Chapter 412 East Sea Dragon King - Ao Nai (Updated!)

"Big witch, please drink."

From time to time, Ao Yu brought some fine nectar and jade liquid.

Yi Xia drinks it casually.

The food on the table is in different shapes and varieties, but it does not change its solid nature.

Li Lie, who didn't know what was inside, picked up a large plate of meat according to his usual habits.

After eating half of it, I feel a little full.

At this time, Li Lie noticed the specialness of the food on the table.

Good guy, Dawu limited food exclusive?

Li Lie finally understood.

Why did a certain dragon girl try to dissuade herself when she was about to come:
"The food over there is a bit bigger, and it's hard to eat all kinds of flavors."

Li Lie didn't have any other hobbies when it came to eating.

She was born into a famous family, and it was at the height of the kingdom.

Naturally, there is no shortage of food and clothing.

But now seeing Yi Xia eating so heartily, he ate more before he knew it.

Yi Xia didn't care about these things.

He randomly took a piece of food that seemed to be the thigh of some kind of strange beast.

Chopsticks and the like are not very suitable for such rough and bulky objects.

Yi Xia tasted it, and the meat smelled sweet when chewed.

Once it enters the stomach sac, it immediately turns into a puff of fresh air and dissipates.

Yi Xia thought that these strange beasts might be raised.

Compared with the flesh and blood he used to eat, it was less ferocious and irritable, and more calm and peaceful.

It doesn't have a flavor either.

Yi Xia thought while eating.

The food at this banquet is basically high-quality alien animal flesh and blood.

Yi Xia's object of interest is:
The flesh and blood of these strange beasts all contribute more or less to the power of the bloodline.

Obviously, these years old forces naturally have some understanding of the growth of chaotic direct lineage witches.

According to Ao Yu, Yi Xia can just enjoy this kind of meat.

The Thirteenth Dragon Palace is preparing some small gifts for Yi Xia, thanking the great witch for coming to the banquet, and giving the Dragon Palace face.

These words made Yi Xia's eyes lingering with endless flames slightly sway.

My heart is quite emotional:

It's late, but he still likes the rebellious appearance of Dragon Palace before some legends...

Now it is like this, but it is difficult to start.

Fortunately, apart from the thirteen dragon palaces, there should still be some arrogant people.

The multiverse is endless, and Yi Xia is full of confidence in it.

Then again:
The cook of Dragon Palace is obviously tired these days.

Of course, Yi Xia estimates that the number of cooks in Dragon Palace may greatly exceed his expectations.

But in the deep sea area where Yi Xia had no perception, it was brightly lit.

"Cheer up! That distinguished guest is already eating!"

A huge, spiral-shaped spirit that floats above the water.

Its sound is extremely penetrating, covering the surrounding deep sea area.

And underneath, all kinds of stoves are densely packed with heat.

In addition to the aquarium, there are other races.

But it was Dragon Palace, temporarily borrowed from other various forces.

In this regard, Dragon Palace has always been generous.

It's not a critical matter, other forces are naturally very cooperative.

But the borrowed cook had mixed feelings of joy and sorrow.

The joy is that the extra gift from the Dragon Palace far exceeds the remuneration agreed with the sect and forces.

The tragedy is that I have limited energy and it is difficult to earn more...

Yes, Dragon Palace has a dual mechanism of "piece rate" and "guaranteed minimum" for the salary of the cook.

The cook named Yan Du was the chef invited by Dragon Palace from a mortal country.

At this time, he was concentrating on dealing with the meat of the alien beast in front of him.

Yan Du didn't know much about other places.

All he knew was that the area he was in was all for one table.

It is said that he is a great witch from other worlds, and he can be called a distinguished guest of the Dragon Palace.

This is the spiral main pipe on the head, the news that was said earlier.

It also allows cooks with relevant knowledge to have more room to play.

It is difficult for Yan Du to count the number of cooks around, but judging from the number of stoves that can be touched by the naked eye, there are at least tens of thousands.

Such a number of chefs only serve one person.

But he didn't know how stalwart that great witch was.

Yan Du secretly wrote it down.

Such an anecdote, if I can go back to my hometown later, I should say it well, and it will be considered a happy event in my life.

As for the others, Yan Du didn't think much about it.

Xiuxian asked, happy and eternal life?

That is too far away for a cook.

Just when Yan Du was finally busy cooking a strange beast.

Suddenly a clam girl came over and asked Yan Du to pack up and go to the other side to make some more delicate pastries.

Yan Du was confused, but followed behind obediently.

Just waiting to swim out of the bright land, Yan Du couldn't help but look back:

In a deep trench, there are endless fireworks and a vast expanse.

Yan Du couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart, but for a while, it was hard to tell why the turmoil in his chest was because of that.

I just feel that I will live my life in depression, if I have the opportunity, I should also raise this poor name...



During the interchanging of toasts and cups, the dish exhibition in front of Yi Xia changed again and again.

In the deep sea, it is difficult to see the sun and the moon.

Only when the flagon in front of Ao Yu had been changed more than a dozen times, and his face was a little smoky.

There is a man with the head of a dragon coming in a Chinese robe.

Between the left and the right, there are many followers.

Seeing this, Yi Xia's eyes became slightly brighter.

This should be the "father and king" that Ao Yu said.

Which realm's Dragon King is it from?

Just when Yi Xia was about to search for memories.

The Dragon King stepped forward, looked at Yi Xia and said with a smile:

"In front of the big witch, the old dragon is Ao Nai, the Dragon King of the East Sea in the Fanghai Realm."

For a dragon king, such a posture is low enough.

Yi Xia sniffed calmly, and only saw a breath of fresh air from the opponent's body, but no killing blood.

Then he got up and smiled, and greeted him politely, without using Ao Nai's low profile to look down on the other party.

How could this old dragon be so confused?

The internal conquest of the Shui tribe is not inferior to that of humans.

How could anyone who was born easily be able to control a sea of ​​wealth?

For example, a high mountain stands forever and has its own solid foundation.

What's more, he is still the Dragon King of the East China Sea...

Ao Nai then entered the table, and all the guests and friends were happy for a while.

Along with Ao Nai, there are some dragon sons and dragon girls.

They are all full of energy and have a hidden sense of arrogance.

However, judging from the differences in their bloodlines and breaths, it should not all be the East China Sea where Ao Nai is located.

Yi Xia still has some experience in distinguishing these.

Just when the old dragon king Ao Nai was talking about the special snacks he tasted in a certain water house in the west that year.

It suddenly paused, as if it had received some messages.

Then he smiled and looked at Yi Xia who was feasting on the other side:

"Big Witch, is such a banquet going well?"

Yi Xia nodded when he heard the words, but he didn't know what the old Dragon King was going to do.

But under such rhetoric, there must be something to ask for.

Sure enough, after getting Yi Xia's affirmation, Ao Nai talked about the routine of such activities.

Yi Xia listened to the general idea, and both left and right understood.

Guiding Dragon Son and Dragon Girl?

In such a short time, what can I guide?
Presumably, the dragon palaces want to use this method to kill the arrogance of these dragon sons and dragon girls, so as not to go out and cause trouble and trouble.

This matter is easy...

Yi Xia roughly sensed the aura of dragon sons and dragon girls around him, and thought so.

But hearing the old dragon king Ao Nai's plea, Longzi and Longnv, who had already had a premonition in their hearts, froze suddenly.

They bowed their heads quietly and began to eat the banquet.

As if for them, the ordinary banquet suddenly had a bit of a wonderful taste...

(End of this chapter)

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