Chapter 275 Is it our ally?Maybe not... (one more!)

Kasimsara was feeding meat to the chief's mount.

For the orc tribes with vast grasslands, fresh meat is not in short supply.

Even the orcs with evil nature would not wantonly slaughter wild animals.

Only when a large number of living animal sacrifices are required, will they show their ferocious and brutal nature.

But more often than not, they would not choose beasts.

Instead, the human beings on the opposite side of the towering and continuous mountains are used as the main objects of plunder and sacrifice.

Kasim Salah also thought about joining the tribe's expeditionary force.

It's not for anything else - the orc army can't drink enough.

For the orcs who are generally addicted to alcohol in this world, it has an indescribable attraction.

Too bad it's not that strong, and doesn't have the beliefs that fit the relevant traits.

This is the norm:
No matter which plane you are in, the weak have no chance to show their evil will.

The wolf whose fur was combed so shiny was happily nibbling on the meat delivered by Kasimsara.

When the leader is not out hunting, his dinner is dealt with in this way.

Kasimsara looked at the wolf who was eating, with a bit of joy in his eyes.

It likes this strong guy.

A warg of such stature is an orc's best buddy and ally.

Kasim Salah has a good relationship with it.

At this time, the sky was already a little dark.

Kasimsara leaned on the pillar of the animal pen, and in the orange eyes, the reflection of the sky gradually glowed with a little starlight outside.

The continuous war between orcs and humans does not seem to have any impact on it and its tribe.

They are not powerful enough, nor evil enough.

Humans, who are relatively weak, have never invaded the hinterland of the orcs.

"I have to go."

Looking at the sky, Kasim Salah seemed to think of something.

It greeted the wolf who was eating, then got up and left.

The warg responded with a snort, seeming to understand.

Stepping into the night, Kasimsara passed through the tribe that was gradually shrouded in darkness.

Outside the tribe, around a bright campfire, an old orc was cooking meat.

It is Kasimsara's adoptive father, a half-breed orc.

Sometimes Kasim Salah also finds it strange.

How did its adoptive father, a mixed orc with orc and human blood, survive in this small tribe in the heart of the orc camp.

Not to be taken away by cultists or blood fanatics, enslaved or to a worse fate.

The arrival of Kasim Salah did not make the adoptive father look up.

It just roasted its own piece of meat silently, with focused and peaceful eyes.

After the fat sizzled, the whole piece of meat was roasted to a certain brown color.

The adoptive father cut off a piece with a knife, and tasted it:
"The time has come, Kasimsara."

It says so.

The turbid eyes like amber stared at the lonely starry sky, carrying some indescribable meaning.

Kasim Salah took the dagger from his adoptive father for no apparent reason.

It cuts off the roast and eats a piece.

The taste is worse than expected, this piece of meat doesn't feel good at all.

Perhaps, belonged to some plague-stricken beast?
But the adoptive father's craft is very good.

Even with this kind of meat quality, it can barely be eaten.

"Are you ready to be king?"

Suddenly, the adoptive father lowered his head.

Its eyes fell from the sky, like night lights meeting here.

For a moment, Kasim Salah was a little dazed.

In the vocabulary of the orcs, the pronunciation of king is extremely unique.

Even, there are no other similar-sounding words.

Therefore, naturally there is no situation where the adoptive father is wrong.

So Kasim Salah lowered his head and started looking for the barrel.

Perhaps, the adoptive father drank four barrels today?
Its alcohol capacity is only about one barrel...

And at this moment, Kasim Salah felt his adoptive father's hand on his shoulder.

Calm and full of power, as always.

Not at all like a drunk orc.

"The path chosen by Keke Schaefer is destined to be abandoned by the times."

"Remember, child: in your veins run the blood of the great warrior, Danilo, Chief Axeblade."

"It has never been sacred, but it should shoulder the mission of provoking the fate of this race."

"It's a shackle..."

The adoptive father said in a deep voice.

"Now is the time to call on our allies."

"Like the ancient poem, we once again unite under the banner of the beast's claw for the fate of the orcs."

And with the voice of the adoptive father, Kasim Salah saw the suddenly deep sky and the "bright" horizon.

Its pupils suddenly constricted, as if staring at a great existence that cannot be seen directly.

"It... is our ally?"

Kasim Sala looked at her adoptive father with a dry tone.

"……Do not."

The adoptive father froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"It seems that the trouble caused by the evil god is more serious than he expected..."

The adoptive father murmured.



Yi Xia is advancing.

Behind him, the grassland withered, revealing a huge, withered area of ​​black ash.

Some orc cavalry were chasing him from a distance.

They didn't dare to go forward - there were already thousands of orcs who paid expensive tickets for this.

The blazing flames disperse the darkness of the night.

The breath of death lingers on the earth.

In the orc territory, the density of large and small tribes.

Some exceeded Yi Xia's expectations.

Of course, this has something to do with the "straight line" drawn on his map, which traverses the entire hinterland of the orc territory.


There were orcs in the distance, blowing the trombone representing the top disaster.

The thick and sharp sound pierced the sky, causing disturbances in the surrounding area.

Along the way, such noises accompanied Yi Xia.

Like an orc, the "welcome music" was specially customized for him.

Yi Xia's forward speed was very fast, and he kept flying at a low altitude.

The sea of ​​flames stretching underneath seemed to be a tool entrusted to him.

Yi Xia didn't let the flame spread out.

Along the way, he saw the scenery of the orc territory.

It is not as dark and cruel as imagined, and it is not as developed as imagined.

Unlike the cultists, who have made extensive use of fel-magic hybrid weapons and devices, a large number of orc tribes are still relatively primitive and wild.

Some of them exude a bloody killing atmosphere, while others are like a poor grazing tribe.

If Yi Xia happened to pass by, he would throw a fireball at the tribe in front of him.

In the latter case, they passed by directly.

He needs to kill to gain common experience, but he will not lose his inner principles for this.

When he saw a female orc sheltering her child behind her, facing him tremblingly

He recognized that these orcs had a "human" element.

It is higher than good and evil, but it cannot separate good and evil.

No matter which one it was, Yi Xia, the orc tribe exuding a killing aura, didn't let go of any of them.

Enlightenment, that is not something Zhan Wu is familiar with...

And at the end of the "straight line" drawn by Yi Xia, there is a swamp-like dark wetland.

A large number of wild beastmen gathered together.

They all stared at the huge egg exuding a certain sacred and evil atmosphere with fanatical eyes.

They know that God will come!
Even if it failed to show one ten-thousandth of his stalwart body.

But in this dark world, it is undoubtedly the supreme glory.

They are expecting that God will destroy the brutal giant...

(End of this chapter)

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