Chapter 376 Void Beast Tide (Update!)

A huge void stretches across the ground.

On the smooth-edged section, the progress of the purple void layer that has penetrated deeply into the depths of the earth is clearly revealed.

In the deeper area, the cold groundwater continuously gushes out from the fracture.

They fell high and landed on the lowest hard rock layer, making a deafening roar.

And everything that was once in this huge void has completely disappeared.

Only the sky that was torn apart by the violent air flow and leaked a large "clear" area silently interpreted everything that just happened.

The kitten Mili Yali-Xin Miao seemed to have unintentionally set off a firecracker that was far more powerful than expected, her eyes were full of bewilderment.

This ancient spell, after learning it, is not the first time it has been used.

Judging from the previous use effect, it is excellent in terms of explosiveness.

The sustainable effect is too poor, and its optimal matching range is relatively narrow.

Relatively speaking, extraordinary heavy archers, heavy weapon proficient fighters with skewed range, etc., would be more suitable.

But now, the kitten seems to have found a little bit of the ancient glory that belonged to this ancient magic.

"...The Lord of Time bestowed favor on the servants of the gods, so they were able to distort time for a short time, gaining the power of supreme destruction, and the mountains or city walls were shattered under their mighty power..."

—— "Ridan Talas - Ultra Ancient Time Magic - Preface [-]"

In a trance, the kitten returned to the time when he obtained this spell.

It seems somewhat understood.

This is a spell prepared for giants...

Mili Yali-Xin Miao saved the video.

This is an exhortation from the female mage.

For them, the value of Yi Xia's battle videos is self-evident.

Maybe the president will know what to do after watching the video.

In contrast, the kitty people are more curious about how Yi Xia is going to eat those void monsters that seem to make the kitten people feel cold...



The surprise given by the kittenman did not stop Yi Xia for long.

Those lives distorted by the void will not stop because of it.

They roared, thick balls of flesh bulging from beneath their rotting skin.

Not long after, with the cracked flesh and blood, a pair of wings that were not very harmonious and other messy flying aids appeared.

They crossed the deep pit and charged towards Yi Xia densely.

Compared with the real void life, they may be more fearless of death after they have completely fallen into the chaos of the void.

Rather than saying that these are living creatures, it is better to say that they are activated flesh and blood dominated by the power of the void.

And at this moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your behavior makes the beast's nest feel threatened. The dungeon event: Hunting-beast's nest is suspended, and the high-difficulty event: Void beast tide is officially opened!"

"Reminder in the dungeon area: This dungeon triggers a high-difficulty event, and the related challenge level increases. Please prepare for the dungeon challenger."

Seeing this refreshed message, other comprehensive network players in the dungeon raised question marks in their minds.

Their fortifications have been completed for a long time, and only some sporadic void life came to attack.

Without much effort, these void monsters were divided up.

It was hard to wait for a group of void monsters who were still barely in number to attack.

In the end, he charged two waves hastily and then retreated directly.

From the looks of it, it seems that the old nest has been taken over by someone.

Even the unintelligent form dominated by the power of chaos seems to be in a hurry.

Most of the people who entered this dungeon were some capable integrated network players.

After all, this challenge dungeon has failed twice.

Those who dare to take the last time have more or less gold content.

It doesn't even need to be too in-depth speculation, most comprehensive online players think that Yi Xia should be attacking the beast's nest.

Don't you have to help?

As a result, all the hand-to-hand combat professions who had nothing to worry about, took a step forward.

Following the direction of those evacuated void creatures, they followed them all the way.

Leaving more integrated network players who are suitable for positional warfare, a little at a loss.

If you go, it is obvious that the risk factor is too high now.

If you don't go, there will always be some reconciliation.

If Yi Xia had directly cleared the level, wouldn't it be lying all the way to the end?
This is something more intolerable for these integrated network players than the loss of the dungeon.

So, some simply didn't bother to take care of the fortifications, and just grouped together in twos and threes, ready to go and have a look.

Of course, there are also those who have already prepared.

Directly a temporary activation spell turned the fortification into a temporary mount.

Although relatively cumbersome, there is always some protection.

Naturally, Yi Xia didn't know about the situation of the integrated network players over there.

He glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Void beast tide?

Yi Xia set his sights on those void monsters that seemed to have not changed much.

Maybe... a little stronger?
Yi Xia picked up the Wu Banner, thinking uncertainly.

Because of the characteristics of void life, I don't know that much.

Yi Xia has not been able to capture the location of the Void Beast's Nest for the time being.

Fortunately, the space for this copy does not seem to be very large.

Yi Xia has a pretty good "renovation plan" for this...

"The acceleration technique just now, can it still be used?"

Yi Xia thought for a while, and Yifan smashed the vanguard of the fastest flying void monster into an indescribable blood mist.

In the air waves like a tyrannical roar, Yi Xia's voice was like thunder.

"It can still be used three times today!"

The kitten Mili Yali-Xin Miao yelled as loudly as she could towards Yi Xia's abyss-like ear holes.

In a trance, it even heard an echo...

three times?

Yi Xia thought about it, and it was almost enough.

At this time, the void monsters rushed over.

The entire sky seemed to have turned a hideous purple.

Yi Xia savagely tore open the sky made up of monsters in the void, like a bull sweeping away a gadfly with its tail.

On the bloody red cloud, Yi Xia overlooked the earth from a high altitude.

The pothole that he blasted out just now was extremely eye-catching on the wriggling purple ground.

In the more distant area, on the creepy purple ground, countless wriggling meat balls look like newborn worms.

Yi Xia's eyes shone with endless fire, piercing through their shallow and evil appearance.

Looking directly at its chaotic and profound evil core.

That's what Yi Xia needs.

As for those rotten, twisted flesh and blood?
Maybe after cooking for a while, you can feed the Gu worms?
Withdrawn from the power of the void, they are nothing but filthy and unholy remains.

Yi Xia was not eager to find the beast's nest.

Whether it is the void power that it disperses into various void monsters, or it itself.

In the end, there will be a common "warm" destination.

Yi Xia found an area relatively far away from the hole he made before.

When the spell blessed by the kitty man worked on him again.

Suddenly, Yi Xia has a subtle sense of sight that he is "sweeping mines"...

(End of this chapter)

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