Chapter 356 The Shadow Above the Dragons (One more update!)

Zhongzhou Spirit World/Tosano Dragon Portal
"Spread your wingspan, and go hunting happily!"

The roaring voice of Augustine Baron, the sour ruler, is louder than the roar of thunder in the sky.

Around this majestic portal, countless dragons are hovering here.

Their large and violent bodies divided the sky like shattered dark clouds.

The sparse and fragmented sunlight shines down, and the ground is full of various huge and changing lights and shadows.

Augustin Baron didn't join in the fun.

It knows what these guys have suffered on their oppressive journey through the portal.

So, it leniently allows them to go on a wild hunt.

Of course, if they were smart enough, they wouldn't provoke those human strongholds with institutional fortifications.

Those ugly little creatures without wings were not as weak as they expected.

In the long time of thousands of years before, Augustine Baron had no contact with human beings.

It grew up in the great dragon empire named Tosano, and is also a noble and ancient pure blood descendant.

Its life journey is destined to be endowed with supreme glory and glory.

It's a pity that the void has come...

Augustine Baron walked slowly on the ground.

The corrosion of the void makes its wings always fall into an uncontrollable restlessness.

This allows it to fly as few times as possible.

It is unwilling to further stimulate the power of these voids, so as not to turn into that twisted and ugly void form.

Yes, even for giant dragons, they will never feel how beautiful the form after being corroded and distorted by the void is.

Or, when the twisted filth is gradually acceptable.

Whether you care about the distortion of the appearance is no longer so important.

Because at that time, the erosion of the void no longer stopped at the flesh and blood itself...

"Another bug is approaching..."

Augustine Baron's dark green vertical pupils exuded corrosion and viciousness, and keenly captured several familiar human shadows sneaking close not far away.

It remembers the breath of these guys.

It's not the first time they've come.

Augustin Baron knew about them and didn't bother to pay attention.

Such a weak life is far from reaching the level where it can be shot.

If those cubs of the Burning Blood Third Legion were not stupid, they would have died under the dragon's breath long ago.

What's more, in such a weak world, where can there be a strong opponent.

If it hadn't been eroded by the power of the void, an ancient blood man with supreme glory like it should be following the great dragon king to fight in the outer layer.

From the bottom of his heart, Augustine Barry hoped that this place would be taken back by those humans.

In this way, it is not certain that the battle in the outer layer will affect here.

At that time, it will have a good fight.

How could it be as boring as it is now?

And at this moment, Augustin Baron suddenly noticed that a powerful and dangerous huge life form was constantly approaching!
A powerful aura suddenly burst out from Augustin Ba's dark green vertical pupils.

It has longed for this for so long.

The discovery of the illusion of walking third-class skills while on duty is not limited to humans and civilization itself.

Augustin Baron slowly spread his wingspan, and it roared up suddenly!

The giant dragons roared to open up a flight path for it, and it flew straight towards the perceived life form!

As the shadows of the dragon's lingering parted, the bright brilliance of the star shone above the clouds.

Augustin Baron was able to see his enemy clearly:

It was a humanoid creature so huge that even the dragon thought it was a behemoth!
It wears heavy armor in the style of a dark titan, and the violent and ferocious flames turn into clouds walking under its feet.

Is a good opponent!
Augustine Barry thought so.

On the other side, Yi Xia sensed some ancient and obscure breath of life emanating from the huge miserable green dragon in the distant sky.

is a good food...

Yi Xia thought so.

Then, one person and one dragon suddenly rushed towards each other.

On one side is the shadowy sky of countless giant dragons wandering and splitting, and on the other side is the burning sky with endless tyrannical and destructive flames.

Here, a fight begins!



Sardar Otto is fleeing in a hurry with his teammates.

He was quite sad and indignant.

Day, big brother, you should release less AOE, and you didn't turn on ally damage protection!
They came to do the daily task of detecting the situation of the portal, but they met the boss who was about to wash the portal...

The flames in the sky seemed to be a terrifying scene like annihilation.

In no time, a ferocious flame fell to the ground.

In just a blink of an eye, a stretch of red land stretched out.

If it's just an ordinary magic flame, with his level 15 arcane knight's resistance, he can also use the halo to fight against it.

But obviously that's not it.

Just now, due to a teammate's lack of physical strength, he was hit by the edge of the flame.

Sardar Otto made a strong push to save the opponent, but within a short time, he was almost burnt through the spell shield.

Sardar Otto doubted whether the other party had ordered the ultimate spell penetration and spell continuous enhancement.

But this is only one of the easiest to avoid among many dangers.

In the central area of ​​the battle, the aftermath of the opponent's attack is enough to annihilate everything in between.

Judging from the speed of the shock wave, it happened to be in the affected area, so it could only be prayed that the triggering speed of the spell transfer was fast enough.

In addition, the core dragon breath of the dragon leader and the negative buff checks constantly refreshed on the retina are also dangers that cannot be ignored.

While fleeing, Sardar Otto asked the halfling teammates sitting on his neck about the battle situation by using his natural ability to periodically accelerate the time of thinking for nothing.

According to the description of the halfling teammate, the leader of the giant dragon guarding the portal has been beaten to the ground.

While retreating, he summoned the dragon army behind him.

"Isn't the giant dragon very arrogant, how can you not play with it?"

Sardar Otto heard the words, and in the state of accelerated thinking, while speeding up and running wildly, he said in the team channel with consciousness and disdain.

"That depends on who the opponent is..."

Teammates understand this.

After all, they are extremely uncomfortable in the fringe area of ​​​​the battle.

What's more, the fighting ability of the unknown boss seems to be mainly reflected in hand-to-hand combat.

Even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned giant dragon lord finally knew the severity after being hit with a sap.

Started to keep increasing the distance honestly, using dragon breath and spell-like abilities to fight.

Finally, when the sound of fighting behind them turned into thunderous roars, Sardar Otto and his party managed to escape to the periphery of the battlefield.

And at this time, the area they just left has been engulfed by countless ferocious blazing flames.

On the burning ground, countless giant dragons are flying rapidly and releasing powerful dragon breath.

They dare not fly to the top of each other's heads, but hover in the sky under each other's feet.

Because relatively speaking, the opponent is more willing to clean up the dragon above the head.

The sky is filled with the dazzling light of dragon breaths of various colors, even better than the light of stars blooming!
But amidst the colorful light, the huge and deep shadows still unstoppably engulfed everything!
Surrounded by dragons, he waved the weapon in his hand to break through the waves of colorful light.

During the whistling, the clouds in the distance tore apart, and the giant dragons in it burst into irregular blood mist!
The ear-piercing siren resounded through the sky, and everything seemed like a disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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