Chapter 301 Isn't that a benevolent witch? (One update!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: The character is being activated by the Protoss..."

"The activation is successful, and the character gains the power of the star spirit: Yazi, cunning."

"Based on the character-related star spirit linkage, Yazi has been blessed by the same source star spirit, and the level has been upgraded to: lv2."

"Please note: When the protoss of the same source has not reached its maximum upper limit level, it will receive the highest protoss-related level correction of the same source level, but it cannot exceed the current level of the highest protoss -1"


Yazi lv2 (every time a hostile unit is killed, Yazi gets protoss growth based on its corresponding anger buff):

Fierce: The character's perception of hostility has been greatly improved, and it is judged as hostile units that attack, cast spells, or other tactical harmful behaviors, all of which have the concept of adding "rage" buff to the character.

Evil: The character needs to kill a hostile unit every other random period. After this effect is triggered, the character will gain a layer of "killing" effect every other natural day until the character finishes killing the hostile unit (this effect has been Exempted by the Chosen ability).

The power of evil spirits (addiction to fighting):

After a standard action, the character can activate protoss power to track down the relevant unit that triggered the rage buff.

In the chasing state, the difficulty of the character's stealth, evasion, space movement and other related checks for the unit will be reduced, and a large amount of attack speed bonus and a small amount of attack bonus will be obtained based on the current anger buff.



Cunning (the Protoss cannot be promoted):

Fierce: The character has a chance to absorb a layer of life force from the units that benefit from the power of the protoss.

After the soul's wish power reaches a certain level, the character will be blessed with "Auspicious Guardian".

Malicious units will not be able to (relevant limited area)/difficult (other planes) to find people.

The blessing effect of "Guardian of Auspiciousness" can be strengthened cumulatively by the superimposition of the layers of the will power of the living beings.

Evil: none

Celestial Power (Rang):
When the character exists, it can passively emit a halo-like breath: Rang.

The area covered by the halo is based on the character's life level, blood power, and maximum body size.

In the area affected by the halo, crops (based on human cognition on this plane) grow quickly +1, disease and insect resistance +5, growth advantage +5, weak self-healing +30 (increased by character-related skills and equipment: +20) .


On Yi Xia's retina, a large number of reminders were densely refreshed.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the lingering fire in his eyes seemed to be dimmed.

An indescribable breath stretched along with his will.

Across the bustling city, through the lively alleys, and stopped under the muddy and cold field ridges.

In a world where everything is imperceptible, the frostbitten leaves under the ice and snow stretch slowly and gently.

Not surprisingly, next year's Liucheng will be a bumper year.

Yi Xia perceives the area covered by her halo.

It far exceeds the limit that Yi Xia can currently perceive.

I just vaguely feel that going north through Hubei Province and going south will reach the South China Sea.

Quietly, it covered half of China.

Still too small...

Yi Xia thought for a while, and the Extraordinary attribute points that he was planning to reserve, were directly focused on perception.

That was his reward from the previous battlefield, and it has been kept unused.

He was going to see how much the improvement in perception after transcendence would have an effect on the limit expansion in this respect.

Extraordinary attribute points are naturally precious, but they are suitable for perception.

What's more, if it can cover more areas.

Maybe you can relax your brows a little bit, or you can have a drink...

And as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to consume 1 extraordinary attribute point to increase the character's perception to 21? Please note: this operation is irreversible!"

Yi Xia made the confirmation directly.

In the next moment, there seemed to be fire lingering in the sky.

Not long after, it was a fiery red...



At this moment, Wu Kui and his party are worshiping incense on Wudang Mountain.


A rather burly civet cat passed by like no one else, attracting crowds of onlookers.

Li Ge, a senior shit shoveler, tried to get started, but was ignored by the other party.

"On Wudang Mountain, there are quite a lot of cats."

Ji Shu'an followed him with a curious look.

Before, they saw a cat sleeping on the edge of the cliff.

Along the way, I saw several cats one after another.

This time, they were a small group activity.

The gap in practice relieves pressure.

By the way, come to some of the most famous mountains of Taoism to see if there are other extraordinary existences.

They have already fully experienced the difficulty of building a car behind closed doors.

This is in the age of the Internet, and they are not alone.

But even so, he still encountered a lot of troubles in practice.

They seem to understand some of the reasons why certain inheritances disappear without a sound.

Just a few people walked around the mountain, and the Taoist saw a lot.

But for the time being, no practitioners suspected of being extraordinary have been found.

But also understandable.

A serious practitioner of the Eight Classics would not waste too much effort on this incense.

Or can meet, but also need a coincidence.

And at this moment, the Taoist who was leading the crowd to burn incense suddenly froze.

Then he seemed to have noticed something, and looked to the south with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

At the same time, Wu Kui also felt his heart skip a beat.

She felt that she vaguely sensed something that could not be said whizzing by.

It is like the wind, but it adds a bit of ethereal shape.

It's like fire, but it doesn't burn like that

If you really want to say it, it is more like a scene of spring breeze blowing and everything recovering.

It cannot be summed up simply by one or two.

Ji Shu'an, who was belatedly aware of it, was stunned for a while, and then followed to look to the south.

But only a glimpse of the hallucinatory greenery in the sky.

When I looked again, I saw a clear sky with no abnormalities.


Ji Shuan fell into confusion.

Wu Kui looked back, and then suddenly thought of something.

She looked at the Taoist, and the Taoist smiled at her harmoniously.

There is a bit of a market face between the eyebrows, and it seems that there is no dust.

Without saying much, he led several people to continue worshiping incense.

"Is something wrong with him?"

After leaving the Taoist temple, several people followed the tourists on the somewhat humid mountain road.

While walking, Ji Shuan suddenly approached Wu Kui and asked.

"I can't tell if there is mana in it, but the perception is very keen."

Wu Kui pondered for a while, and then said so.

Ji Shuan nodded.

Still can't help but ask:
"Did you see that green light just now?"

"It should be the handwriting of Liu Cheng."

Wu Kui seemed to be guessing, but said with certainty in her tone.

"[Harvest]: This year's food production in China +1?"

Ji Shu'an said with a smile, he felt that this great witch really distorted his image of "witch".

It seems that it is not as vicious as his breath shows?
"It's about the same as that, but I guess you might as well make a bold guess..."

Wu Kui reminisces about the breath she perceived before, she thinks it should not be that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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