The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 420 High-level Gu Wu - Gong Yeyin's Inheritance Treasure Map

Chapter 420 High-level Gu Wu - Gongyeyin's Inherited Treasure Map (Two updates!)
The injection of [-] comprehensive network disaster coins?
Good guy, finally found a rich buyer!
This can't be sold for a few thousand... no, tens of thousands of online disaster coins?
The teammates next to him looked at Valentin Rennes who got up suddenly and didn't care.

The bird man is always startled, maybe the irregular excretory system of birds has been replaced by the mental structure?

Valentin Rennes lingered for a while, then looked at his teammates uncertainly and asked:
"I need a good trader: Does anyone of you know how much I should sell for that weird treasure map I got earlier?"

Only a few of the teammates raised their heads when they heard the words. They seemed to think of some terrible memories, with a little painful expression on their faces.

"Hundreds? Or thousands? Who knows, if it weren't for the difficulty and quality of the acquisition, I would even agree with you to give it away!"

A teammate said so.

This attracted the approval of some teammates.

It was the worst adventure ever.

Today, adventures and challenges related to certain pedigrees have become a taboo for this small and medium-sized integrated network player adventure team.

In the case of non-real copies and real planes, comprehensive online players are not afraid of death.

Losses and soul curses are deeper sources of suffering...

In a previous adventure, because of the excitement brought about by intelligence errors and obvious abnormalities in the difficulty of the challenge, everyone worked hard and resolved all difficulties.

Finally, I found the final reward of the relevant serial missions——a job-limited treasure map from a dark underground space full of twisted and vicious insect-like monsters...

The strong impact like a nesting doll is almost suffocating.

Especially, when it was discovered that few comprehensive online players were willing to pay a high price for this thing.

A well-meaning person told them that this thing is exclusive to the "hero profession" of a certain type of civilization lineage.

This made everyone in Valentin Rennes feel cold.


This is the most valuable and least valuable concept in the multiverse.

Considering the issue of generality, the value of this treasure map has undoubtedly shrunk significantly.

Especially, after knowing that this stuff doesn't include the inheritance of inauguration.

This civilization pedigree is too fucked up, and the inheritance of hero professions does not include basic employment?

Until a long period of time later, this became the "treasure box" of the Valentin-Ren team.

Today, it seems that we have ushered in a new turning point...

Soon, some teammates responded:
"Have you found a buyer, Ryan?"

Valentin Ryan nodded upon hearing this.

Then, the transaction post was shared in the team chat group.

Suddenly, the group became lively.

10 comprehensive network disaster coins is a huge sum of money for a small and medium-sized group of non-top comprehensive network players.

What's more, it is still "cash flow".

And the buyer directly threw it into the transaction post.

Undoubtedly proved the other party's rich financial resources.

In an instant, the members of the whole team came to the spirit.

It seems that it may be the rhythm that can make a fortune!

"Don't be in a hurry to sell, just contact the other party to have a look, and let our good traders make another good show."

A teammate said so.

Subsequently, Valentin Rehn tried to initiate related contacts through transaction posts.

As a result, in the next moment, the reminder message refreshed on its retina made it fall into deep thought:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The owner of this trading post has closed the relevant contact channels."

Looking at the information records shared by Valentin Rehn in the team chat group, everyone was speechless.

And a comprehensive online player who has reached the master level in trading-related abilities has disappointment written all over his face.

The trading environment in the comprehensive network player group is still too bad, and there are not many comprehensive network players with his development direction to exert their strength.

After some discussion, Valentine Wren finally hung up the treasure map at a "sky-high price" of 79 comprehensive network disaster coins.

They are going to try first, and if the first wave of trials is unsuccessful, they will drop another 2 comprehensive network disaster coins.

Trading posts can allow up to three quotes.

If you are rejected, you will not be able to apply again.

And according to the specific situation, there is a certain probability that records related to malicious quotations will be added.

Comprehensive network for the control of this aspect, is still quite strict.

Or it should be said that it is a protection for some non-intellectually skewed integrated network players.

The price of 79 comprehensive network disaster coins is the highest reasonable premium that Valentine and others can think of under the current circumstances.

Further up, they worry that they may touch the prohibition clauses related to comprehensive network transactions.

Valentin-Renn initiated the trade application rather apprehensively. To be honest, it felt that the price was a bit too high.

Although at the beginning, they once thought that it was worth at least hundreds of thousands of comprehensive network disaster coins;

At this time, all the surrounding teammates gathered together.

If it can really be sold, the members who participated in the adventure at the beginning will have at least a few thousand comprehensive network disaster coins in dividends.

It is not a huge sum of money that is enough to make him retire directly.

But it is by no means a number that can be easily obtained.

Then, they saw Valentine Ryan standing there in a daze.

"It directly rejected it? I think my previous thinking was correct - no one would be willing to spend such a high price to buy a civilization background treasure map with an obviously high challenge difficulty."

A teammate saw this and said so.

Valentin Renn, on the other hand, posted the reminder of the successful transaction in the team group in a daze...



"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The transaction is successful, you have obtained the inheritance treasure map of the high-level Gu Wu-Gong Yeyin."

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Then, focus on the newly acquired Legacy Treasure Map.

The trading post got off to a good start, which Yi Xia did not expect.

Although no Gu worms were bought.

But the value of this kind of inheritance treasure map is not so easy to say.


Treasure map of the inheritance of the high-level voodoo-Gong Yeyin:
Type: Treasure Map
Quality: Inheritance

Restriction: Possess a level 10 or higher witch-like occupation
The treasure map involves reward information: several Gu worms (rare~epic), several Gu worm formulas (light gold), high-level personal proficiency in Gu law inheritance, witch inheritance items (need to meet relevant restrictions: have the title of high-level witch And the witch level is higher than 18 or has the title of great witch)

Obtaining method: The final reward of the Gu Master Legend chain mission (the only way to obtain it)

Treasure Map Area: Tomb of the Gu Witch (Level 15 Abyss Difficulty Limited Treasure/Inheritance Challenge Dungeon)


Looking at the relevant description information of this treasure map, Yi Xia was a little curious.

Where did the seller get this thing from.

When it comes to epic Gu worms, it doesn't look like it can be obtained from ordinary adventures.

You know, Yi Xia has never obtained a "pure wild" epic Gu worm until now.

The difficulty of obtaining it can be imagined.

If there is no special demand, obviously no one will spend so much energy on a chain task for this.

After spending so much effort, it is still sold.

Yi Xia was a little puzzled.

Yi Xia had never expected to be able to obtain such items through the online player trading forum.

Looks like good luck lately.

As for its price?
Even if a 0 is added at the end, Yi Xia can accept it.

It's just a matter of rubbing the Sanyang decoction for a while...

After all, it involves inheritance items.

Since the last time he obtained the Wugu, Yi Xia had no information about such items for a long time.

To Yi Xia, being able to purchase inherited items with comprehensive network disaster coins is the most affordable thing.

How to efficiently convert comprehensive network disaster coins into actual combat effectiveness or development potential is also a rather profound knowledge...

(End of this chapter)

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