The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 437 A disaster that the comprehensive network did not warn about?

Chapter 437 A disaster that the comprehensive network did not warn about? (One update!)

next day
After getting Wuhuo: Rong, Yi Xia and Nightmare of Changyang Mountain went to bed early after practicing their hands.

For now, Yi Xia's sleep cycle has not been completely stabilized.

Just like in the mortal period, sleeping every day is obviously not very realistic.

After devouring innumerable essences of flesh and blood, he was able to condense his majestic vitality.

It allows Yi Xia to maintain a considerable battery life even in extremely intense battles.

Not to mention, the daily physical exertion.

The frequency of Yi Xia's sleep now does not match his current stage of life.

It's just that Yi Xia is happy...

In the morning, Yi Xia woke up from sleep.

The restrained breath brought back a little life in the mountains and forests.

In a situation where their habitat is being squeezed and narrowed by human cities, there are not many choices for them to make.

Although I know that there is an extremely dangerous existence here.

But for now, Yi Xia has not shown a strong tendency to hunt.

Because of this, some birds that have gradually adapted to their strength dared to be active in the mountains around the villa.

The area of ​​the villa is naturally quiet - the effect of the expulsion spell on non-magical creatures is not so easy to be exempted.

Under the morning light, Chiyang Toad Gu sat firmly on a corner of the balcony.

Thanks to the non-magical expulsion spell, it now has little to do.

But it seems to be getting rounder.

Occasionally, Yi Xia would throw some leftovers from making witch medicine, and feed it.

Yi Xia didn't have any thoughts about it either, so he treated it as a pet.

Left and right are also the heroes of the year.

He didn't mention the matter of helping the murloc, even if he repelled mosquitoes for him once, he had to make a note of it.

After all, Yi Xia is still a little nostalgic and affectionate.

Breakfast is a little soup made by magical creatures and a little meat.

Its greater value lies in a sense of ritual.

It's an appetizer...

While tearing off a large piece of stewed meat, Yi Xia opened the comprehensive network player exchange forum and looked at it.

Originally, yesterday, I was going to go all out and get the ingredients for the third Wisdom Gu earlier.

But there were some accidents, and it was quite rewarding to work as a part-time job.


The piece of meat mixed with bone marrow was chewed and swallowed by Yi Xia.

The thick bones that haven't been treated much now look a little brittle when Yi Xia chews them.

Of course, the taste should be a bit "harder"...

The Zahna troll's war plane was not found in the end.

Yi Xia was not too disappointed, he had already expected this.

However, you can't always catch one of the wool.

At this moment, Yi Xia remembered the event dungeon that appeared yesterday.

I don't know how those guys are doing...

Yi Xia plans to go to see it in a few days, and join in the fun.

In any case, he is also a comprehensive online player in the original plane.

Although he developed a little faster, he was still able to communicate.

Yi Xia is not an arrogant witch.

Afterwards, Yi Xia finally found a war plane that seemed to be a bit messed up.

It was a friendly war plane that was at a greater disadvantage.

Zongwang’s recommendation for this is not high, and the risk rating is also quite high in the extraordinary stage:

Guard Gianelliko's Soul:
Type: War Plane / Extraordinary Scarlet Battlefield / Race War
Friendly forces: Dwarves (branch subspecies derived branch, lawful neutral camp)
Hostile Faction: Dragonborn Half-Giants (Chaotic Evil Alignment)

Non-war-related forces: sub-dragon species

Current battlefield situation: Dwarves (14.9%)/Main Material World
Plane Size: Small Plane

Recommended level: Level 15 or above (integrated network players who do not have relevant experience in large-scale and difficult wars are not recommended to enter)



Yi Xia looked at the reminder message that appeared on the retina.

In fact, he is not very interested in this kind of battlefield where the enemy's individual strength is relatively high.

Because with the related comprehensive bonus of blood gu + special supply for groups, Yi Xia can obtain greater benefits from a larger number of weak and small unit groups.

And the reason why I fell in love with this plane was that apart from those half-giant dragon hybrids with more obvious meaning of "adding heads".

There are still a large number of sub-dragon species that can be counted as intelligent life based on the relevant judgment criteria of blood gu.

Of course, in Yi Xia's relevant judgment mechanism, these guys just belong to food...

The great witch has its own will to judge, and it will not be shaken by other standards.

Yi Xia generally knows about sub-dragon species.

In his stomach, there are many creatures with delicious flesh.

To a certain extent, they have inherited the power of the giant dragon, but they are not so thorough.

The only thing that Yi Xia is quite sure about is:

In terms of their ability to reproduce across races, they also have the same origin as their bloodlines.

In a sense, Yi Xia felt that this was a different kind of "infection of civilization".

Relying on this powerful reproductive power that crosses the boundaries of life, there are many worlds ruled by dragon veins in the multiverse.

Speaking of which, the "relationship" between Yi Xia and the giant dragon is quite deep.

Regrettably, in his subsequent adventures, he did not encounter too many dragons who came to hunt him down.

I don't know if some of the breath on my body is not strong enough, or I just haven't encountered a world where there are giant dragons.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and directly used his consciousness to teleport and lock the war plane.

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to teleport to the war plane: guarding the soul of Gianelliko? Please note that this battlefield is in an extremely disadvantaged state. After the character teleports into it, you can choose to obtain an additional 200% related emergency sign bonus ( General experience, combat exploits and other all-round bonuses).”

"Comprehensive network reminder: After the character receives the emergency sign bonus, he needs to stay in the battlefield plane for at least 1 natural day before he can choose to leave."

Triple experience?
Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina, and the flames in his eyes suddenly became brighter.

He thoughtfully, looking at the relevant notes on emergency signs.

This Yi Xia opened up some ideas.

It seems that if he chooses the war plane later, he can add some additional screening conditions.

Extreme disadvantage?

Yi Xia never counted on friendly troops either.

He has fought all the way from his apprenticeship to the present, and most of the time, he has fought alone.

I just don't know if this extra bonus can be applied to blood gu.

Yi Xia pondered, the possibility is unlikely.

But it is also a very good gain.

Compared with the huge number of enemies, what troubled Yi Xia even more was the friendly forces intertwined with the enemies...

And as Yi Xia gradually teleported away from the earth.

In a corner of a certain plane, a drowsy giant dragon suddenly opened its eyes.

Seeing this, the dragon girl with a lot of human characteristics who was chatting with the giant dragon about some trivial matters couldn't help asking in surprise:

"What's the matter? Grandpa Fred?"

The giant dragon did not respond directly, but slowly sighed a long and foul breath:

"The disaster is coming... I saw the stars darken, the earth burned, and the corpses of dragonborn covered every corner of Gianelliko..."

"I have warned them a long time ago that they cannot let the violent first blood dictate their behavior..."

"Now, the end is inevitable..."

After the dragon girl heard this, her face with pink scales was full of bewilderment.

She opened her integrated network panel to check, but found nothing unusual at all.

It stands to reason that if there is a situation where the world is about to face catastrophe, the comprehensive network should give a warning.

Could it be that it is not the disaster of this world, but only of the Dragonborn?

 Recently, the starting point has been technically corrected, and there may be some chaotic chapters.

  Don't worry about it, it will be fine in a few days...

  ——from the bald head

(End of this chapter)

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