Chapter 308 Opening of plane information (a new update!)

Due to previous accumulation, Yi Xia has quite a lot of skill points.

Yi Xia chose to learn the skill directly with her consciousness.

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: Do you want to consume 1 skill point to learn the skill: Silk Thread-Witch Body?"

Yi Xia made the confirmation directly.

Then, a new prompt message appeared on his retina:

"Determined success, consume 1 skill point, and the character will get a new skill - Shaman Body."

As the information on the retina refreshed, Yi Xia could feel a witchcraft atmosphere that was very different from what he had been exposed to before.

Golem sounds like an offshoot of secondary deflection.

But in fact, it is extremely vicious and taboo in witchcraft.

Eliminate its corresponding dangerous power.

The means derived from it show the loss and distortion of human nature.

It is the main reason why the niche branch of puppet is considered taboo.

Of course, this niche is relative.

It is not easy to be included in the inheritance of Zongwang.

It can be deeply imprinted into the relevant torrent of plane consciousness, and it has not been dispersed for many years.

Presumably, in a certain period of time in this plane, it also showed an extremely powerful and brilliant rule.

Yi Xia sensed that strange witchcraft aura, which changed his life.

Because Yi Xia didn't have much contact with this aspect.

Therefore, it failed to understand its essence.

I just vaguely feel that my life, soul, and even some invisible concepts that are more difficult to peek are undergoing some quiet changes.

It certainly won't be immediate.

Even if you find another way to directly reverse the essence of life on a large scale.

Even in the multiverse, it is quite difficult,

Not quite a metaphor, like sprinkled with some salt in the water.

It may not have brought about any superficial changes.

But its core is no longer the same.

Yi Xia couldn't perceive her own fate.

Wu Ji's inheritance in this aspect has not been dabbled too much.

More often, it is about the observation or influence of the fate of populations and civilizations.

As for the individual?

In Wu Ji's macro-professional values, it is inferior to tribes or ethnic groups.

At least in the Manghuang period, Wu Zhi was like this.

Later, perhaps with the change of the times, the thinking of witches also changed.

But at that time, the times were different, and the witches gradually lost the great power of the barbaric period.

If not, Yi Xia would like to see what his fate will be like.

He has never liked it and sees his life as a constantly playing videotape.

It seems that anyone can be behind the scenes, add and change.

Fate resistance is no better than other resistances, it cannot be superimposed, but takes the highest value.

The basic fate resistance given by the silk thread-shaman body belongs to the first rank in Yi Xia's related inheritance ability library.

Although it is not the highest, it is almost the same.

Other abilities with higher fate resistance have more or less inappropriate places.

There is always an extra price to be paid for going to extremes.

It has never been so simple to make further progress.

Yi Xia sensed that with the acquisition of the skill Pulling the Silk Thread - Witch Body, the consciousness seemed to have become a little more "stable".

Naturally, this does not mean complete immunity to fate-related abilities.

But at least, he was able to take precautions against this, filling the gap in his ability in this field.

In the extraordinary world of the oriental genealogy, this method can be said to be necessary.

There is always nothing wrong with planning ahead.

Afterwards, Yi Xia opened the integrated network panel.

With the occupation level raised to level 10, the content of Yi Xia's comprehensive network panel has become much richer.

In terms of pve, in addition to daily dungeons and weekly free dungeons, there are many additional options.

For example, Yi Xia saw the long-lost "Battle of Flour" in the comprehensive network activities/peripheral plane activities.

That was what he had been thinking about, wanting to go to the second brush.

Now, Yi Xia naturally has no such thoughts.

Mainly in terms of food related to non-limited blood, Yi Xia has achieved a certain degree of "food freedom".

It seems a little inappropriate to go to the organizer's wool again.

Yi Xia, who feels that she is barely qualified as a "little witch", thinks it's time to shape her professional image.

Although, under the massive output of Sanyang Decoction, this professional image may have been distorted into some kind of subtle concept...

The addition of pve is mainly based on various activities.

And pvp is an entertainment-oriented battlefield and a large fixed battlefield.

In the case of the former, there are extraordinary "entertainment-oriented" battlefields like the Hook Fat War, and there are also some decipherable battlefields full of horror and danger.

The "entertainment" of online players is not always safe.

The latter is easy to understand.

Well-known, such as the endless bloody battle between the abyss and purgatory.

And more often, it may be an invasion war between certain planes or a race war between large planes.

Yi Xia opened it and looked.

Immediately, the dense battlefield list refreshed in his retina.

Yi Xia was rarely taken aback, but he didn't expect there to be so many.

This is still from the surrounding planes...

For wars that took place in a plane that was too far away, even if an integrated network battlefield was generated, it would not be refreshed in Yi Xia's list.

Yi Xia sat cross-legged on the ground, flipping through it with great interest.

After many unfamiliar and lengthy affixes of place names related to the plane, he found some familiar names.

Such as Icecrown Glacier, Alterac Valley and the like.

They exist in the form of virtual culture in Yi Xia's plane.

But in another time and space, it is a real world.

It can be said that this is also the result of the mutual penetration of different planes.

Just like in other planes, ancient oriental legends related to oriental genealogy may also be born.

Most of them basically maintain the relevant characteristics of the plane, but in terms of detailed painting style, they may be more inclined to the consciousness structure of local life.

Yi Xia casually looked around.

Whether it is a daily battlefield or this kind of fixed battlefield.

For him, it doesn't make much difference.

He was going to see if there were any suitable ones in the fixed battlefield.

Because of the experience penalty, he spent a huge amount of general experience to upgrade his professional level to level 10.

At present, the general experience reserve has been declared bottomed out.

Suddenly, Yi Xia's eyes stopped on one of the battlefields.

"Taiping-Yellow Turban Rebellion?"

Yi Xia's gaze narrowed slightly.

Then shook his head.

For this battlefield plane, Yi Xia still has some interest in going to see it.

What can be included in the list of these battlefields is naturally not a simple attack of flesh and blood.

Yi Xia could think of many outrageous ways to unfold.

I just don't know what kind is there.

Unfortunately, no matter what, it is an internal struggle of the Eastern lineage humans.

Except for some rebellious soldiers who killed a lot, they can be eliminated directly.

The other soldiers did not belong to Yi Xia's "experience acquisition object" category.

Just as Yi Xia was looking for fixed battlefields in the surrounding planes, a new prompt message suddenly appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the relevant rules of the plane, the plane: Earth (number: GTQ#β#7fs#Axia... sdz) meets the relevant conditions, and the information of the plane is released. All the current (including subsequent births) of this plane Comprehensive network players Players can open the comprehensive network panel to query the properties of their own planes."

Yi Xia tried to open it.

In the next instant, dense reminders appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: connecting the current plane to the multiverse..."

"The plane information has been added, and the plane (camp) currently associated with this plane's camp is blank..."

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: Connecting information about intelligent life in this plane (including comprehensive network players) to the plane template..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the reputation and behavior of the player's relevant camp, a new hostile race has been added to your plane..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the reputation and behavior of the player's relevant faction, a new hostile force has been added to your plane..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the reputation and behavior of the player's relevant camp, a new hostile god has been added to your plane..."

(End of this chapter)

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