Chapter 313 I'm Sorry, The User You Dialed Has Shut Down (Two Updates!)
This is defined by the mages as: the edge of Roelmai, which is also the hometown of the murlocs, a terrifying day that has never been encountered in thousands of years.

From the untraceable birth of a murloc to the establishment of the murloc tribe.

This dark sea located in the lowest layer of Nunizia's space has experienced countless disasters.

Sometimes, chain fragmentation occurs in the upper space.

Then a large piece of falling material descended directly from the sky above the dark sea.

The material plate glowing with raging fire brought monstrous waves and devastating impact.

Sometimes, it is a holdover that has "sinked" from another warp.

Those intelligent beings in the upper space are always used to throwing dangerous and taboo things to the lower plane.

It's like, they're sure these guys will never come back.

Layer after layer, they were finally deposited in this dark sea.

In the countless years before this, the murlocs played multiple roles in this space:

Slaves, drudgery, and in bad times food, toys...

It wasn't until the appearance of the astonishingly beautiful king that the murloc's broken and muddled fate was cured.

It led the murlocs to plunder the intelligent life in the surrounding subspace, and sacrificed their souls and flesh, creating a huge domain that now covers the entire Dark Sea.

"Tenderness and kindness cannot be exchanged for gratitude and the future. Only blood and fire can bring fear and warmth."

This is the will that the king practiced all his life.

It's naturally not a kind one.

But murlocs don't need to be kind...

In this land where the light of stars is difficult to shine, the soil where light has never been born.

And now, it's just an even worse repetition of history...

A large number of murlocs stared at the sky above their heads:
A huge hole appeared there, and an indescribably huge humanoid creature "slowly" drilled out from it.

It's so huge and terrifying.

Its fingers are enough to easily overwhelm the murloc's most majestic buildings.

And in the dark subspace, the pupils are brighter than the stars.

Let the opponent's breath add a bit of destruction and tyranny.

That is not what a purely good life can have...

The broken space sent out violent friction on its waist.

The chaotic space that is enough to split all matter seems to have lost its effect at this time.

The murlocs could only watch helplessly as each other came through the huge hole.

Not surprisingly, the upper plane "throws garbage" again.

It's just that the "garbage" this time seems to be a bit out of line...

Some old murlocs even doubted that those humans who were beaten to the crater by their army could have the ability to exile such a terrifying existence?

Finally, the murloc couldn't hold back his fear.

They screamed and launched their own attacks.

It was a catharsis with all its strength, and in a short while, a colorful magic light curtain was formed like a huge force.

Then it landed on the giant, arousing a little spark, which was extremely bright.

"This is the murloc I am familiar with..."

Above the sky, the giant said with a smile.

Its huge and dull sound turned into tangible air waves, sweeping over the dark sea.

The next moment, the weak murloc suddenly felt his heart tremble.

There seemed to be some foreign objects in their throats, which made them cough uncontrollably.

Some murlocs, on the other hand, feel a little weak for no reason.

It was as if he had fought fiercely with several females last night, and he didn't even have the strength to hold the weapon tightly.

Many complicated abnormal states happened to murlocs.

The alert murloc sensed something was wrong.

"It's the plague!"

A murloc warned.

to no avail:
The occasional dispersing lights in the murlocs were like futile sparks in the darkness.

After a while, it was submerged in a deep darkness.

The sea area that was still buzzing quickly fell into a creepy silence...

Through the cold sea area, countless murloc corpses could be seen floating there.

Their eyes widened in horror or slightly closed in confusion.

Death, compassionately favored all...



Ann Zebes walked dully across a dark sea.

The teammates beside him also followed with solemn expressions.

It is not that they have not seen death.

As a comprehensive network player who has turned on the killing experience mode, which extraordinary comprehensive network player is not promoted with countless comprehensive network monsters as nourishment?

It's just that when the numbers on this panel are displayed in a shocking form.

It's a different kind of experience...

Ann Zebes looked down at the dead sea below.

He has already flown at least 1 Belém clock (about half an hour) with his teammates.

There is no place without murlocs that the eyes can touch.

Just like the danger warning displayed on the comprehensive web panel, the number of murlocs here far exceeded their expectations.

But now, they are all dead...

The cold, possibly even slightly warm corpse was still soaking in the dark sea water.

You can see this scene everywhere you look.

It seems that what they entered was not the kingdom of murlocs, but a lower plane full of endless negative energy.

The bone-piercing and strong breath of death made Ann Zibes feel a little horrified.

That was the primitive instinct of life, urging him to leave this dangerous place.

He thought it was a war, but he never thought that a scarlet affix called "genocide" would be added.

That guy, which plane is the monster...

Ann Zebes thought to himself.

He originally wanted to add a wave of the other party's friends to see if he could further expand the sss-level lucky results.

But now, seeing such a scene can be regarded as a terrifying scene for integrated network players.

Ann Zbes dismissed the idea instantly.

That is not the existence of the same world and level as him.

If you get too close to each other, you may be involved in some dangerous incidents...

But how dare he?


He wasn't afraid of the evil god's revenge at all?

Or, in the face of such a large number of lives and massacres, his heart will not be shaken in the slightest?
This may be a race fanatic...

Ann Zbes recalled the previous opponent, and now it seems to be called "moderate" performance.

If you want to be a goddess, you will understand my behavior...

Thinking of this, Ann Zibes restrained his mind, and then used his divine power.

He tried to connect with his goddess...

Following the lengthy wait, Ann Zbes's expression changed from solemn to calm, and then to a bit dazed.

The wait for the goddess' call this time is a bit long...

Then, Ann Zbes finally sensed the familiar divine fluctuations.

Huh, I thought the goddess blocked me again...

Then the next moment, just after Ann Zbes was about to report on his own situation.

He felt a bit of divinity around him.

After sensing the indescribable breath of death, the divine connection was directly interrupted in a simple and crude way.

Ann Zbes looked at the "Prayer-God" skill that instantly fell into gray and fell into deep thought.

As expected of the gods I believe in, he is much more agile than me...

(End of this chapter)

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