Chapter 367 Urban Strange Tale New Legend? (Two updates!)

next day
Nothing in the night

Accompanied by some laughter and laughter, Yi Xia woke up from a wonderful sleep.

He stood barefoot at the window, looking at the sky with only a white belly outside, lost in thought.

These morning joggers are really energetic.

In such weather, why don't you go to bed early?
Da Wu said that it was a little difficult to understand.

In such a weather, even for him, it is inevitable that he would have the urge to snuggle up under a warm blanket.

Yi Xia went straight out.

Through the somewhat drowsy doorway, Yi Xia went straight to the balcony.

In the early morning in the mountains, it is inevitable that there will be some mist.

The temperature outside was very low, and there was a thin layer of dew on the deck chair thrown outside.

Under the dim morning light, it seemed as if a thin layer of frost had condensed.

The howling mountain wind rushed towards him, and Yi Xia suddenly realized that this might be an outlet.

I don't know if the designer who designed this villa took this into consideration.

Yi Xia's eyes surrounded by endless flames passed through the obstacles of the mountains and trees, and saw the two people who were breathing white gas on the mountain road.

One older, one younger.

Judging from their bloodlines and aura, they are probably mother and daughter?
Yi Xia looked at the two people who were jogging in the morning with great interest.

Although it is spring now, the temperature is still very low.

Yi Xia admired the attitude of the two of them regarding the seasons as nothing.

When he was still a mortal, he didn't have such a gesture.

There was no one around, and Yi Xia didn't bother to go downstairs step by step.

He flew straight down from the balcony.

He looked around the villa.

There used to be a garden here.

Of course, it's basically covered in weeds now.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and opened the multiverse comprehensive network player trading platform with his mind.

He is going to invite some natural elves or druids to plant big trees around the villa.

Although it is better to arrange the relevant line-of-sight isolation enchantment.

But considering the possible impact, Yi Xia didn't care.

He has never been entangled in this aspect.

Soon, Yi Xia found a shop that seemed to have the highest turnover in plant care-related businesses.

After understanding the purpose of Yi Xia's visit, the other party seemed to be lost in thought, and did not reply immediately.

It seems that the level of business needs to be improved.

Yi Xia thought so.

In the next moment, he received the confirmation of the application for customized services.

With the consumption of Yi Xia's comprehensive network disaster coins, not long after, some little dots similar to the goblins Yi Xia had contacted before came out of the void.

Due to the contract, they will not be suppressed and expelled by the consciousness of the plane for a short time.

They surveyed the unfamiliar environment around them in amazement.

The not very active magic particles and the turbid natural atmosphere in the air made them feel a little strange.

It stands to reason that this is not in line with what the chief executive said - this time it is to serve a particularly wealthy guest.

Then, they all looked at Yi Xia who was standing opposite.

Due to the protection of the contract, they also couldn't perceive Yi Xia's aura.

Even sometimes, there will be protection in appearance.

This is also because there have been servers who frightened the guests before.

Although it is difficult for everyone to understand, why the harmless appearance of humans and animals like them can scare people.

With a high probability, it is a powerful evil creature with small individuals in that world?

Fortunately, there should be no such things in this world.

Because the customer who looked like a human being on the opposite side looked at them without any panic.

"Guest, is this area?"

The little one who is the leader wears an instrument similar to glasses.

Then, he pulled out a blueprint about the size of a human palm from the void and asked while looking at it.

When it finished speaking, the blueprint in its hand immediately projected a miniature picture of the surrounding scene.

Among them, the areas that need to be planted are marked with obvious green.

Yi Xia looked at it, then nodded.

So, a group of little ones started to get busy.

Of course, strictly speaking, there is not much work-planting some finished big trees, and they are not special species.

For these natural darlings, it is really nothing.

Soon, countless big trees rose from the ground.

They are not inferior products that were spawned, but are resuscitated after being processed by special magic techniques.

Generally speaking, it is quite expensive to purchase service-type commodities on the multiverse comprehensive network player trading platform.

After all, the basic cost of plane transfer is there.

They always have to figure out some tricks to be worthy of Yi Xia's expenses.

So, when Yu Xiaoxiao's mother and daughter finished their morning run and ran down the mountain.

They were at a loss looking at the villa that was said to have been bought by a rich man and redeveloped.

Just before going up the mountain, they pointed to the villa and discussed its layout.

Yu Xiaoxiao thinks this kind of villa is very cool, and they can see all the mountains together every morning.

Her mother thought it was just beautiful.

To buy a vegetable, you have to drive the car out of the garage and go down the mountain to buy it.

And playing mahjong or something, calling people is not convenient.

As a result, he only ran for a while before coming down from the mountain, and found that the place was surrounded by a group of towering trees.

Through the closed iron gate, one can vaguely see the white exterior wall of the villa under the shade of trees inside.

What is the opening method of Urban Strange Tale New Legend?

The two looked at each other.

When they were running on the mountain, they didn't pay attention to the sound of construction.

But this doesn't look like a small project, the movement should be quite big.

And before, I didn't see any construction team coming up.

So is this super power, or money power?

The mountain was extremely quiet in the early morning. The two of them waited and watched for a while, but they didn't seem to see anything strange happening.

The two secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly descended the mountain.

Naturally, they would not notice that on the balcony covered by trees, a pair of eyes filled with endless fire were staring at them.

Looks like it scares the neighbors...

Yi Xia withdrew his gaze and thought.

However, it is more troublesome to do it during the day.

He didn't bother to make a special preparation for these trees. He even prepared a special time.

Now, he no longer needs to be as scruples as before.

Even if the tide of the times hits him head-on, he can still be safe and sound.

What's more, the place his eyes touched had already pointed to the vast and boundless wild land.

The earth is home.

A little disturbance in the home is nothing more than trouble.

Afterwards, Yi Xia returned to the attic.

He put the dragon head statue in the attic.

I collected some dragon materials before, and it was barely enough to make a pot of good soup.

Yi Xia slowly stepped into the portal.

At the same time, in a certain plane of the multiverse
In the ancient and mysterious underground palace, someone carefully opened the door that had been sealed for many years.

They cleaned off the thick ashes on the stone carvings, and under the brown color given by time, an ancient name was revealed.

"Xia... witch?"

They groaned softly, then stopped abruptly.

As if afraid of my own recitation, it attracted some indescribable attention.

Excitement and fear danced in their eyes.

They knew they had touched a great secret of one of the land's most ancient times...

(End of this chapter)

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