The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 427 Light or darkness will eventually return to nothingness

Chapter 427 Light or darkness will eventually return to nothingness (one update!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: the refining is successful, you have obtained the limited light gold Gu worm: blood Gu!"

With the condensed blood in the void, a new reminder message appeared in front of Yi Xia's eyes.

After that, there was a scarlet warning:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Warning! You have been marked as hostile/blasphemy by the Zahna troll god, and you will be chased by believers with an average strength of at least level 15 on all planes that have Zahna troll-related camps." kill!"

Yi Xia looked at the warning message that appeared on his retina.

Followers hunted down?

Yi Xia looked away noncommittally.

Although Yi Xia didn't know much about the Zahna troll race.

But judging from the current situation, this is undoubtedly an evil life with a huge skew in reproductive ability.

For Yi Xia, what this means does not need any words.

In the next moment, Yi Xia thought, trying to use the newly refined blood gu.

Suddenly, a bloody light appeared in the void.

Then, like a spark burst.

From the burning earth, countless blood can be seen falling from the sky.

The Zahna trolls who were still struggling under the torment of the fire were caught off guard by the blood light into their bodies.

It didn't take a moment to see dry and broken corpses.

And the soul that should have belonged to the lower plane or the kingdom of God is even more difficult to escape.

The nourishment swallowed by the blood gu is not just pure flesh and blood, but a complete concept of life...

Under Yi Xia's gaze, the land surrounded by flames soon fell into dead silence.

In his perception, there were no longer any living creatures in this area.

Bloody death is the most colorful color on this land tonight...

Not long after, a bloody light rose from the ground.

They gathered together and once again formed a blood gu that seemed to swell a little.

Some remnants after the blood sacrifice are obviously not enough for the blood gu to give birth to new individuals.

Its blood-red body seemed to be slightly restless.

Gu worms with such a dangerous nature are naturally not so easy to control.

But what surprised Yi Xia was:
Perhaps it was his tyrannical and skewed partial charm, which rarely had some effect.

Blood Gu has a high degree of recognition for him, and he is not as unruly as some Gu insects before.

It's rare to find a high-ranking substitute for the Murloc, and Yi Xia doesn't intend to stop there.

As far as his current demand for resources is concerned, it is not very realistic to obtain them peacefully or stably.

For any huge acquisition or plunder of resources, there will be a not-so-gentle backside.

And Yi Xia's values ​​and moral system made him choose evil life as his fuelwood.

They are the price...

With a thought in Yi Xia's mind, clouds formed under his feet.

He's off to find more Zahna trolls...


In this regard, Yi Xia has no habit of pursuing special achievements.

It's just that sometimes, he will inevitably touch these taboo and bloody words in the eyes of outsiders.

This is the greed of the roe owl...



dead, all dead...

Mire caveman-Blue Mushroom-Edis ran away in a hurry in the dark night.

All around is a huge jungle, dense enough to drown it.

Normally, Edith would not dare to go deep into such a place in such a dark night.

That's too dangerous.

Predators in the dark can easily cut its throat and tear its flesh.

But now, Eddie had no choice.

Even if it runs with all its strength, the surroundings are still getting brighter and brighter.

It was as if someone was lighting it with a strong light behind it.

Unfortunately, there is no such gentle existence in nature.

The "light" chasing Eddie is a fire devouring countless lives and trees!

The life of Zhiqu in the forest has long since fled.

One side is the dead darkness, and the other side is the noisy fire...

In this long night, Eddis witnessed the destruction of a huge city.

That was once the sacred city of the fox people, a miraculous place where the radiance shone.

Countless vultures searched from all over the world, just to worship the sacred statue of the goddess.

It used to be the glory of this continent, envied by other races.

But later, it fell into the hands of those dirty trolls.

So the glory was lost, and the filth and terror shrouded the towering city wall like clouds.

Darkness and despair are like dark clouds, swallowing up the remaining miracles bit by bit.

The trolls have won the final victory of the bloody battle for many years, and they have become the new rulers of this land.

Zahna trolls are more loathed and feared by other beings than the occasionally obnoxiously arrogant foxmen.

They are brutal and unchecked, enslaving countless other lives.

That city of glory has also become a city of darkness.

But just tonight, the magnificent city that rotates between light and darkness no longer exists...

It was utterly destroyed by a giant of indescribable horror.

Eddie had never seen such a terrifying giant.

It is so tall that the towering city wall is like a pile of rough mounds in front of it.

No life can stop its footsteps.

The city crossbow used to defend against the dragon is also as small as dust.

The earth was shaken by its power, and the sky fell apart, and the great cities collapsed in an instant.

The troll king wearing treasures wants to use the treasures looted from the treasury to continue his life.

But the giant ignored it, and didn't even give it any "honor" to gaze alone.

And so it became known—it came to destroy and kill...

It was a terrifying night, and countless trolls fell along with the majestic city.

And around the city, the bloated and ugly troll gathering place could not escape.

The sea of ​​flames, enough to burn the earth, is like a giant snake coiling around the sky, devouring all life ferociously.

Eddie didn't know how he escaped.

Everything is like the deepest nightmare, like a dagger piercing the palm of your hand—it cuts flesh, but it also cuts off the shackles...

Eddis just wants to live...

Suddenly, a thick vine tripped it over.

Eddie fell to the ground.

There seemed to be a steep slope ahead, and it rolled down.

A thorny bush held it back from rolling into the rocky pile below.

Enduring the pain, Eddie crawled out of the bushes.

Its brown pupils stared at the burning sky in the distance.

It was truly an unforgettable beauty and horror...

In a daze, Eddis thought of the picture scroll he had seen during the time when he was enslaved in that city.

It was an exquisite artwork of the Foxman, depicting the magnificent scene of the "Immortal One" holding a divine fire in the ancient myth.

It's a pity that the trolls didn't approve of it and stuck it on the wall.

Maybe I can draw it...

A sudden and trivial thought appeared in Eddis's mind.

If it can survive...

(End of this chapter)

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