Chapter 451 There Are Strong Enemies Before, So... (Two Updates!)
Event town/a tofu stand
The three Earth Synthetic Network players sat there in dismay.

They just went to the relatively low-difficulty earth temple to try in the mission reminder.

The result was nothing out of the ordinary.

It seems that the clay statue is indeed just an ordinary statue made of ordinary clay.

As an existence with a few levels of diplomacy, Yuan Xian knew it well.

Obviously, they haven't figured out the relevant prestige interface to open this limited camp.

A good copy of the monster spawning activity, it just turned into a decryption game...

Yuan Xian couldn't complain about this.

Of course, he also knew that this might be due to their low level.

You know, the average level of this event copy is calculated based on level 15...

Level 15...

The sum of their levels is worth a fraction!
There are so many checkpoints and thresholds, which is considered a normal operation.

At this moment, Yuan Xian looked at his integrated network panel.

There, a certain new reply message made his eyes light up suddenly.

Yuan Xian's abnormality naturally attracted the attention of the other two.

"Have you found the mission clue?"

Xie Xia glanced at Yuan Xian, and said somewhat uncertainly.

Dasha also looked at Yuan Xian when she heard the words.

She is quite irritable now.

Obviously ready to fight, but also found that there is a puzzle level ahead.

This made Dasha, who had her brain "offline" ahead of time, a little crazy.

She always likes to separate thinking from fighting or training.

So as to be able to enjoy the purest experience.

From a certain point of view, this can be regarded as a different kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Looking at the questioning eyes of the two, Yuan Xian shook his head first, then nodded.

Seeing this, Xie Ya twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, then took out a can of brown sugar from his item backpack, and prepared to put it in Yuan Xian's tofu brain.

The previous contact let Xie Ya know that this guy is a pure salty party.

The friendship between like-minded men can always start to ferment directly without taking too long.

"Stop, stop..."

Yuan Xian hurriedly stopped him.

Afterwards, while protecting his tofu brain, Yuan Xian revealed his reliance.

The fourth online player?
After listening to Yuan Xian's answer, Dasha and Xie Ya looked at each other, seeing the blankness in their eyes.

Before that, they had doubts about why there were only three integrated network players in the event scene.

But at that time, Yuan Xian didn't disclose any information.

They also acquiesced that Yuan Xian, like them, didn't know the situation.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Xian and the other party had been in contact before.

"How old is he?"

Xie Ya asked curiously.

Yuan Xian shook his head directly:

"do not know."

This is the truth, he really doesn't know the specific situation of Yi Xia.

But one thing is certain:

That was a level beyond the imagination of rookies like them.

After some blind spots were broken, the two quickly pieced together a vague concept through trivial information such as activity levels.

After a pause, Yuan Xian moved closer, looked at the two men in front of him furtively and said:

"However, I can recommend a very exciting link to you."

Dasha was still at a loss for Yuan Xian's sudden change of subject.

After quickly realizing that Yuan Xian had suspicions about going straight to the highway illegally, Dasha narrowed her eyes slightly.

Xie Xia's eyes widened suddenly to prove that he did not have the relevant high-speed driver's license.

And at this moment, Yuan Xian suddenly let out a cry of pain.

He touched his ears that were suddenly flushed, and looked at the two people who were looking over and smiled sarcastically.

In my heart, I was quite annoyed:

The elves shouldn't be allowed to read too many books on Earth.

She even understands this...

Later, Yuan Xian shared a link to open the local camp information in the temporary team channel.

In the next moment, Yuan Xian looked at the two people who suddenly fell silent and dazed, and hurriedly picked up his tofu brain and took two bites.

Tsk, it really tastes great.

I don't know if I had the same expression at that time.

Not long after, the two people who broke away from some kind of shock still had a little bit of trance on their faces.

Sure enough, a very stimulating link.

It's just that there is no risk, I don't know...

But Xie Xia suddenly slapped his thigh fiercely:

"I knew there was no limit to the deflection! If I had known earlier, I would have changed my fate against the sky and started!"

"My Jiuli bloodline!"

Xie Ya burst into tears.

With so many hostile camps, he wondered if that one was kind and deviant...

Although he got his wish in the end, he chose a bloodline related to Jiuli.

But I have to say that this bloodline may be somewhat risky.

It may be an important factor in Jiuli's fiasco...

"Jiuli bloodline?"

At this moment, Xie Xia suddenly heard a rather strange voice.

He froze for a moment, then turned his head.

On the bluestone road in the small town, a figure who didn't seem so tall came from the backlight.

Beside him, an elderly man with a stick who seemed somewhat familiar and kindly was greeting him attentively.

Let's think about it for a while.

Then, I woke up suddenly.

Good guy, isn't that old man the statue in the earth temple?

Gong, why are you arrogant before being respectful?
Damn it, watching the world of off-dish dishes is too disrespectful to vegetables!
"The great witch has disappeared for some time, and his cultivation seems to have improved a lot."

"A few days ago, I heard from Sili that there was a shortage of land in Dawu's territory. He happened to have nothing to do, so he accepted the job."

"But it's not long since I came here, and I just ran into the great witch."

Seeing the people looking at them, Laotu smiled at them, and continued talking to them.

It wasn't until the other party asked Xie Xia that he stopped temporarily and looked at the three of them seriously.

Big witch?

Jieya captures a certain keyword.

At this time, the other party asked about his blood.

After a little thought, Xie Ya decided to tell the truth.

In other power systems, certain titles may have other interpretations.

In this land, not any cat or dog can be worthy of the title of Great Witch...

"It is the iron-eating beast of Jiuli's bloodline."

Xie Ya looked at the other party and said honestly.

Then, Xie Ya saw the other party staring at him with some surprise.

At this time, Xie Xia noticed that the other party's eyes were different from ordinary people.

There seems to be a flame burning in it...

"Don't be so cautious, we also have some relationship."

"My name is Yi Xia. Compared to you, I have grown older for some years. Thanks to perseverance, I managed to get a witch name."

Yi Xia looked at Xie Xia and smiled.

This is indeed the first time I've seen the Bloodline Warlock of the Iron Eater, and he glanced at Dasha on the other side with great interest.

Sensing Yi Xia's gaze, Dasha experienced for the first time the invisible oppression that was hard to describe in words.

It's like a mature brown bear encountered in adventures and thrills in the wild when I was young.

But that is an entirely unequal concept.

And at this moment, Dasha caught a glimpse of the fate symbol that suddenly appeared at her feet.

Dasha tried to open it with her consciousness, and in the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on her retina:

"[Fate Message]: There is a strong enemy ahead, so it is time to offer your knees..."

Dasha: ...

(End of this chapter)

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