Chapter 251 The War Witch Disdains This Tiny Calm (One more update!)

Strictly speaking, the term totem is an imported product.

In the barbarous years so long that civilization has not yet emerged.

At that time, humans were linked together in smaller and tighter tribes.

Each tribe has a corresponding traceable source.

They are either the continuation of their blood, or the endowment of their power.

And the substance that symbolizes this established existence is the totem.

It's just that at that time, there was no unified name.

What's more, in the chaotic years where gods intertwined and alien beasts ravaged.

Orderly unity is extremely difficult.

It needs a more forceful and rough approach to get a real blend.

Until the man with the head of a snake appeared.

The extraordinary civilization totem of the oriental civilization pedigree has gradually converged on a single concept.

It is what is known to posterity: the dragon.

It not only condenses the concept of blood and power, but also includes the essence of thought and consciousness.

At that time, the ancient gods had gradually begun to retreat from the stage of the times.

The age of man begins from now on...

Strictly speaking, the Eastern pedigree has the human beings of the relevant extraordinary era, and they all have the potential for some kind of bloodline awakening.

It's just that the increasingly ancient and powerful bloodline is becoming more difficult to awaken.

With a population base of hundreds of millions, Yi Xia didn't even doubt it.

On the current earth, there are still people with bloodlines of witches who are directly related to chaos.

But until they die, they probably won't be able to awaken.

You know, even if Yi Xia devoured so many magic ingredients.

Haven't read "Infancy" so far either...

They are not suitable for this era.

Even now, the extraordinary environment of this earth is gradually recovering.

But at most, it can naturally awaken the blood related to the common ingredients in an ancient recipe.

It is not known how many years it will take.

This is caused by the environment.

As for the level of alien beasts that appeared on the earth.

Judging from the current situation, Yi Xia thinks it is unlikely.

Perhaps, some ferocious beasts born in disasters can?
But if they want to come... it won't be very delicious...

In this regard, Yi Xia was rather disappointed.

Rabbits do not eat grass at the edge of the nest.

But being able to breed rabbits at home is another two concepts...

Of course, if a strange beast is really born, it will not be a blessing for Fanwu.

Even if it could be eliminated, it would be an unbearable burden for the mortal beings who unfortunately suffered from it.

Yi Xia restrained her thoughts and let her spirits fly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Let's talk about it then.

Perhaps at that time, these problems are no longer a problem.

Just like the many difficulties that embarrassed him in the mortal period.

Now it seems that is an understatement.


Maybe some math problems don't count?
Yi Xia always felt that.

The number of humans with extraordinary intelligence attributes on the earth may not be as rare as imagined.

After all, that is the evolutionary route chosen by humans on this earth...

Afterwards, Yi Xia thought for a while, and prepared to raise his professional level a bit.

Now that the dungeon authority is unlocked, the dungeons he can challenge are no longer restricted by level.

This means that he can adjust his professional level more freely.

Yi Xia plans to raise the professional level to level 8 first.

Level 8 witches can cast 4-level spells.

Perhaps other witches can release spells of this level at an earlier level.

Ke Yixia chose the path of war witches as the main combat system.

Spells, on the other hand, are more supportive and functional.

Among the 4th ring spells, spells about blocking and restricting space abilities began to appear.

The Dimensional Anchor is one of the iconic products.

As the level of the current dungeon increases, the enemies Yi Xia faces become more and more powerful.

Of course, because he didn't recklessly choose the 19th-level weekly free copy.

The level 15 base level dungeon enemies, the intensity is still within the controllable range.

The means are beginning to show a variety of trends.

The extraordinary stage is the period when extraordinary power can truly blossom.

When he was in Fairy Plains before, Yi Xia was very worried about the unknown tree-shaped ancient spirit that ran away.

Even if the food taste is average, it is not bad to be used as feed for Gu worms.

It's a pity that the other party slipped away early.

Yi Xia felt that he needed to strengthen his related methods.

Remote tracking, blocking perception, blocking space, limiting invisibility...

Yi Xia felt that these attributes were full of words.

His hunting efficiency will inevitably reach a new height.

The number of lives with limited bloodlines in ancient times is too rare.

If you can find one, it's best not to let it get away.

Yi Xia thought so.

After that, he focused his consciousness on the professional level on the character panel.

The next moment, with the fluctuation of his consciousness.

A new prompt message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to increase the professional level of the witch to level 8? Please note that based on your current life level and powerful blood penalty, this operation needs to consume 512 general experience points!"

512 general experience points?

Yi Xia's heart didn't fluctuate much.

Instead, he silently calculated in his heart how to reduce the life level penalty and at the same time ensure the extra rewards for low-level and high-difficulty challenges.

Things that require balance are always the most difficult.

Yi Xia scratched his head, and the many vicious beasts in the sea of ​​consciousness remained silent.

He felt a little war-like.

You must know that before this, he was still a veteran game player who was able to plan carefully and search for various details in the area of ​​experience rewards.

Now, some are beginning to show a tendency to be too lazy to bother in this regard.

In other words, the center of gravity has been skewed.

For Yi Xia now, strengthening the bloodline is the top priority.

In terms of professional level, Yi Xia thought about it, and it was enough.

Just like the preface, extraordinary power is not just pure power.

Its operation and use have related ideas and value systems.

It's not just an intuitive spiritual change like a berserker, which can be used as soon as it is used.

But a more subtle infiltration.

Of course, it is a two-way choice.

A guy who doesn't have any blood and madness in his bones can't become a berserker.

This is also the performance of job fit and job needs.

Yi Xia remembered that he saw a sentence on the player exchange forum of the multiverse integrated network before:

In the sky full of stars, people will always involuntarily rush to the stars they desire.

So, I have a good fit in the war witch?
Yi Xia thought for a while and decided to stop thinking.

First raise the professional level to level 8, and then get the space restriction spell.

Then fill in the hunting elements you expected.

With Zhu Yan's protoss power, he wants to see who can escape!
Afterwards, Yi Xia directly confirmed it with his consciousness.

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on his retina...

Speaking of which, who will the protoss be this time?

Suddenly, Yi Xia closed his eyes.

Began to wait for the call of the quiet universe...

(End of this chapter)

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