The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 359 A warrior with a painting style of cultivating immortals?

Chapter 359 A warrior with a painting style of cultivating immortals? (Two updates!)

Mother Green Nest?

Yi Xia fell into deep thought while looking at the reminder message on his retina.

For Yi Xia, other messy titles are not as solid as the weight of the legendary poisonous dragon.

This is the first legendary life that Yi Xia has provoked...

Compared with gods subject to priesthood, legendary life is much more dangerous.

Until now, Yi Xia has never been in contact with a real legendary life.

But follow the now established path of legend.

Yi Xia was able to roughly calculate his combat effectiveness at that time.

Compared with now, it can be said to be another level.

But Wu Ji's legendary way is probably much more difficult to advance than the legendary way of some extraordinary professions.

Therefore, it cannot be used as a normalized reference.

Yi Xia feels like a pony crossing a river now, and can only practice and explore by himself.

For now, Yi Xia probably still has some difficulties.

The gold content of the legend is beyond doubt.

To a certain extent, it is roughly comparable to the attainment of Taoism and immortality of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

This does not refer to combat power, but refers to the evolution of life that corresponds to it across levels.

As for combat power, like the immortals in the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree, there are many levels.

The gap between legends is also uneven.

With the gold content of the bloodline of the giant dragon, Yi Xia reckoned that this legendary green dragon named Mother of the Green Nest should not belong to the weakest batch.

Yi Xia felt a little vigilant.

If the opponent enters the earth, his chances of winning should be greater.

After all, on the earth, he has various comprehensive bonuses related to the plane, and the opponent is naturally suppressed by the consciousness of the earth plane.

After one plus and one minus, it can barely fight.

Of course, since the opponent can become a legend, he will definitely not be so reckless.

In particular, it is now involved in the fight between its own civilization and Zhongzhou.

If you want to escape, you have to wait until the dust of the plane war has settled.

From the bottom of his heart, Yi Xia felt that the Tosano dragon civilization had little chance of winning.

He didn't understand the current fighting situation in the outer layer of Zhongzhou.

But he understands the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage...

Internal strife is internal strife, foreign invasion is foreign invasion.

It's like when he sees it, he will come to help.

With the passage of time, the situation of the war may change at any time.

But then again, the dragon blood of the legendary poisonous dragon does not know whether it is spicy or not...

Yi Xia shook his head, and the unceasing sound of the dragon's breath in his ears brought him back to reality.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the many giant dragons who were unswervingly moving forward on the road of Gua Sha.

A certain kind of vibrant color emerges from the pupils surrounded by endless flames.

Inside, there are still some giant dragons with relatively powerful bloodlines.

Like a rooster in a flock of quail.

I can always cook a pot...

With a thought in Yi Xia's mind, a red cloud suddenly appeared under his feet.

Then, he roared and flew towards the group of dragons.

Then, howls and howls sounded together.

On the burning earth, add a few more scarlet colors...



"Witch? Where did the word come from? We've never heard of it."

A group of Zhongzhou immortals are negotiating a strategy against the enemy.

The immortal here is fighting fiercely with the dragon king of the foreign land in the void.

It has been several months according to this.

Now the void in Zhongzhou is full of all kinds of restless and violent energy.

Chaotic space turbulence and dangerous space gaps occupy most of the area.

This is a natural truce.

The two sides can continue to fight until they have calmed down a little bit.

As for the leaders of both sides, their battle is in a more distant area.

In the last round of battle, Zhongzhou side suffered some losses.

Almost lost the two immortals.

It is said that some kind of dangerous void power was activated by the Tosano dragon.

After the truce, Zhongzhou was extremely angry about this.

Some immortals expressed that they would also like to activate certain forbidden powers in Zhongzhou.

Then, it was opposed by another faction:

"Tossano, barbarians too! Do you want to imitate his vulgarity and lose the name of Zhongzhou Zhongzheng?"

Another fairy said that it's this time, and he still cares about these things.

If we don't overthrow these giant dragons, maybe Zhongzhou will perish!

But at this time, there was a sudden news from the lower realm.

Speaking of the spirit world, there was a strong foreign aid that turned the tide and destroyed the portal of the dragon Tosano in the spirit world in one fell swoop.

This attracted the attention of many immortals.

Even immortals have their own areas of expertise.

It's not like getting a fairy in the past can destroy that portal.

Otherwise, some of the immortals left in the atrium to sit in charge would have already pulled out some to support the spirit world.

Therefore, the gold content of this battle report can be imagined.

Although subject to the current overall situation in Zhongzhou, it is difficult for divination and geomancy techniques to be effective.

Many immortals are also unable to know the specific situation.

But after all, after some years, everyone has their own opinions.

After some immortals knew that the opponent's heel was very likely to be related to the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, they began to think about it.

Such a fierce warrior.

This is the case before becoming a fairy.

When he becomes a fairy, then he will be another god of war in the courtyard?
Even if they can't get away for a while, they each have some disciples in the spirit world.

It is difficult to accept apprentices and get married.

You can take care of some human relations first, and the contacts may also be a help, or even rely on.

Even if the opponent's luck is bad and he fails to become a fairy.

With the current combat strength, it is not a loss.

The strategic value of being able to freely walk on the ceiling of combat power in the mortal and spiritual worlds is self-evident.

For a while, the immortals were in a state of uncertainty.

There were also immortals who were quite puzzled by this and asked about witches.

After all, this coinage.

Investigating its conception, it is obviously extraordinary.

But Zhongzhou has never heard of it.

Obviously, this is the original concept of other extraordinary civilizations of the oriental lineage.

"When I look at this word, it goes up to the sky and down to the earth."

"I'm afraid it's from the lineage of giants."

Some immortals put forward their own views.

There are also immortals who feel that the witch character is trapped on both sides and cannot be overstepped, perhaps it means some kind of imprisonment.

While some immortals were discussing this endlessly, the immortal with white hair and beard slowly opened his eyes:

"Wizards are also those who reach the heavens and the earth."

"This is the other world, the destiny to guide the fate of the human race."

"It's not easy for him to come to our world to help in the battle. I will do my best to repay him, and don't hurt the friendship between the two worlds."

"Wait, don't even think about ghosts."

Once a word is spoken, all directions are silent.

In the crowd, a young man with a calm face had a slight twinkle in his eyes.

And in the integrated network panel that only has his personal capabilities:
"Private chat (personal note: president): President! Is the president here! President!! I found the warrior with the style of cultivating immortals you want! Quickly give me permission to pull people! I guarantee that this time I will not cause trouble! "

(End of this chapter)

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