Chapter 416 The Golden-Eyed Blood Mosquito Demon Gu (third shift)

Yi Xia took out 5 Dragon Saliva Gu and 4 other types of Light Gold Gu.

Gu method to refine Gu, needs to be refined in multiples of 9.

The more Gu worms are invested in a single time, the higher the success rate of refining, and the stronger the power of producing Gu worms.

Yi Xia refined epic Gu worms to use them as materials.

Naturally, the issue of the strength of Gu worms was not considered.

There were only 9 pale gold Gu worms lingering in the void in front of Yi Xia's eyes.

In the next moment, Yi Xia urged the Wu Banner.

Witch Banner - Gu Artifact: Refined by ancient methods!
Suddenly, I saw a great suction coming from the Wu Banner.

The nine Gu worms were directly inhaled by Wu Banner!

But it didn't enter the Gu insect space in the Wu Banner, but passed to a chaotic realm.

Yi Xia could vaguely feel that there were multiple chaotic forces stirring.

Earth fire, feng shui, all orderly forces become chaotic in it.

But the nine Gu worms that were still in a calm state suddenly became agitated.

Then, without warning, a bloody fight started directly.

Compared to the killing of Gu worms during refining, the fighting of light gold quality Gu worms is particularly tragic.

In the chaotic space, countless restless forces are raging.

Even the Dragon Saliva Gu, which was relatively less lethal, became extremely violent at this time.

Of course, soon, the five-headed dragon saliva Gu was the first to be defeated.

They were powerless to resist, and were directly melted by the chaotic power.

It seems that under the most complete destruction, there are some invisible forces stirring.

And the fighting continued.

Yi Xia was able to use his mind to vaguely observe the last time of these Gu worms.

This is a sacrifice leading to a more powerful life, and it is blood that is never graceful or elegant.

The birth of Gu has always been accompanied by cruelty and fighting.

To some extent, it is also a reflection of Wu's attitude towards alien races.

To break through the eternal night, you need a sharp and unmatched blade!
In this way, the flesh and blood receded, and the soul trembled.

Under Yi Xia's gaze, the nine Gu worms turned into corpses and dissolved one after another.

Fighting to the end, there is not a single survivor...

Yi Xia thought so.

And at this moment, he discovered that there was a new turbid and strong aura gathering in the chaos.

It turned out to be the case.

Yi Xia, who has rich experience in sacrificial offerings, quickly saw some clues.

If we say that the refining of Gu method is the forced transformation of ordinary flesh and blood life into spiritual life.

The ancient method of refining is a sacrifice to the spiritual life.

Light gold quality Gu worms do not necessarily have the potential to become epic Gu worms.

And the sacrifice initiated by this may directly summon a brand new epic Gu worm.

In essence, Yi Xia is more willing to regard it as a small Gu insect blood sacrifice.

It's simple and rude...

Of course, under this seemingly simple and crude principle, there are actually many rather harsh requirements, and the actual conversion rate is actually not high.

Yi Xia thought about the applicability of the ancient method, which can be exchanged for higher-level resources with more resource consumption.

The subsequent development of Gu techniques is limited by changes in the general environment.

Thus, more emphasis is placed on costs and benefits.

In general, there is no distinction between top and bottom.

In more cases, the applicable groups it faces are different.

In ancient times, there was a relatively superior environment and many great abilities.

The watches of later generations are described by many amazing talents.

Yi Xia stands at the end of the witch vein in this world, so bright macroscopically.

In this respect, it can be regarded as a great help to him in the practice of witchcraft.

And at this moment, the air of chaos finally condensed.

A ferocious scarlet Gu worm with multiple mouthparts appeared in front of Yi Xia.

Maybe Yi Xia's related Gu worm control value is not enough, or the Gu worm itself has a violent temperament.

It seemed a little restless, exuding a dangerous and violent aura.

It wasn't until Yi Xia brought up the Wu Banner, exuding a bit of brutality, that it suddenly calmed down.

Yi Xia put it into the Wu Banner, and then looked at the prompt message refreshed in front of him:

"Comprehensive network reminder: The ancient method is successfully refined, and you have obtained 1 epic-quality Gu insect: Golden-eyed Blood Mosquito Demon Gu (ancient/disabled)!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Warning! This Gu worm has its own unruly and demonic nature, and it needs to occupy 2 times the maximum relevant command value and relevant professional ability to use it normally. Players are requested to use it with caution!"

There are quite a lot of requirements...

Yi Xia glanced at this Gu worm attribute, which was the first product of ancient refining.


Golden Eye Blood Mosquito Demon Gu (ancient/disabled):

Type: Ancient Gu worms (some non-ancient Gu worm-related strengthening effects are not applicable)
Quality: Epic

Restrictions: Possess at least level 15 witch-like occupation level (can be superimposed with related advanced occupations), magical Gu worm deflection, lv1 magic Gu control, ancient Gu worm proficient ability

Gu insect consumption: absorb at least one level 15 life every natural day (Warning: If the feeding requirements of the Gu insect are not met, the tyrannical effect related to the Gu insect will be triggered)

Gu insect characteristics:
1. Rebellious and demonic nature:
The Gu worm needs to occupy additional control points, but at the same time, it can obtain additional large-scale attack and flight speed enhancement, and is immune to negative spell effects including chaos, madness, frenzy, etc. It will chase the enemy autonomously until it receives an order or the enemy dies.

Each attack of the Gu worm will cause the enemy to have a probability of entering the state of demonic erosion (the rationality test is greatly reduced, and the bloodthirsty desire is increased)

2. Hemophagocytosis:
This Gu worm can differentiate into multiple small blood mosquitoes and launch a blood phagocytosis on the selected enemy. The subject needs to make a Fortitude saving throw. If the check fails, they will suffer a lot of bleeding damage and permanently lose a certain amount of vitality.

Every time a blood phagocytosis is successfully launched, the Gu worm will be permanently strengthened from the vitality sucked, and it will increase the number of blood phagocytosis differentiation.

If the skill results in the subject's death, the Gu can steal more power from the subject's soul.

3. Inexhaustible Hunger/Blood Source (unlocked, need to be unlocked after the Gu worm devours enough vitality)

Yi Xia looked at the panel information called the Golden Eye Blood Mosquito Demon Gu.

Its lethality is relatively strong, and it can be divided into tiny mist-like blood mosquitoes to carry out saturated pursuit of enemies in a larger area.

The desire to attack is also very strong, and every life sucked can strengthen the number of its differentiation.

For related deflected Gu Wu, it can definitely be cultivated as a core Gu Wu.

Unfortunately, Yi Xia is not very interested in it.

If there is no need to deflect related professions, it can also be used to clean up the battlefield.

Yi Xia has no need for ordinary flesh and blood other than the flesh and blood he needs.

With this Gu worm, waste can also be used.

But this professional deviation made Yi Xia give up the idea directly.

Occupational deflection determines the direction of the basic skills obtained by upgrading the occupational level.

Naturally, Yi Xia would not change the direction of his grand strategy development for the sake of a Gu worm.

Afterwards, Yi Xia took out another 9 dragon saliva Gu.

Let's use up the pale gold Gu worms we got this time first.

In a daze, Yi Xia regained some of the joy of playing card-drawing games in the mortal period.

The difference is that his current lucky value has undergone some small changes...

(End of this chapter)

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