Chapter 273 Drinking and Evil Gods (One more update!)

"Brother Yi, let's drink!"

On the gray earth, surrounded by a sea of ​​flames.

The sky shrouded in thick smoke was gloomy and gloomy.

In the distance, the city of sin has been reduced to ruins, and countless skeletons sizzle under the lick of flames.

Occasionally, some broken walls that were roasted and crisp could be heard collapsing.

Li Du raised his wine glass and toasted Yi Xia in front of him.

His face was rosy, and he was obviously a little drunk.

He admired Yi Xia's decisive attitude towards killing.

Where there is such a sin, it should be subdued by the most violent means.

It stands to reason that he has such a temper.

It was time to learn Leifa, but was persuaded by the master.

In the end, he majored in escapism.

Now it can be regarded as a small achievement, but Li Du inevitably has some regrets.

If it was the main attack on Leifa back then.

Before that, he might have killed with Yi Xia.

Naturally, some people don't like his temper.

Li Du snorted.

More lenient than self-discipline, stricter than others.

The mediocre people are also worthy of words?
Yi Xia drank it calmly, and took out two pieces of fresh meat from the boiling Wu Ding in front of him to accompany the wine.

He does not claim to be a good person.

But it is also a pleasure to kill some evil beings.

In a foreign land, I happened to meet a comprehensive online player who also belonged to the oriental civilization lineage.

It's also fate, and it's time to have a drink.

It's a pity that the Kunlun disciple was so cautious last time that he even rejected the friend application.

Otherwise, it may be possible to visit Kunlun as a guest.

The disciples of this great sect also judge people by their appearance.

After all, he is a war witch, so how kind can he be?
The Taoist in front of him is refreshing.

Although the ability is a little bit worse, it can't be important.

Now, he has also put out his thoughts of fighting with others.

Yi Xia thought so.

Moriah ate meat in silence.

He found that what was steamed in this weird-looking container was some powerful magical life and flesh.

So he was not in a hurry to drink, but started to eat meat.

In the end, I ate less than three or four yuan.

The stomach sac couldn't hold it anymore.

Looking at Yi Xia who was still eating, Moria swallowed with difficulty the food that had just poured into his throat.

He has to admit:

There is a limit to the human stomach...

As for Yi Xia and Li Du's gossip about the right and wrong topics.

Moriah didn't hear a word.

When I asked him about it by chance, I just hummed twice to express my agreement.

Talking nonsense, it's better to dry two more pieces of meat!
Moriah thought while running the stomach pouch to speed up digestion.

"This foreign land is full of all kinds of wild gods."

"When I succeed in cultivation, I will kill it and turn the world upside down!"

Slightly drunk, Li Du said soundly.

It's rare to come across such a sympathetic fellow.

Moriah next to him felt that Li Du was a little drunk.

To slaughter a god with a mortal body?
He took a piece of meat for Li Du and signaled him to eat more.

However, this wine is really good.

It tastes clear and delicious, and there is a hint of warmth when it passes through the throat.

So it stretched out.

Unconsciously, it makes people a little intoxicated.

I heard from Li Du that the fine wine was obtained from some heavenly mansion.

If he didn't meet his fellows, it would be reserved for entertaining the Quartet when he achieved greatness.

Moriah did not understand this.

He also had a drink, and stopped drinking.

The wine is good though.

In contrast, he still prefers his hometown, the bitter and scalding spirits.

It's better to save some stomach, it's important to eat meat!
After drinking for a while, Li Du became a little drunk.

"But it doesn't delay Brother Yi, you have eliminated the evil, after this matter, please come to the small house to get together."

"At that time, there will be a feast for each other."

Li Du staggers and bids farewell to Yi Xia.

Although the body is a little rickety, the spirit seems to be still awake.

So Naifen, Yi Xia transformed into a giant who once again chased after him.

The sea of ​​fire stretched, followed closely behind.

There is only one piece of scorching gray earth left.

Once Yi Xia left, Li Du couldn't hold on anymore.

He waved his hand towards Moriah, and then sat on the ground to rest.

The temperature in the air gradually decreased.

As dusk approached, when the cold wind blew, Li Du was suddenly awake.

Then, he seemed to remember something.

Suddenly struggling to get up from the ground, he picked up the wine jug that had been boldly thrown aside before.

After wiping it distressedly, I shook it again, but there was no sound.

Unwilling to give up, he lifted the plug and looked inside.

Then he sat down again with ashen face.

"The three tanks of wine I poured...three tanks..."

He whispered like a dream.

Moria next to him couldn't hear clearly either.

I just looked at my item backpack, and there was a piece of fresh meat stuffed inside.

It was Yi Xia who saw that he liked to eat and left it for him.

This wave of blood earned!
Moriah let out a contented belch.

Think next time, do you want to treat Yi Xia to a meal?
The warriors of Birfelke don't have the habit of eating others for free...



"Comprehensive network reminder: You have fully absorbed the high-quality drink: Qiong Yao Wine (Winter), your mana has been permanently increased by 1 point!"

Yi Xia walked forward alone.

On his retina, new reminders are constantly being refreshed.

Li Du's wine was surprisingly hardcore.

Even the stomach of the roe owl didn't digest it instantly.

In other words, it is such an existence itself.

A little bit of infiltration, so as to achieve the effect that will not be too violent.

This may be the drink that all things can drink freely.

Yi Xia shook his head.

I wondered if I had drunk too much.

The next time I go to visit as a guest, it seems that I can't go there empty-handed.

I don't know if I can find a copy of Jiaolong and get some "meal sticks" to accompany the wine.

Goods like the big golden fish are too rare.

It's still the lineage of the Dragon Clan, which has a long history and has dabbled in all realms.

And the taste is also excellent.

Although the East uses the dragon as its totem.

But hunting evil dragons and evil dragons has never been weak because of this.


In this land that has been full of conquests and struggles since the barbaric period, there is no eternal sanctity.

With the sea of ​​flames raging all the way.

Not long after, Yi Xia, who was leaving through the clouds, found a large number of wild beastmen who were being forced to a desperate place by the sea of ​​flames.

They are densely packed here.

In order to win a safe place, they kept fighting.

An evil and tyrannical atmosphere is brewing on this corner of the cliff.

Behind them lies a deep abyss whose bottom is unknown.

There, maybe it is the way to the lower plane.

But just jump off?

Even those lower plane beings would not choose such a "shortcut".

"Titan! Your tyranny and cruelty will spread throughout the mountains of Emre Maldor!"

A wild beastman who was a little bit broken roared towards Yi Xia.

Afterwards, various abuses intertwined with "beautiful" language arts sounded.

This is the last they can struggle...

Yi Xia was unmoved.

The flames are his minions, and the witch banner is his will.

Without the slightest sympathy or wavering, Yi Xia waved his flag down!

So the mountain shook!

The cliff, which was originally as solid as a rock, began to vibrate violently!

And the wild orcs in the area directly covered by the Wu Banner completely turned into a part of the cracked hole below!

In an instant, above the sky, a ferocious blood-colored face suddenly appeared!
It stared at Yi Xia coldly, as if wanting to remember his appearance.

The wild beastman, who was already on the verge of collapse, roared excitedly.

That is their main god!

However, Yi Xia ignored it and waved down the Wu Banner again!
So the cliff completely collapsed!

A large number of wild orcs hiding above fell into the bottomless abyss amidst wailing.

Only then did Yi Xia raise his head.

The sky outlined by the thick smoke divides the sky and the earth into two.

Yi Xia stood on the ground surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, looking at the bloody face in the sky.

After a long time, the bloody face disappeared.

It looks like he took note...

Yi Xia thought for a while, and he rose into the air again.

He remembered that this guy also had a gathering place for believers in the material world...

As we all know, witches are not very good-natured.

And continue to stretch the field of vision, under the magnificent sky.

Emre Maldo was originally a bloody black area, but now it has completely turned into a whitish area.

In the surrounding green and yellow-brown land, it is extremely dazzling...

(End of this chapter)

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