The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 464 Announcement of the Plane Region of the High-level Demon Warlock

Chapter 464 Announcement of High-level Demon Warlock's Plane Area (Update!)

At first, not many beings noticed the mutation that happened in a certain dark world.

There are only a few messages that stop abruptly and the interruption of the call signal.

It seems to indicate that this may not be such an ordinary day.

After that, it can be said to be a disaster.

It seems that some worlds have secretly performed version hot updates.

Many demon warlocks and other related professions were shocked to find that the demons they contracted with had completely lost contact.

And some dark spell-oriented abilities that were once obscure and difficult have become exceptionally smooth.

Version hotpatch: Fix the bug that demon warlocks and other professions can summon demons, and compensatory strengthen the spell sequence of destruction?

At this time, one of the surrounding planes

"Lilins, why don't you go back to your hometown and have a look?"

Glittering golden pupil - high-ranking demon warlock - Lisha cast a malicious glance.

Sitting on the sofa, eating snacks and watching dramas, it seems that a certain demon has already been disabled.

A certain demon:?

Then in the next moment, after understanding the meaning of what the demon warlock said, a certain demon crazily used dark power to strike an alchemical symbol representing opposition in the air to express his strong opposition.

Well, because the demon warlock in front of him is suspected of deceiving the demon many times.

Therefore, simple actions such as nodding or shaking the head, which may be endowed with many distorted meanings, are impossible.

A certain demon whose real name is Lilins deeply suspects that the titular demon warlock in front of him once studied in a related academy of the devil.

Cunning villain!

"What a cowardly devil."

Seeing this, Lisha, a high-level demon warlock, clicked her tongue and said.

Now the entire demonic supernatural circle around is completely crazy.

Because they are all in a demon world with an "excellent geographical environment", contracting more or less demons.

Not all planes, like the Yapotu plane, can generate and derive abyss concepts on their own.

In many cases, or in most cases, the birth of the abyss is not a good thing.

Not everyone is able to harness this dark conception that corresponds much to the chaos of a Twisting Nether.

Therefore, for many planes, demons are classified as "life from another world".

For turning purposes, spells that banish outsider life are more powerful than banishing evil life.

And right now, there is a high probability that there is a problem with the demon plane, which is the "light" of all the surrounding worlds dedicated to walking on the path of demons.

It has not yet given birth to a master of the abyss in the strict sense, and it is still in a state of extreme confusion.

For demon warlocks, there is no more suitable breeding ground than this.

But now, the lighthouse is out...

"Decades of accumulation disappeared in an instant..."

"Through the dark curtain, I saw a destructive flame and a huge phantom... Perhaps, the dark titans have taken a fancy to that world..."

"Dark Titans? I've never heard of them having a hobby of destroying the world of demons..."

"I have already set up the portal! No matter who it is, the anger of darkness cannot be suppressed!"

High-level Demon Warlock - Lisha looked at the relevant information obtained through various channels.

She glanced thoughtfully at one of the messages.

Some not so long memories began to surge in my mind.

If there is no accident, it should be that guy...

"Sure enough, the flag shouldn't have been planted in the first place..."

High-ranking Demon Warlock - Lisha complained silently.

After knowing that a certain plane in the surrounding plane system was born a powerful and brutal player with demon hunting tendencies, and directly destroyed the original abyss of a small plane.

High-ranking Demon Warlock - Lisha even laughed, thinking that many Demon Warlocks must have collapsed directly.

Now, it's her turn...

The former smile froze directly, and a little bitterness welled up in his heart.

Lisha swallowed a mouthful of demon crystals, the cold dark power freed her mind.

Without provoking a certain demon next to her, Lixia opened the comprehensive network panel with her consciousness.

As a multi-net player, she certainly doesn't perform demon summoning from a world.

But due to the early and middle stages of development, they have invested a lot of energy in that world.

The subsequent risk transfer only slightly shifted some risk proportions.

So, I have to find a way to save it...



"Integrated Network Area Information (Integrated Network Player/Protected): Powerful friends, please don't hurt my demons, send your mercy to a weak player who has not even set foot in the legend, I am willing to take out my body at this moment All the comprehensive network disaster coins you have are used as the price for begging your mercy."

In the dark world, the dazzling light burns the earth and everything.

Yi Xia stood tall on the ground, with raging flames under his feet, intertwined in the boundless light curtain.

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina, and then smashed a huge demon head that was firmly biting his arm.

The news is a bit late...

Yi Xia thought as he looked at the bloody light sweeping across the ground.

The strength of this demon world is average, but the types of demons are gaudy.

Its breath is also mottled and chaotic.

Even, Yi Xia saw some mechanical demons.


Of course, now, they have all turned into blood gu's merits, and there is no such difference.

The most powerful leader of this demon world is a twisted demon with countless protruding spines.

General strength, high purity.

Until the death of the battle, the opponent did not have the slightest sign of trying to retreat.

Yi Xia likes such pure demons.

Well, it's much easier to clean up than those running around...

Compared with the twisted abyss form of Yapotun, this demon world seems quite "normal".

Its material plate roughly presents the appearance of some kind of inclined plane.

In the area with the lowest base height, there is a Styx flowing with countless struggling souls.

Of course, Yi Xia is not sure whether it is still the Styx River.

Before that, he followed the material section of this world and went down for a walk.

Due to the malicious intrusion of some demons, it may still cause a slight material shift...

Just when Yi Xia was thinking about how that strange integrated network player released area information.

He sensed space fluctuations not far away.

Then, a small group of humans and humanoids with a dark aura emerged from it.

As soon as they saw Yi Xia, they were filled with curses from lower plane slang.

But before Yi Xia could make a move, they were annihilated by the strong light that was close enough to hurt the demon lord while cursing crazily.

Yi Xia looked at their floating corpses and was silent for a while.

Neither intelligence nor perception is outstanding, but dare to embark on the path of chaos.

Perhaps, some courage is needed...

However, Yi Xia looked at the scattered wreckage.

Recalling some of the information revealed in the extremely fast abuse before, he seemed to understand something.

It seems that this time they poked some demon warlock's lair?

Yi Xia suddenly had an idea.

He opened the previous message with his consciousness, trying to get in touch with the other party.

Although from the message released by the other party, Yi Xia instinctively felt that this was not such a positive guy.

And this time the transaction probably cannot be completed.

But maybe he can find another bigger deal with the other party.

For some things, let the professionals do it, and the efficiency may be different...

(End of this chapter)

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