The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 288 The Unknown Variables of the Eastern Genealogy

Chapter 288 The Unknown Variables of the Eastern Genealogy (One more update!)

What a sinister world...

The disabled device - Mills Creevey perceives his current state.

Under the guise of a warm exterior, there was a slight movement in the cold steel core.

Until now, it still hasn't fully resolved the model of the spell cast by the opponent just now.

Judging from the huge and complex data that has been analyzed so far, it is more like magic.

But the opponent's mana composition and casting path are clearly using the magic channel.

Mills-Creevey expressed doubts about the system...

It is not a mechanical life empowered by freedom.

It was transformed halfway by human beings.

So, although the emotional senses are somewhat lost.

But it can also be judged by the comprehensive network as a marginalized flesh and blood life.

A purely mechanical life is actually not that suitable for entering a world dominated by magic particles.

It requires quite expensive and rare trait equipment and special templates.

Converted to flesh and blood life, it is the relevant anti-abnormal specialty.

Just as a purely spiritual creature enters a world dominated by machinery, it also requires a related high-difficulty self-will check.

Mills Creevey is also a veteran of the online adventure.

Although the level is only 14, as far as the comprehensive network player guild it belongs to, it is considered to be below the middle.

The comprehensive ability is quite outstanding.

This kind of prominence refers to relative to the same integrated network players.

In fact, no matter which comprehensive network player.

Even if it is more "simple" and "ordinary".

In the plane where it is located, most of the time it is also a bright enough pearl.

Mills-Creevey has been to the world of Oriental genealogy.

But that was when the ranks were relatively low.

At that time, it just felt like the task was progressing slowly.

Humans in this world are extremely xenophobic.

Other than that, there aren't many other ideas.

As a result this time...

Mills-Creevey paid the compensation to the mountain people who heard the news, under the supervision of the tiger with his tail wagging fast, with a sullen face.

A small speck of gold—a piece of gold that an old mountain-folk got out of it with the tool he carried with him for poking his pipe.

Mills-Creevey had drawn out a large lump of gold to make up for it.

For comprehensive network players, this is really not a loss.

The other party only took a little.

According to him.

Since there is a tiger testifying, it is naturally not a bluff tricked by Jianghu.

But although the mountain people are poor, they have their own integrity, and they don't bother to take advantage of these barbarians who engage in prostitution.

Mills Creevey was puzzled by this.


The operating logic of all things in this world makes it difficult to understand.

It feels that there must be one or more variables that it has not detected.

Judging from the rough model it presents.

Obviously there is a dominant objective element.

But it seems that it is not a purely material aspect...

The plane does not recommend index +1, psionic deflection +2...

Mills-Creevey has added new attributes to the label of this kind of world in his own built-in chip.

Whatever, it puts a new label on a certain high-energy humanoid detection pattern within the scanning range:

Eastern civilization lineage units (90%)

"Thank you for your help, my friend. You are welcome to visit the Ruodalan Warriors United Guild in the future."

Although the scene was quite delicate, someone still bit the bullet and thanked Yi Xia.

Trapped by an elite leader, he even packed up and brought it here to die on the spot.

But there are scenes that should be said.

The cyborg life like Mills Creevy doesn't understand these things, and some other integrated network players still understand.

Otherwise, the real group will be destroyed there.

Leaving aside the loss of weak souls for the time being, let’s just say that the group building is a group destruction, or the group destruction just out of the initial point.

It is estimated that in the future, it will be used as a joke by the surrounding integrated network player guilds.

It will not retreat to the second line until the next more exciting new news appears.

Occasionally, when chatting at the wine table, someone turned it out and made fun of it.

Yi Xia nodded noncommittally and didn't say much.

On the other side, Glenda Ashley, who received the chat message, immediately covered her face.

shame on...



That night
A large pot of fresh meat, cured meat and mountain products was mixed together and boiled in the pot.

This is made by gathering the stocks of the surrounding mountain people.

Yi Xia didn't take out the Wu Ding.

Because the meat will be cooked.

Ordinary flesh and blood can't resist the scorching power that needs to be urged by the witch fire.

Beside the burning firewood, a group of mountain people were chatting with each other.

The tiger next to it is resting on an old beam placed on the edge of the eaves.

Under the firewood, his fluffy fur is shiny.

The young girl who provoked Liu Shi hid by the door for a long time.

But still did not reach out to touch:
Liu Shi has already warned her severely.

Although a young girl, she is spoiled by her family.

But after all, it is the poor mountain people, and naturally they have experienced the wind and rain earlier than the rich people.

She told the young girl: No matter how lazy and harmless the tiger is, he is still in front of Yi Xia.

As far as all things are concerned, it is still the god who calls the wind and rain and determines the life and death of a party.

How dare you take it lightly?

This prompted the young girl's gaze to gradually shift from the tiger to Yi Xia who was sitting by the pot and adding some seasonings from time to time.

If he learned Yi Xia's skills, then he would be able to touch tigers, right?

Young children thought so.

I wandered around the fire for a long time, but I still couldn't find a place.

Then he trotted back and asked in a low voice next to Mrs. Liu who was busy.

Liu Shi stopped when she heard the words, and looked at her young daughter:
"Son, do you really want to learn skills?"

The young girl looked timidly at her mother who was seriously looking at her, but she still nodded firmly.

Mrs. Liu put down the objects in her hands and lingered in place for a while.

So I went into the back room and groped for a long time, and asked the young girl to invite the great uncle.

Uncle Tai is the oldest mountain dweller.

"Don't have such small thoughts."

Uncle Tai knew what Liu Shi meant, and said immediately.

"How can such a person care about the difference between you and me?"

"Just let her go."

"It's really a chance, and it will happen naturally."

"I don't accept your wild ginseng either. If there is a climate, don't forget to take care of your seventh uncle."

Uncle Tai explained, and then pushed away the ginseng that Mrs. Liu handed over.

He is transparent.

Liu Shi hesitated for a while before calling the young girl.

After admonishing him one or two times, let him go out.

Yi Xia naturally heard it all.

This is a small amount of land, he naturally heard it clearly.

Seeing the little girl of the Liu family who was hesitant, he beckoned her over.

The twin pupils shrouded in flames directly penetrated his body, gazing into a deeper spirituality.

He is a pure and good temper, and his talent is not bad.

Of course, Yi Xia had no intention of accepting disciples.

But if you are not born evil or evil-minded, it doesn't matter if you just pass on one or two spells.

If the other party can learn it, he will learn it, and if he can't learn Yi Xia, he won't pay too much attention to it.

Witches are no better than other inheritances.

Except for the core inheritance that needs to be carefully selected, there is no harm in passing on some spells to others.

As for aliens, you need to be cautious.

"I'm a man of the mountains, and I can juggle with both hands."

"If you are destined, you can go to famous mountains to find a teacher."

Yi Xia said with a smile.

"I know how to climb clouds, and I'm also good at making fireworks. As for the methods of relieving minor illnesses and teasing crickets, I'm not suitable to teach you."

"What do you want to learn?"

Beside the firewood, the originally bustling mountain people quieted down.

He just lowered his head, but didn't look over there.

On the other hand, the tiger on the beam was still paralyzed, but his ears suddenly moved slightly, and the frequency of his wagging tail became much slower.

Then, he sensed that the other party took the young girl away on a cloud.

For a moment, a thick fog gradually rose in the sky, and there was no more movement.

Tiger was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes resentfully...

(End of this chapter)

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