Chapter 277 God, will create greatness! (One update!)

Yi Xia stared at the Prophet-Green-Tong-Quinke below.

This old orc was somewhat beyond his expectations.

From the perspective of those evil orcs, the opponent is the undoubted leader.

Is it an internal partisan struggle for power, or is it for other purer purposes?

Yi Xia looked away.

He is not interested in the power struggle among the orcs.

The reason why they didn't do anything to these orcs was because of their neutral camp aura and their behavior of not attacking them.

For Yi Xia, it was meaningless.

The revival or decline of the orc kingdom?

Yi Xia continued to move forward.

He will not put too much energy on these alien races.

Witches have never been noble, philanthropic and holy persons.

Yi Xia is still like this.

It is the narrow and sharp blade of the ax that cuts through chaos and obscurity.

Prophet-Green Tong-Quinke watched Yi Xia leave.

It knows that things are already half done.

Even the orcs who belonged to the same origin of blood could no longer tolerate the chief who gradually turned to tyranny and cruelty.

What's more, what about the other party who feeds on evil life?
Without too complicated inferences and observations, the Prophet-Green Eye-Quinco has already discovered certain characteristics belonging to the other party.

Perhaps, it worships a good-aligned god of killing?
The Prophet-Green Eye-Quinco knew nothing about it.

It opened a new chapter in this ancient animal skin volume.

Those rotten and broken things will eventually burn out in the fire.

It may disappear with it, or it may leave a deep imprint on a new page.

The treacherous and blurred fate is actually not understood by the prophet.

It's just an old orc who can still think about tomorrow...



In the dark swamp, fog filled the air.

The sound of ticking water seems to have a sticky smell like blood dripping.

There was no sign of life, everything was in a kind of dead stillness.

Suddenly, there was a wind blowing.

The dense mist swayed with the wind, like a tulle dancing in the wind.

Across the gloomy sky, a piece of dark red land was exposed.

On the muddy ground, the remains of a large number of wild beastmen were densely distributed.

They present a certain regular and ritualistic gesture.

And in the middle of all the wild beastmen, a huge egg-shaped thing gradually swelled to its limit.

The container that has absorbed the flesh and soul of a large number of believers has finally completed its cohesion here.

Suddenly, with a violent explosion.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the sky was dark.

A thick arm full of explosive power protruded from the pile of broken flesh and blood.

Afterwards, a super-large wild beast that was much larger than ordinary wild beasts crawled out from the wreckage of the egg-like thing.

Its skin appears delicate at first.

But as soon as the wind saw the wind, it began to change rapidly.

After a while, it took on a weather-beaten cuticle-like shape.

"Great true God, after three hundred and seventeen years, you have come down to this filthy mortal world again."

In the darkness, an old orc with a cane came out.

The huge wild orc glanced at the old orc.

"Where is it!"

A loud voice with uncontrollable anger.

Obviously, this evil god was really angry.

With his current belief in the material world, forcibly descending in the form of a container is unbearable.

But if you can think about these things rationally and care about whether believers live or die.

His divine name will not be given the name of tyranny.

The pupils of the water chestnut stretched out, this frail body intertwined with the flesh and blood of the wild beastman.

Weak, filthy...

But he had no choice.

Coming in the form of a saint?
That is something that even a crazy god can't do.

Because judging from the current situation in the material world of this world, it is basically impossible.

Perhaps some of the ancient gods who are proficient in this will be able to do it.

But for the pupil of the water chestnut, this evil god who is regarded as the "new generation" among the gods, it is obviously not realistic.

Therefore, He can only choose this form.

As for whether he could beat this question, the pupil of the water chestnut did not consider it.

He just wanted to swing his war blade and slash at that damned alien giant.

It destroyed his accumulation of several epochs!

He even ignored his threats!
"...The royal city of the orcs, those old prophets rarely did a 'big thing'."

Facing the wrath of the pupil of the water chestnut, the old orc said truthfully.

It knows the pupil of the water chestnut so well, so it won't show too much at this time.

Making the other party come down is already his greatest achievement.

The old orc's answer made the pupil of the water chestnut full of anger and tyranny, and he was slightly slowed down.

The royal city of the orcs?
That is the domain of the orc lord god.

The old man, always a thin old orc warrior, moved between the gods and the worlds.

But the pupil of the water chestnut knows that he has not become weaker with the change of time.

The once mighty orc warrior is still as tough as ever.

So - wait?
The body of the water chestnut pupil in the material world slowly expands.

He is not willing to wait for a moment!
He wants to crush that alien giant and hang his skull under his kingdom of God!

Even for this, he would not hesitate to be beaten by that old orc!

"Then let them watch how I destroy the scum that dares to go against my will!"

The fury of the water chestnut pupil condensed into a real state in the air of the material world.

It turned into a blue and deep flame, corroding the earth into a gorgeous color.

And the old orc in it was also affected by the flames.

Its old body gradually became younger.

It dropped the crutch casually and prostrated itself on the ground devoutly.

The Pupil of the Caltrop is a tyrannical evil god, but he does not pour his anger on the believers like some evil gods.

Tyranny does not mean pointless anger.

He also gives gifts.

But that's not for good things, but to add extra firewood to the darkness of the world.

The will of the old orc pointed out the direction for the pupil of the water chestnut.

So it roared into the air.

Suddenly, the sky was dyed an evil blue.

The old orc kissed the ground where the pupil of the water chestnut had left.

This is the Allah I am eternally chasing. He will show his wrath and tyranny under the gaze of the gods and all things.

Maybe, he is not strong enough.

It has not reached the level of the orc god.

But so what?
Everything will eventually turn into mournful howls all over the sky under the blue sky.

Then, the figure of the old orc dissipated into the flames.

It will go to its master, to witness his imminent great and brilliant wrath.

That must be an exhilarating picture of cruelty.

How can flesh and blood fight against divine power?

And at this moment, a certain majestic city was howling under the monstrous flames.

Countless slaves fled in disorder, under the bloody and betrayal, a huge shadow covered the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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