Chapter 409 The Skew From Civilization (One more update!)

On the land of red and black, the sound of roaring was continuous.

With the vision of many outer space observers, they can watch this magnificent battle between the two giants from a bird's-eye view.

In fact, for a very small number of special paying groups of integrated network players, they have limited options to switch perspectives.

To a certain extent, this also comes with a temporary perspective of acting as a giant.

The Eye of Three Pupils - Senior Time and Space Reporter - Isama Pala quite liked this experience.

Before that, what he remembered particularly vividly was a super-giant red dragon with a height of hundreds of feet that participated in a similar competitive activity.

In that experience, Isama Parra felt for the first time the strong impact brought by the vision of this super-giant life.

I also understand why these guys always like to use bugs and the like to describe medium-sized intelligent life like humans.

The red dragon was an "interview subject" with a weird temper, but barely able to communicate.

It's a pity that Isama Parra hasn't seen each other since that event.

This is normal, the infinity of the multiverse is an eternal treasure that brings infinite joy to explorers like him.

Forever stagnant in one world, one civilization, it is too boring and painful for people like Isama Parra.

But this time, he came to the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree with a high degree of legend in the multiverse.

In fact, any civilization has its splendor.

Either dark or bright, bright and colorful.

And they are intertwined vertically and horizontally, outlining the infinite magnificence of the multiverse that is difficult to bear in words.

Isama-Pala basks in this truly endless beauty.

The extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree, in Isama-Pala's view, is the bright "star" in a certain area in this boundless brilliance.

But that's all.

Just like the boundless universe, it will never focus on the brilliance of a single star.

In that vastness, there is always a brighter brilliance.

Chewing the different taste brought by this difference is the meaning of time travel.

As for time and space trading?Plane runner?
That, in Isama Parra's view, was really uninteresting.

Having said that, Isama Pala is quite looking forward to participating in this activity of the Extraordinary Civilization of the Eastern Genealogy.

Before that, he checked some relevant information.

Then soon, he stopped this "dangerous operation".

Isama-Palla felt skewed from the hierarchy of civilization.

An excellent civilization always has some kind of subtle and strong infection.

It's just that different civilizations have different manifestations.

With a rough understanding of Isama-Pala, he probably knows the relevant basic presentation mode of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree.

In simple terms, it can be understood as "painting style".

In Isama-Pala's cognition, the painting style of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree is probably the image of an exiled immortal with fluttering clothes.

The concepts related to banishing immortals, due to the deflection warning of civilization, Isama-Palla did not go too deep.

He interpreted it as certain powerful, more flexible users of spell-like abilities.

What made Isama Parra look sideways was that although from the verbal expression, the other party seemed to be somewhat close to the warlock.

But in reality, the picture shown is quite different.

Isama Parra already had a draft in mind.

He is going to go back and write an article on "Genealogy Evaluation/Oriental Genealogy Extraordinary Civilization", which should be able to earn some professional experience.

While Isama Pala was watching various monks fighting, he was conceiving a draft of the pedigree assessment in his mind.

He found that the painting style underneath seemed to have changed...

Isama-Palla looked at the two super-giant humanoid lifeforms that could almost be substituted into the concept of astral-level life in a daze.

Not so long ago, these fighters of Eastern lineage were fighting each other with various native spell-like abilities.

Why did you dream back to the Titan civilization in the blink of an eye?
Isama Parra tried to capture some information from the face of the observer next to him.

But unfortunately, none of the observers who turned on the image display showed any surprise or strangeness.

On the contrary, they either stared at them enthusiastically, or cheered happily.

It seems that this is not an invasion of power from other civilizations, but rather a high-level ability of its original lineage.

This is so fucked up...

Isama-Pala took a look at the degree of his plane skew.

For an existence like him who is keen to travel through different planes and experience different styles, this can be regarded as a "pollution value" in a certain sense.

Now the pollution value is still at a fairly safe level, and Isama Parra is wondering whether to go back and check it again.

Isama Parra is full of taboo curiosity about this concept involving high-level pedigree abilities.

Without sufficient and active curiosity, it is impossible to resist the shock and exhaustion brought by various civilizations.

Isama Pala thought for a while, and gave himself a plurality of related spell effects such as thinking solidification and protection.

Then, he leaned over to a guy next to him who seemed to belong to the local observer.

"My friend, I would like to trouble you for a moment—what abilities are these two powerful monks using?"

Isama Parra's question did not make the other party look away from the fierce battle below, and said directly with some enthusiasm:

"Fa Tian Xiang Di and the real body of the great witch! You don't even know this? Which sect are you from?"

Isama Parra's pupils froze when he heard the words. With the relevant professional ability, he quickly got superficial information about these two concepts.

But what surprised Isama Parra was:

This did not skew the tainted values ​​much.

Could it be that the deviation of this civilization is not serious?

Isama Parra was a little puzzled, he remembered his previous actions.

He just looked up some common information, and the pollution value seems to be more serious.

Perhaps, the superficial concept of this civilization is relatively mild?
"Fellow Daoist Yuwen's hand-to-hand fighting technique is really superb, full of fire, it seems that he has realized a bit of the taste of the best."

At this moment, Isama Parra heard the words of the native observer next to him.

What is the highest kindness like water?
After understanding the basic interpretation of Fatianxiangdi and the real body of the great witch, Isama Pala, who is still on the threshold of safety for the time being, is a little ready to move.

Isama Parra searched for relevant information quite curiously. Its shallow concept corresponds to a short article.

Judging from its popularity, there should be no danger.

In the civilizations that Isama-Palla came into contact with before, the concepts or things with the most powerful infection power were always in a relatively restricted state.

This made Isama Parra less vigilant.

Tao Te Ching?
Isama Parra read the relevant content quite curiously...

And underneath, two giants, one big and one small, have been fighting for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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