The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 448 It's like being bitten by a bear through the abyss of the honeycomb!

Chapter 448 It's like being bitten by a bear through the abyss of the honeycomb (one update)!

"Comprehensive network reminder: You killed the blade of the spinal cord - Yapotu Abyss Rage King - Aka - Baruch! From this killing event, you have obtained a reward of 435 general experience points (000% Cross-level kill bonus), you have obtained a basic reward of 120 extraordinary attribute point!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the relevant rules of the current plane, you can choose to inherit the title of the lord related to the abyss of the current plane! You need to choose whether to inherit the title within at most 1 hour, otherwise the dark concept related to inheriting the title may cause confusion and escape or forcibly infested!"

"Comprehensive Network Tips: Warning! Choosing to inherit this title will result in forced deflection of the character's camp/civilization lineage!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have slaughtered a large number of demons and caused a permanent and huge terrain change to the abyss of the Apotu plane! This behavior has increased your reputation in the surrounding planes by 1 point (destruction/tyranny Skew elements)!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your reputation in the Yapotu-Abyss demon camp has been greatly improved. The strength and tyranny you have shown has made some demons consider whether to offer loyalty to you."



"Comprehensive network reminder: Your blood gu has devoured enough life force and successfully evolved. You have obtained a new blood gu!"

"Comprehensive network warning: Based on the relevant characteristics of the abyss, your blood gu has obtained a level 4 abyssal corrosion-Aboutu state!"


Abyssal Corrosion - Apotu:
Type: Chaos-limited concept/divine-like rule effect

Limited Plane: Yapotu

status description:
The unit's alignment will be restricted to chaotic evil, and whenever the unit conducts or participates in an event involving kill/sabotage, it can receive nurturing from the defined abyss.

Warning: Whenever this unit is nourished from a limited abyss, it will undergo a related abyssal life transformation, and there is a certain probability of breaking away from all contract constraints established under the order system!

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

Not surprisingly, blood gu can devour demons.

Similarly, it is inevitably corrupted by concepts related to the abyss.

Demon-related existences have never undergone relevant evolution in terms of resisting devouring.

Even, when it comes to the relevant forces of the abyss, they are more willing to have this "efficient way of evolution".

Just like the mutual devouring between demons, it will not cause too much energy loss.

In a sense, it is far beyond the level of food intake of characters.

Yi Xia was somewhat interested in this.

It's a pity that his roe owl's stomach can't completely swallow such a "stubborn" concept.

Yi Xia raised his head, staring at the huge void above his head that could no longer be seen.

At this moment, he seemed to be in some dark well.

The dense light that was as sharp as a sharp sword broke through the surrounding darkness.

But in the more distant areas, there are still countless creeping darkness.

The abyss is the deepest despair.

Even if a real star fell here, it would only result in temporary destruction.

It is precisely because of this that the road practiced by Jeremy Yapotu has its solid weight.

That is not something that can be easily accomplished overnight.

Even at this moment, Yi Xia made some permanent changes on the physical level to the geographical structure of this abyss.

But the chaotic essence of darkness still exists here firmly and almost eternally.

Therefore, in the relevant legends and epics about the abyss in the multiverse, it is inevitable to add that irrepressible despair and fear.

Of course, apart from his not-so-good painting style, Yi Xia likes this kind of "toughness".

As it stands, it's a nice, reusable, high-quality grain yield...  

Afterwards, Yi Xia thought for a while, and stopped continuing to pay for the life force that maintained the legendary effect of the Sanyang decoction.

And with no support from the follow-up force, the light on Yi Xia's body began to drop suddenly.

It didn't take long before it was completely dark.

But even so, not many demons pounced on them.

From the topmost abyss to this area that can almost be said to be the deepest abyss.

Under the endless light, countless demons were reduced to ashes.

Moreover, it is not such a "gentle" death.

The devouring of blood gu, although it failed to completely strip their essence from the abyss like ordinary things.

But it also greatly damages their source of life.

Maybe the next rebirth will be a long time after I don't know how many years.

Of course, provided that:

Jeremy Apotu, ultimately failed to fulfill his oath, which is epic for all things.

Yi Xia randomly trampled to death some demons that gradually became active on his side in the chaotic state.

After discovering that demons can be devoured and utilized by blood gu, these original ugly tasteless ribs suddenly began to become vivid.

Unfortunately, there are only scraps left now.

Like a bear that happily gnawed a mouthful of honeycomb, Yi Xia contentedly put away the newborn blood gu.

Naturally, he was not interested, so he searched carefully from the remaining wreckage.

That may still find a lot of demons, but the efficiency is too low.

At least he has already eaten the biggest portion.

Let's talk about the rest when we have a chance next time.

And as Yi Xia's will fluctuated, a new prompt message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to teleport away from the plane? Please note: when you leave the plane, the selection of the relevant inheritance title will be directly regarded as giving up!"

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina, and directly confirmed it with his consciousness.

Inherit the abyss?

That was something Yi Xia would never consider.

And with Yi Xia's determination, the space around him gradually distorted.

After the death of a certain abyss lord who was in a cocoon, the space of this abyss returned to its previous chaotic state.

Although for an existence with ordinary space attainments, it is a bit risky to carry out space teleportation here.

But the transmission of the integrated network is obviously not within the scope of this consideration.

In the next instant, Yi Xia's magnificent figure disappeared into this dark land.

And the relatively quiet and dark land around it soon fell into eternal turmoil again...



At the same time, in a battle fortress in Yapotu
"he left?"

Jeremy Yapoto pulled out his body from the numerous official scrolls.

He glanced at the machine that submitted relevant information, and said regretfully.

Jeremy Yapoto never considered himself a combat-specialized character.

Barely coping with the individual force of a demon lord does not make much sense in the concept of conquering the vastness called the abyss.

The spread of peaceful ideas, the establishment of a stable order...

On this path, even in the multiverse, not many beings have set foot.

There are too many things that need to be decided by himself.

Jeremy Yapoto had some thoughts about meeting Yi Xia and having a chat.

He had a strong premonition that the other party, like him, had his own choice and persistence.

They may have many common topics to communicate with.

But unfortunately, he was too busy.

It's like two different epic scrolls crossing each other.

Although there is no intertwining of brush and ink, the little mottled left behind is already enough to taste...

(End of this chapter)

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