The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 468 "Small profits but quick turnover" Sanyang Decoction

Chapter 468 "Small profits but quick turnover" Sanyang decoction (one update!)

Dragon head statue space
The fiery witch fire licked the Wu cauldron suspended in mid-air.

However, Yi Xia, who had turned into a witch body, threw a large amount of common refining materials for Sanyang decoction into the Wu cauldron.

With his current witch medicine refining skills, such delicate operations are no longer needed for this level of witch medicine.

Of course, Yi Xia will not pay too much attention to these quality materials.

Maybe Yi Xia is a little interested in some legend-level related materials.

Although the refined products of that thing may have a relatively narrow scope of application.

It's not a thing, the more powerful the better...


The clear water poured through the void surged in the fiery Wu cauldron.

Due to the circulation of the breath related to the material, there is a certain indescribable compound stench in the air.

Yi Xia controlled the surrounding flames, forming circles of faintly visible flames around him.

They burn the strange substances in the air and purify the surrounding environment.

In terms of Wuhuo, Yi Xia's inheritance specifications are already top-notch.

It's just that for now, his accumulation in this area is indeed somewhat lacking.

This is the biggest shortcoming of Yi Xia in various fields at present:
Compared with his current level of life, his current accumulation is too shallow.

Need more time to settle...

Under the infusion of Yi Xia's mana, the semi-finished soup in Wu Ding began to stir slowly.

For the ordinary refining of Sanyang Decoction, this step is indifferent.

And Yi Xia's operation now is to balance the medicinal effects of the decoction in each area of ​​Wu Ding as much as possible.

Although compared to Yi Xia, this Wu Ding's Sanyang decoction can also be regarded as a "standard specification".

However, if you take it to the multiverse comprehensive network player trading forum, it is obviously not in this form.

Not all his clients are giants...

Speaking of which, Yi Xia was a little curious.

It is also unknown whether there are individuals of giant life among the existences that purchased his Sanyang decoction.

Presumably there should be none.

Compared with giant life forms, the previous Sanyang decoction was obviously not effective enough.

As for now?
It's not easy to say...

With the slow stirring of Yi Xia's mana, Wu Ding's decoction gradually began to change.

They are already in the delicate stage of taking shape.

It was the effect of Yi Xia's mana that slightly delayed this process.

In the next moment, a new prompt appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The refining is successful, and you have obtained Sanyang decoction (light gold/undivided)."

There are no master specialization points...

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

It seems, with the quality raised to light gold.

Sanyang Decoction used to be quite "close to the people" master specialization points, and then became "cold".

Afterwards, Yi Xia took out the potion bottles that he had bought in large quantities from his item backpack.

This task was performed by the temporarily summoned bean soldiers.

They can fly, have enough strength, and are tireless.

Its intelligence is even far higher than some high-level faded people.

All in all, it is an extremely useful magical power...

Yi Xia returned to human form on the side.

While continuing to drink the peppermint witchcraft leisurely, he thought to himself...



"Medicine" has passed three rounds...

When Yi Xia bought some weird small objects that might be related to some ancient elements through some popular discussion posts on the comprehensive network player exchange forum.

The bean soldiers, who had been busy for a long time, finally extracted the last bit of soup left in the huge Wu cauldron.

Yi Xia didn't bother to count them one by one, and directly threw them into the comprehensive network player multiverse trading center.

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network transaction reminder: refer to the recent sale price of relevant items and the fluctuation of nearby plane transactions. The reference selling price of this item is: 27 comprehensive network disaster coins~000 comprehensive network disaster coins (no version tax). "

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

This price did not exceed his expectations.

Sanyang decoction of normal specifications can already be sold at a price of nearly 1 Zongwang disaster coins.

The price of Sanyang decoction of light gold quality is not too outrageous.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and didn't directly raise the price to the highest, but chose a relatively compromised [-] comprehensive network disaster coins to sell.

After all, Sanyang Decoction has its limitations and is not suitable for all groups.

It can be regarded as "small profits but quick turnover" in a sense...

After all, on the other hand, Sanyang decoction also has a second meaning of spreading civilization.

Although this role, in the face of its related effectiveness, seems quite subtle.

Yi Xia thought so.

Afterwards, he directly chose all the Sanyang decoctions for personal consignment.

After completing the relevant operations, Yi Xia glanced at his personal sales information.

581 items...

The yield rate is not low.

Unlike before, the Sanyang Decoction consigned this time was not instantly destroyed.

Yi Xia hung up on the multiverse trading center for a while before seeing sporadic trading reminders one after another.

Just when Yi Xia sighed, a stronger transcendent existence should not have such a need.

In the next instant, a new transaction message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Reminder for large-value transactions on Zongwang: The relevant commodities you consigned at the multiverse trading center have been sold out. Since the relevant payment exceeds a certain limit, the payment is currently in a temporary lock-up state. natural day), the lockdown is lifted."

Yi Xia clicked on the relevant transaction information with his consciousness.

Of the 581 pieces of Sanyang decoction, 524 pieces were directly taken by a buyer.

Considering the selling price of 4 comprehensive network disaster coins, this is undoubtedly a large enough number.

It is less likely to be used by itself.

Yi Xia reckoned that it might have been bought by some interdimensional business group.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of some comprehensive network players who have super-large forces and have personal needs in this regard.

Yi Xia wasn't bothered by this.

He felt more and more that for high-level extraordinary beings who mastered relevant limited skills, it was no longer as difficult as before to obtain comprehensive network disaster coins.

Probably, this is the reason why those truly rare substances are difficult to buy in the multiverse trading center.

It has once again returned to the most primitive and basic form of trading.

That is: barter.

Afterwards, Yi Xia used his last remaining comprehensive network disaster coins to buy some powerful bloodlines of magical life and flesh.

Speaking of which, before these things, the shops that Yi Xia frequented were not very common.

And with his continuous ordering, it is now vaguely becoming some of its core business trends.

Yi Xia felt that they might also have related doubts:

What did the other party do to buy the flesh and blood of so many magical beings?

In Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames, the ferocious phantom of the roe owl grinned gracefully...

(End of this chapter)

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