The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 263 You Only Eat So Much?No, that's for you...

Chapter 263 You Only Eat So Much?No, that's for you... (Two updates!)
After the teasing time was over, the great sword Tuole led Yi Xia into the big clock on the tower.

I don't know what this senior mage thinks.

The portal was left in such an area that is not very suitable for normal people to pass.

Of course, when Yi Xia saw the other party.

All confusions have already been answered.

The opponent is a dwarf mage.

A gnome is a kind of dwarven intelligent life that is somewhat similar to a halfling.

Compared to halflings, they appear thinner.

The voice is also much thinner.

It sounds very representative.

Yi Xia had never dealt with dwarves before.

Can't help but look more.

As a result, he attracted the gaze of the other party.

"Your gaze is not very polite, human—I'm watching."

Said the dwarf mage.

The transformation of the dark titan's armor cannot block the observation of the opponent with multiple magical states.

Of course, the more in-depth part, it did not continue.

Every high-level integrated network player can cause a series of troubles.

A wise man does not stir too deeply.

As for the names exchanged, they are just code names.

Yi Xia smiled, then looked away.

The reason why his eyes stopped for a while at the end was because of the invisible snake on the opponent's shoulder.

Yi Xia is always more sensitive to non-humanoid existences.

"Unprecedented bravery, mage..."

"You don't know what you just faced."

In the dwarf's ear, the voice of the little snake hissed.

But the integrated network players standing around didn't seem to hear it.

The gnome mage ignored it.

It won't believe this nonsense about a demon pet with part of the lower plane's bloodline.

In times of danger, the other party is reliable.

When reliable, the other side is dangerous.

For this, Gnome Spells has paid the ticket multiple times.

It can only be said that the chaotic mischievous nature made the dwarf mage lose his last patience with the lower plane.

It wondered if it could have its own mage tower in the future.

Be sure to choose a place far from the lower planes.

The guys there don't have a good brain...

Yi Xia followed the barbarians and found a place where no one was around to sit down.

The area of ​​this shelter is quite large.

Of course, compared to Yi Xia's dragon head statue, the space is still a little narrower.

However, it is not a big problem to provide a temporary space for online players with less than three digits.

A wealthy mage, cast the "Constant Refill Spell" on the wine barrels of the Sanctuary:
It's directly linked to a wine cellar at a famous winery in the multiverse.

This made violent combat players who were keen on drinking before the battle and adding some buffs express their approval.

Yi Xia also went to get a cup.

He took a sip and felt that the taste was okay.

There seems to be dragon blood in it.

Hmm, it seems that the secretion of some kind of deep-sea beast has been added?

After Yi Xia finished drinking, he didn't drink any more.

He is not interested in wine.

The savage next to him kept drinking one cup after another.

It can be seen that he is very popular among the dozen or so integrated network players around him.

Yi Xia sat there quietly, listening to the conversations of the surrounding integrated network players.

It seems that there is not much difference from his role in the player forum of the multiverse comprehensive network.

They are all silent onlookers.

"Taylor! I knew that where there are orcs, there will be you!"

"Look who I brought—Storm of Marishida, she is the jewel in the eyes of the true gods."

Just when Yi Xia heard Taylor, talking about him last time.

When it was a romantic and iron-blooded love story with a female warrior of the barbarian tribe with the blood of the centaur.

Another group of new integrated network players came in from the outside.

They all looked well equipped, and all wore some kind of standard decoration.

Yi Xia guessed that it belonged to a certain online player guild.

The leading player is obviously an old friend of the barbarian.

After looking around at the comprehensive network players present, he saw the barbarian who was drinking heartily at a glance.

Then, he introduced the new members behind him to the other party:
A priestess.

Yi Xia sniffed subconsciously, but didn't smell the familiar scent.

It doesn't look like a sacrifice to the Sea God.

With the arrival of this team, the entire shelter became more and more lively.

Finally, after Taylor and the captain of the team drank the third barrel of wine.

The dwarf spell, who was the master of the sanctuary, coughed "slightly" tactically with the amplification spell.

"All the people are here, let's divide the area."

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Temporary battlefield teammates have sent you a collaborative combat application map, please select the area you want to defend."

It was the first time Yi Xia saw such an application.

He looked curiously at the defensive map presented in the void.

The red area above marks the enemy's position and approximate number.

Even, there are calculated reference recommendation grades.

Of course, this recommendation level is obviously not rated by Zongwang.

Relatively speaking, based on the current actual situation, it may be more accurate.

Zongwang can also give such an assessment, but the price is too high and requires relevant tactical authority.

These functions can only be unlocked on the premise of possessing the relevant version number of extraordinary occupations specialized in the battlefield.

The appearance of the application map for coordinated operations made the shelter instantly quieter.

Everyone stared at the combat map in the void, the light in their eyes fluctuating constantly.

It may be through communication within the team channel.

In a battlefield of this scale, it is unrealistic to pay attention to the integrated network players fighting together.

Comprehensive online players who have reached the extraordinary level all have extremely distinctive individual characteristics.

If you want to fully deploy and utilize it, you must also consider the conflicts of complex elements such as camps, beliefs, painting styles, and xp.

That is enough to make every commander feel the hairline warning.

Therefore, in this case, it is more popular to choose the area you want to fight according to your own standards.

For this kind of battlefield without too many centralized resource points, it is more convenient and faster to deal with the scheduling problem of integrated network players.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and clicked on the most intense enemy in the enemy's red area.

Then it seemed a little too small.

Tried to pick another piece.

Quite unexpectedly, it was successfully added.

It seems that this application system for coordinated operations is not so rigid.

In the end, Yi Xia roughly perceived the largest area that his current bloodline spell: the fog could cover.

A relatively conservative selection was made.

Later, Dang Yi Xia submitted his application for coordinated operations.

Then, the dwarf mage took a look at Yi Xia:
"The unlocked area, are you planning to go there?"

"No, it's locked..."

Yi Xia replied.

Then, I watched a large battle map with locked highlights and only a few fragmented corners on the retina.

The dwarf mage was lost in thought...

(End of this chapter)

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