The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 439 The Comprehensive Network Players Intersecting in Gianellico

Chapter 439 The Comprehensive Network Players Intersecting in Gianellico (One more update!)

On the vast wilderness, a giant half-breed dragon that is as huge as a hill is running crazily.

At this moment, the sky in the distance should have fallen into a gloom with the nightfall, but it revealed an unusually ferocious red color.

The powerful half-blood giant that was once powerful enough to intimidate the Quartet has not been able to maintain its former majesty.

They fled in a hurry above the land, completely losing their aura as the current rulers of this land.

The dragon girl Connie Weiwei followed the dragon and flew out of the caves.

It stands on the top of a high mountain, overlooking the distant scene.

It was a majestic horror beyond words:
The huge curtain of fire slowly pushed forward on the ground like a tide meeting the sky.

and everything involved in it.

Whether it's hard rocks or tall trees.

Whether it is a mighty giant or a weak dragon.

Be it dragon scales or flesh and blood.

When the flames engulfed them, only a slightly bright flame was left.

Afterwards, there was no trace of it.

It's like erasing mottled traces on a drawing.

When the flames passed, everything fell into a "white" red.

The calm fire curtain accepts everything gently...

And under the scene of destruction that can be called a terrible natural disaster, a deep shadow covering the sky and the sun is slowly moving forward.

It was horror and terror that cannot be described in words.

The breath of death, like its soft breath.

And the slight trembling of the earth is its low footsteps.

He doesn't seem eager, like a seasoned fisherman who keeps pulling his net.

In His eyes, the panic and flight of the fish was just a pale and powerless struggle...

Facing such a scene, the dragon girl Connie Weiwei couldn't help trembling slightly.

At this moment, it finally understood some overlapping keywords between the prophecy and the old dragon's murmur...


The giant dragon stared at the destructive scene of disaster in the distance, and there was some hesitation in its pale golden vertical pupils.

If it's a Titan, there's really nothing to negotiate.

As we all know, dragons and titans have crossed the boundary between planes and civilizations.

It is difficult to know how the original enmity between dragons and titans was born.

But that no longer matters.

Over time, the hatred accumulated in the endless planes has made it impossible for these two powerful races in the multiverse to get along peacefully.

The dragon girl Koni-Weiwei shook her head upon hearing this.

"It's not a Titan, but the existence of a powerful foreign civilization similar to a race and a plane guardian."

After discovering the relevant iconic features, the dragon girl Connie Weiwei directly purchased relevant information.

The good news is: no surprises, this is the "celebrity" of the surrounding plane system.

The bad news: this guy seems to be a rather extreme human race bigot...

The dragon girl Connie Weiwei gritted her teeth.

It knows that this is beyond the limits of what it can currently handle on its own.

So after a little hesitation, it called for some help.

Although the dragon girl Connie Weiwei doesn't really recognize her hometown.

The reason why it stayed here was entirely because of the respected elder beside it.

It is the other party who has been taking care of it and is still muddled about it, and has made it grow to the present level.

The dragon girl Koni-Weiwei is not as enlightened as the old dragon.

In other words, it itself is still in the teenage stage of Dragonborn.

Maybe after hundreds of years of wind and rain, it can realize or understand this.

But now, the dragon girl Connie-Weiwei only feels that these stupid guys around her are really giving her a headache...

Is there any reason for underage dragonborn to bring cubs in this world?

Hearing this, the giant dragon nodded thoughtfully.

Maybe it's not like there's no chance...



At the same time, a certain plane of the multiverse
Alberto Poirot, the White Dragon Warlock, is playing cards.

He has accumulated a wave of resource cards.

All he needs is another core card, and he can...

And at this moment, Alberto Poirot suddenly froze.

His change made several poker players around him suddenly aware of the abnormality.

"what happened?"

A familiar poker player took a leisurely sip of his drink while looking at Alberto Poirot and asked.

"Something happened to a friend, it seems that the game can't be played..."

Alberto Poirot frowned and said.

This statement made the surrounding poker players look in awe instantly.

It seems that something really happened...

The event that stopped Alberto Poirot from poker...

"In combat, or in emotional combat?"

Someone asked.

Alberto Poirot glanced at the opponent while tidying up his cards:
"Battle, but you can't handle it."

This statement made the other party's face change.

Just when it was about to hammer its own chest to show a wave.

Its chest split open directly, and a much more delicate humanoid head stretched out, hitting the upper head fiercely.

The head above gave a low growl of grievance, and stopped talking.

Obviously, his wife, who is smarter than it and proficient in fate, has noticed something strange.

Seeing this, Alberto Poirot frowned secretly.

It seems that the problem is indeed a bit serious...

The reason why he provoked the other party was because it belonged to a rare race with one body and two souls.

They are born with the same body, and under the witness of their main god, they are husband and wife.

Males are proficient in fighting and hunting, while females have an extremely rare gift of fate.

There is no doubt that the other party's wife just came forward to stop it when she discovered something abnormal.

Alberto Poirot clicked his tongue secretly.

This time, that little guy caused quite a lot of trouble...

Alberto Poirot thought about the information given by the other party.

What a strange local occupation that is.

Why doesn't the plane he is in have such a powerful native profession?
The White Dragon Warlock Alberto Poirot sighed with sadness.

Afterwards, his figure gradually disappeared in the current space.

There are always some friendships or other affections that transcend life and death.

Besides, he still has a resurrection stone tied to him...

In some other planes, things like this are happening.

A non-alone integrated network player can always find some like-minded friends in the long adventure.

What's more, it was a half-blooded dragon...



And at the moment Gianellico

Yi Xia glanced at the giant dragon not far away, who could see quite clearly without using his eyesight.

Behind it, is a huge basin plain.

At this moment, a large number of dragon descendants gathered here.

They follow the instructions of the old dragon and block those dragon species that have lost their direction.

The giant dragon looked up at Yi Xia who was not far away, and the golden vertical pupils reflected the curtain of fire and shadows covering the sky and the sun.

It spread its wingspan, the originally incomparably majestic wide wings.

At this moment, comparing the two, they seem like a hen spreading its wings in front of a giant elephant...

It's interesting that the dragon can have such a strong and noble person.

Yi Xia looked away with great interest.

Then he continued to move forward, and the fire curtain slowly moved forward...

(End of this chapter)

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