Chapter 294 Challenge Coupon of Millennium Ginseng Essence (Two Updates!)
After seeing off Yi Jiao, Yi Xia closed the door and began to prepare for the challenge of the ancient gate.

Since becoming a witch, his behavior style has gradually changed.

good or bad
There is no such definition, it just changes with the situation.

Afterwards, Yi Xia concentrated his consciousness on the integrated network panel.

He called up the challenge of the ancient gate.

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to open the challenge of the ancient gate?"

With the confirmation of Yi Xia's consciousness, his sea of ​​consciousness gradually linked to a void space.

Under the reminder of the relevant information on the comprehensive network, Yi Xia knew that this was the space for placing tickets to open the ancient gate.

"Comprehensive network reminder: The challenge of the ancient gate is being prepared. Players are requested to put in a sufficient amount of sacrificial items within the remaining valid time of the sacrificial space to generate a challenge ticket."

"Comprehensive network reminder: The remaining reset time of the current sacrificial space: 24 hours..."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

24 hours?

Inexplicably, Yi Xia felt that this must not be the setting of the original version.

Just like the mailbox items in some games have a limited period.

It must be that some comprehensive network players rely on this free storage space to be too outrageous, which led to subsequent comprehensive network updates.

Of course, Yi Xia did not see the relevant records.

He just subconsciously felt that this is something that players on the integrated network will do...

In fact, if it weren't for him, he has achieved a certain degree of "item backpack freedom".

Otherwise, seeing this sacrificial space, he would definitely have related ideas.

This is a normal player with a long game experience, the first thought that should come to mind.

Yi Xia shook his head, and then took out the treasure given by the old Dragon King - the ancient ginseng from the item backpack.

If this thing is directly used for refining, it is also possible.

But that would be a waste.

There is the challenge of the ancient gate, as long as Yi Xia leaves enough materials to serve as tickets every time.

Then it is completely possible to achieve recyclable development.

Of course, if the ginseng essence is like the dragon species, it will bloom all over the place.

Yi Xia doesn't have to do this anymore.

Unfortunately not.

Yi Xia once doubted whether the dragon's racial talent in this area belongs to the first order in the multiverse.

Afterwards, Yi Xia directly threw the treasure-ancient ginseng into the sacrificial space.

In the next moment, relevant prompt information appeared on Yi Xia's retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: It is detected that the sacrificial space has placed ticket materials that meet the relevant directional challenges. Do you choose to generate tickets?

"Valuable item reminder: Please note that after choosing to generate, the materials placed in the sacrificial space will disappear permanently, and the generation process cannot be canceled, and the ticket cannot be returned after generation!"

Yi Xia directly chose OK.

Afterwards, the ancient ginseng, the treasure in the empty space, disappeared immediately.

Invisibly, something is stirring:

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The confirmation is successful, the ticket is being generated..."

"The generation is complete, you have obtained the challenge ticket of the thousand-year-old ginseng essence (the challenge of the ancient gate/ancient/divine-like/boss)"


Millennium Ginseng Essence Challenge Coupon:
Type: Limited challenge copy challenge ticket
Remaining uses: 1/1
Corresponding challenge leader:

Millennium ginseng essence:
Life Level: 19
Possess templates: leader, ancient, god-like

Prominent Attribute: Physique
Known abilities (1/30):
1. Deathrattle - Natural Blasphemy/Condemnation:

This unit is favored by nature, and if it is forcibly killed in its original plane (when the killer has not obtained the relevant disaster event, the kill will be completed), the killer will be punished by the plane, and the luck will be permanently reduced 1/5 points, and there is a certain probability/certainty (based on the killer's civilization pedigree and race) to trigger a series of high-difficulty events that should be robbed.





Yi Xia sensed the information about the thousand-year-old ginseng essence emerging from the sea of ​​consciousness, and couldn't help but click his tongue.

The exclusive limited equipment related to fate only adds 5 luck points.

It was already an extremely rare and powerful magic item.

And killing the thousand-year-old ginseng essence in the original plane may result in a permanent loss of 5 points of luck.

Yi Xia secretly wrote it down.

Although now, relevant sustainable acquisition channels for ginseng essence have been obtained.

But other than that, there are other elixir and the like.

Yi Xia didn't have much so-called compassion for this.

Wu is not a saint, especially for aliens.

Yi Xia's relatively friendly attitude towards some foreign races is based on the three views he has acquired in the current era.

A witch who was truly born and raised in the barbaric era would not care so much.

Of course, this may also be some of the reasons for the decline of Wu Hou.

Witches are good leaders in tough times.

In relatively peaceful and stable years, the existence of witches is not so suitable.

In a sense, many of the inheritances that have been added to shamanism now are explorations by newborn shamans in order to find the position of shamans in the new era after the wilderness.

It was a thick, lengthy groping full of sacrifices and betrayals...

Obviously, in this world, they failed to make it...

Yi Xia took out the challenge ticket of Millennium Ginseng Essence.

Looking back at the past from time to time is a watch for the future.

Once upon a time, witches looked forward to mankind.

And now, with the stars on his back...

"Comprehensive network prompt: It is detected that the ticket has been loaded, are you sent to the challenge scene?"

Yi Xia slowly closed her eyes.

With the fluctuation of his thoughts, the surrounding space gradually became blurred.

The challenge scene is not the real plane.

Of course, as far as the multiverse is concerned, the so-called "real" and "illusory" are actually meaningless.

It exists, it exists.

It can be real or it can be illusory.

Infinity, neither true nor false, is called pluralism.


With a crisp bird song, Yi Xia knew that he had arrived.

He slowly opened his eyes, eyes surrounded by fire, and saw a piece of emerald green woodland.

It was an extremely beautiful and vibrant place.

It is not like the place where Yi Xia once saw elves live, with a beautiful and unreal scene.

Instead, it has a warm and moist smell of fireworks.

Just like a path covered with fallen leaves in the countryside, it is not dirty in the mud.

A graceful woman, dressed in green clothes, stood in the forest.

Seeing Yi Xia, she covered her face and smiled, seeming a bit shy.

"Skin illusion, nothing more than that."

Yi Xia smiled back, but his body kept expanding.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into Qingtian!

In an instant, the sky did not show.

It was as dark as smoke, thickly enveloping this small woodland.

The warm and peaceful atmosphere is gone.

From time to time, a dark wind would escape, and the blood would be like a cloud, whimpering terror and despair in the wind.

Without saying too much, Yi Xia went straight down!
Then thunder bursts, and there seems to be a giant passing by in the sky.

Before the flags fell, all the vegetation was blown down by the strong wind.

At this moment, the grass stalk roared out from the ground like a stalk.

In the blink of an eye, it becomes a tendency to block out the sky and block out the sun!

(End of this chapter)

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