Chapter 345 Plane Diplomacy Application (One more update!)

Willow City/Basement

Regarding the question of whether Kun is a fish, Yi Xia decided not to delve into it further.

All in all, this is enough food for the card.

Although it was just a young hatchling.

But for an adult body, Yi Xia reckoned that it could be killed.

It might not be so easy to get it back.

The body shape of an adult Kun has already been explained in Zhuangzi's well-known article on a leisurely excursion.

What's more, Kun was not necessarily such a weak existence even in the ancient times.

Judging from Yi Xia's own actual experience.

To be able to grow to that size in the ancient times, I am afraid it is not a kind person.

I just don't know how it tastes...

Yi Xia thought about it, and he felt that he was afraid that he would have to find an open land for the New Year.

Naturally, he didn't plan to celebrate the New Year in the basement.

For the current Yi Xia, all parts of Shenzhou belonged.

It was already evening, and the old corridor above was much busier than before.

Yi Xia sat quietly in the darkness, listening eagerly.

He didn't feel lonely, but an unprecedented fulfillment.

He is tracing his own great path, no longer subject to any shackles.

"Mom! I want a drink!"

Upstairs, the cub who had been home for a few days on vacation, after fully expressing his wishes.

As I wished, I got some speech education from my old mother.

Apparently, he forgot that he had already passed the "Protection Period for Homecoming on Vacation"...

On the other side, the young wife complained to her husband that the peppers he bought were too low.

It made Yi Xia who was meditating in the basement thoughtful.

Speaking of which, do I have to get some more dragon blood...

If it is just boiled, the clear soup is also delicious.

But considering the size of a young kun, it seems a bit too repetitive.

What's more, for Chinese New Year, Dawu just wants to eat something spicy, so what's wrong?

Yi Xia, who was thinking about what else to prepare, had an idea in an instant.

He has always been an actionist, let alone something related to eating.

Dragon blood doesn't necessarily need to be obtained by oneself.

Yi Xia thought for a while and directly opened the Multiverse Trading Center.

Compared with other materials on the dragon, dragon blood has a wide range of uses in the extraordinary world.

Of course, it's hard to talk about a use like Yi Xia's.

Yi Xia first eliminated those stores that sold magically processed dragon blood.

He can digest dragon blood that has been processed by various magic techniques.

But when you think about it that way, the taste will inevitably lose its purity.

In many cases, the user's performance requirements for dragon blood lie in its stability.

To put it simply, it is to reduce the "spiciness".

This is naturally unacceptable to Yi Xia.

He bought it for the spicy feeling that dragon blood could give him.

Although the most beloved chili fried pork in the re-engraving period is a bit complicated.

But grilling is probably still feasible.

After removing some stores, there are relatively few remaining stores.

Theoretically, Yi Xia can see the relevant sales stores in the entire multiverse in the multiverse comprehensive network trading center.

But in reality, due to the fact that the timeline and time and space are too far away.

Most of the time, Yi Xia can only see shops in relatively close planes.

It's like he was able to match an acquaintance in the online copy by chance.

These non-hard restrictions will gradually disappear only when one's own strength is sufficient and can provide a sufficiently stable "anchor point".

Yi Xia looked around the remaining shops.

Quite unexpectedly, he found a shop marked with a transaction record with him.

Or, the shopkeeper?
Yi Xia thought for a while, and sent a message to the opposite side through the integrated network...



A plane of the multiverse

The great Conqueror of the Magic Tower - Neville Mullen is studying the unknown potion in front of him.

He is in his own laboratory.

Here, he can fully enjoy the fun of exploration that makes him happy, and is not disturbed by his dozens of wives...

Sometimes, Neville Mullen will also try to be in doubt.

He really wanted to go back to the past, back to the years when he was young and his blood was strong enough to maintain his flowing hairline.

Then, give the ignorant self a slap...

Maybe it was a trick when he was fighting Slaanesh's legion.

After the young Neville Mullen ended the fight, he gradually fell into the ocean of desire.

The young soldiers who charge forward on the battlefield are also unparalleled in another battlefield.

But sometimes, time does all justice.

Will Mullen couldn't help but shook his head.

At this moment, a new reminder message appeared on his retina.

Have a new order?

Will-Mullen opened the comprehensive network panel with his consciousness and took a look.

Then, it turned out to be a new message.

After quickly reading the content of the message, Ver-Mullen discovered the object of the message.

That was the alchemist who had pre-ordered a large number of potions.

Of course, it seems inappropriate to call such a powerful warrior an alchemist.

Will-Mullen heard about the other party's deeds in the Gretam galaxy.

It was undeniably brutal and terrifying.

He should be treated more like a pure-blooded combat madman than an alchemist who can concoct such a powerful potion.

To be honest, Vermaelen always felt that the other party's image was somewhat abstract and distorted.

This also made him have a certain interest.

After marrying his 47th wife, he said goodbye to his beloved fighting cause.

As a powerful warrior who was able to be active in the human and pervert legion.

Ver Mullen appreciates such a strong player.

When pre-ordering the potion, Vermaelen chatted with the other party for a while.

The opponent's private behavior was not as violent as he was in battle.

At least from the words, it doesn't seem at all to overthrow the enemy's race and civilization at every turn.

But then again, what did he want to buy a lot of dragon blood for?

After being "forced to retire", Will-Mullen began to run the integrated trading company founded by his 35th wife.

At present, he has retreated to the second line and is only responsible for the sale and purchase of raw materials.

"Yi, it's rare that you want to do my business."

"With our strong friendship, I can give you a 7.5% discount."

"Actually, if it wasn't mine...well, the wives have made an agreement with me, I would rather give it to you directly."

Ver-Mullen directly spent a sum of comprehensive network disaster coins to send his information in the form of an image.

Some dragon blood, not a big deal.

Ver-Mullen was even more curious about what Yi Xia was going to buy the dragon's blood for.

Is he going to develop some new medicine?
Therefore, Ver-Mullen added another question later.

Not long after, Vermaelen got the answer.

As chili?

Weir Mullen was lost in thought.

Perhaps, his research on the dietary tastes of giant-born warriors is still a bit weak...

At the same time, Yi Xia, who had just bought a wave of dragon's blood, suddenly found a new prompt on his retina.

Plane diplomacy application?

Yi Xia fell into deep thought, and then just ignored...

(End of this chapter)

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