Chapter 442 Sanyang Decoction - Pale Gold! (Two updates!)

Sanyang Decoction:

Quality: light gold

Type: Legendary Witch Potion/Limited Magic Potion
Legend refining restrictions: at least level 10 or above witchcraft professional level, maximum mana value not less than 20 (based on the character's current mana comprehensive quality comparison number), perception 20 points

Drinking restriction: Must be an oriental pedigree extraordinary civilization unit (legendary witch medicine); non-oriental pedigree extraordinary civilization hostile unit (cognitive level)

Refining materials: some flesh and blood that meet the relevant restrictions (normal refining)/solar essence that meets the relevant restrictions/advanced positive energy crystals/celestial life core/leaf of the tree of life-main tree (legendary refining)
Formula effect:

Basic effect (ordinary refining):

The drinker obtains a weak to large recovery effect, and there is a certain probability that the permanent damage to the drinker's body will be restored, and the relevant body tissues that have not yet reached the growth limit~have reached the growth limit will be strengthened.

Drinkers who meet the relevant limited requirements (requires physical growth to reach the limit, no related permanent damage negative status, etc.), will open the extraordinary power: Sanyang Qi.

Please note: All units except the limited units need to undergo a series of will checks after drinking. If the check fails, they will fall into vomiting~coma (based on the refiner's related refining skill level and the drinker's related cognitive status), and there will be There is a certain probability of causing temporary to permanent damage to related organizations (the hostile effect of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage is limited, and the legendary refining conditions must be met).

Scarlet Warning: The damage caused by this formula cannot be repaired by normal restoration spells!
Legendary Effect (Legendary Refining):

The drinker gets a huge recovery of life, and removes all current negative effects (including divine effects below weak divine power), and obtains a continuous positive-life benefit increase.

In this state, the character-related recovery speed has an additional increase of at least 100%.

After drinking the unit that meets the limited conditions, it will directly enter the first round of bloodline awakening (regardless of other conditions), and has a certain probability of awakening related ancient bloodlines (based on the drinker's own comprehensive state and related invisible bloodline inheritance).

Yi Xia limitation: After drinking this witch potion, the concept creator will enter the disaster-yang state. In this state, the character obtains the initial effect of magic-like fluorescence.

All units that stare at the character will superimpose relevant strengthening effects on the character (based on the character's current consumption of vitality, the current maximum number of layers that each unit can superimpose on the character is: 10).

The character needs to consume 10% of the maximum health per second to maintain the effect, otherwise the strengthening effect of the character will be rapidly exhausted at a rate of 50% of the current maximum value per second.

Please note: There is no natural upper limit for this enhanced effect, but based on the current comprehensive state of the character, there may be a temporary upper limit in some planes.

ps: If the limited conditions are not met, the ordinary version of the formula can still be refined, but it will not have the relevant limited characteristics of the legendary witch medicine.


Yi Xia looked at the brand new panel information about the light gold quality of Sanyang Decoction refreshed on the retina.

Its basic effect has not changed much.

In addition to the original recovery effect, after further strengthening, a new one was added.

Excluding the legendary refining related effects behind, this may be the greatest value of this formula.

Even in a sense, it surpassed the legendary refinement.

After all, it is said that the Sanyang decoction refined by legend has a lower scope of applicability.

Moreover, it departs from the "maximum value" of Sanyang decoction in the commercial field.

Although Yi Xia didn't need it.

But judging from the related sales of the multiverse trading center.

Obviously, the demand for such commodities in the multiverse is promising and promising...

After thinking about how much to increase the price, Yi Xia focused on the legendary refining effect of Sanyang Decoction.

Disaster: Yang?

Yi Xia looked at it, and judging from its written description, it seemed ordinary.

The activation effect is quite harsh and requires the assistance of other creatures.

There is a little bit of familiar déjà vu.

People all over the world, please lend me your energy.jpg
In addition, maintaining this state consumes too much.

For other existences, 10% of the maximum health may be pulled back with a continuous treatment.

But for the bloody Yi Xia, it directly offset the relevant reply of the chaos template.

Considering its infinitely superimposed effect, it may be miraculously effective under certain circumstances.

As for Yi Xia's words, he immediately thought of places like the bottomless abyss.

Under its unique relevant geographical structure, as long as its size is large enough, it can greatly increase its possibility of being observed.

And those demons full of evil and chaos are not afraid of light and harm.

Considering the number of demons in the bottomless abyss, in a sense, it may have a miraculous effect.

I just don't know if the blood gu can swallow demons.

In theory, it should be fine.

Anyway, the refined blood Gu is used as a sacrifice.

Even if it is contaminated with the breath of the abyss, it doesn't matter.

They do not constitute, and ultimately refine the ingredients of Gu worms.

Maybe, a little messed up...

In Yi Xia's consciousness surrounded by endless flames, a bright aura is expanding and continuing.

Of course, Yi Xia will definitely not go to the real bottomless abyss now.

The demon lords there are not much weaker than the gods.

Even considering the extreme deflection in combat, it will be even more outrageous.

What Yi Xia considered was the related planes of this sequence.

Generally speaking, Yi Xia's current business scope is mainly the main material world of small and medium planes.

As for places like the lower plane, Yi Xia basically didn't set foot there.

Because the output is relatively low, there is no surprise.

Even if you encounter some rare and powerful individuals, they are still inedible chicken ribs.

There is little chance of "flash".

The legendary refining effect of the Sanyang decoction is something that Yi Xia has been thinking about.

If used correctly, it can be much faster than slowly clearing the board on the Material Plane.

With this in mind, Yi Xia made some decisions.

He is going to find a relatively weak place to try his hands first, to see how the actual combat effect is.

Before that, Yi Xia sorted out the changes brought about by the improvement of Sanyang Decoction.

Able to search for the largest relevant area boost?
This thing is also related to the plane?

Isn't it unlocked with the level of the character?
Yi Xia thought about it, and probably had a rough idea.

Maybe it's something like the strength of the signal transmitting station and the geographical environment?
Yi Xia looked away thoughtfully.

This is a new discovery, which can be tested again in the future.

Now, Yi Xia is going to see if the blood gu can swallow demons first.

If it is possible, maybe he will have to switch the theme background of the battlefield in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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