snacks shaped like pancakes and walked down the steps slowly.

He bought it from a small stall he came across on the street.

Yi Xia is not very interested in "serious" food.

They have lost the basic plate of satiety.

So now, even for the rice noodles at the entrance of Liucheng's basement, he only has two or three bowls to settle.

Along the way, Yi Xia bumped into many tourists.

They are obviously full of the same freshness as Yi Xia for this city.

Just when Yi Xia was leaning on a step, ready to "go downhill with high efficiency" directly when there were few people.

He suddenly sensed a somewhat familiar aura.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Yi Xia's eyes shone like golden flames.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Immediately, the barrier between the buildings disappeared.

Matter disappears, flesh and blood fade away.

The real and beautiful world is slowly unfolding in Yi Xia's eyes...

It's that kid.

Yi Xia looked at the young man who was happily eating Maoxuewang, and the tattoo on his right hand.

The memory of the encounter on the train flashed into his consciousness in an instant.

Many protoss that had turned into huge entities in the sea of ​​consciousness cast ferocious gazes one after another.

Look at the original tattoo full of light, entertaining style.

Fei let out a sort of long, muffled growl.

Yes, Yi Xia remembered.

Yi Xia, who was already different from the past, quickly dissected some of the auras recorded in his consciousness.

Just after Yi Xia was about to finish his work in the mountain city, Nuo Fa: Wentian was looking for someone online.

Yi Xia's eyes noticed the companion next to the young man.

It's him?

Yi Xia's gaze narrowed slightly.



"It's a bit hot..."

Qi Fu wiped the sweat off his face.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little hot.

Thinking of taking off the sweater.

But thinking about the hideous tattoo on his right hand, Qi Fu felt a little guilty.

With a strange idea that "as long as it is not exposed, there should be no big problem", Qi Fu is ready to continue to endure.

In a sense, it's like a wonderful way to open up "you can be immune to spirits without sticking your head out of the bed".

"Don't worry, I've been tossing for so long, and I haven't seen any changes in you."

The buddy Lao Ye glanced at Qi Fu and said noncommittally.

He has some resources.

As a handicraft talent, I have also come into contact with some special people in related circles.

But even so, so far, the mutation in Qi Fu's body is still not clear.

Moreover, it seems to have attracted some unknown attention.

Obviously, someone is very interested in the mutation in Qi Fu.

However, they do not intend to show up.

Instead, he intends to prostitute...

Qi Fu shook his head upon hearing the sound.

Before that, he had already returned to Dianzhou once.

However, he still didn't find the feeling he had before.

Passengers in that carriage have basically checked it once.

No strange and special character information was found.

If you dig deeper, you need to go through on-site visits.

How dare Qi Fu...

If it is inside, there is really someone that caused his current change.

According to the best friend, it's better not to tease the other party.

When he said this, Qi Fu remembered that his best friend's expression was quite delicate.

Then, he thought.

Yes, tattoos are from buddies.

They got on the same boat.

As expected of my buddy!
Then, Qi Fu felt cold.

It's stupid, this wave is the rhythm of double gifts?

Qi Fu vowed that he would never tattoo any weird tattoos on his body again.

Tattooing a certain sheep is better than this.

At least it won't provoke some unknown things...

At this time, the food stall was already very lively.

Qi Fu looked at the hot scene in the store, and then at the queue behind.

In an instant, I felt that it was an extremely wise choice for me to take the lead to take my best friend over to occupy a seat.

And at this moment, Qi Fu suddenly felt someone sitting opposite him.

At first, Qi Fu thought it was the waiter who came to collect the finished ingredients and plates or something.

Then, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Turning his head suddenly, Qi Fu looked at the young man in front of him who seemed to have a sense of déjà vu and fell into deep thought.

do i know him?
Qi Fu exchanged glances with his best friend next to him.

The buddies express their lack of recognition through their eyes.

However, it doesn't matter.

Maybe it's just passers-by who are tired of standing in line and are going to sit down and rest for a while.

"Friend, are you tired from standing? Would you like some beer?"

The buddy said with a smile.

Although a little baffling.

But when you are away from home, wait and see first.

The other party shook his head.

"No, I'm here to see you."

"A master tattoo artist is rare in the world."

Hearing this, the buddy immediately wiped off the oil stains from the corners of his mouth calmly.

By the way, he stroked his hair and sat up straight again.

He is already familiar with how to receive these people who come here for fame.

It's just that today's reception location is a little tricky...

Qi Fu next to him cast a strong gaze of "Damn, there is a delay!"

The best friend smiled humbly and politely:
"It's all flattered by everyone, it's just a false name."


"I've seen your tattoo, it's very vivid."

The visitor nodded.

Following the gaze of the visitor, the best friend looked at Qi Fu and his... right hand.

He knew, under the sweater package.

There, there is a ferocious tattoo of the Lord of Calamity named Fei!
The best friend was shocked when he heard this.

Then another loose.

To bluff a child.

A relevant professional has given authoritative certification:
That's not something that "people" can make out.

It has nothing to do with the strength of power, but something that involves a deep field that some best friends don't understand.

And at this moment, the best friend suddenly noticed the other party's eyes.

Under the warm light and the afterglow of the setting sun, the other party's eyes showed a strange golden color.

As a master-level handicraft-related existence, the best friend suddenly realized that those were not false pupils!

How could I ignore such obvious details?
The best friend was startled.

Lao Qi misunderstood me!

(End of this chapter)

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