Chapter 471 Wisdom Gu's First Showcase (Two Updates!)
Not too much smell.

Except for the iconic "vigorous jump".

The deep and pure liquid has a slightly glutinous taste.

There is not too obvious external taste, compared with its corresponding elements, it is quite unexpectedly neutral and mellow.

Of course, that's just a false appearance.

After entering the gastric sac, the chaotic liquid from the void began to exert its effectiveness.

What is different from the witch soup that Yi Xia drank before is:

The witch soup refined from void crystals does not reflect the unique warmth of life force.

Instead, after being quickly swallowed, digested, and decomposed by the roe owl's stomach pouch, a contradictory force full of ice cooling and fiery heat emerged at the same time.

It penetrated through Yi Xia's stomach sac and infiltrated into the deeper realm of flesh and bone marrow.

Compared with the gentle performance of the feedback power of the witch soup refined by magic life and flesh.

These forces intertwined with chaos obviously do not have much orderly behavior.

They ignored Yi Xia's breath of life and the original movement track and law of blood power, and ran around Yi Xia's body recklessly.

Yi Xia felt that if it was Fanwu who drank this witch soup.

Even if the other party can pass the harsh initial test and absorb the power of Wutang in a form comparable to the miracle of the multiverse.

But under such a violent impact, it is difficult to preserve.

Of course, the final chaos corresponding to the void originally corresponds to all possibilities and impossibilities.

In a sense, it has a certain interaction with miracles.

But, compared to the impermanence of fate.

The final chaos is the disorder that is really difficult to control.

In general: it tastes more exciting...

Along with Yi Xia's body, it began to gradually absorb the chaotic power softened by the roe owl's stomach pouch to a certain extent.

Not long after, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: You have devoured an extremely rare magic cooking/witch medicine, and you have absorbed a lot of nutrients from it (relevant element bonus 63.7%), based on the relationship between the relevant stage of your current blood template and the limited elements of this witch medicine , a large amount of nutrients are inclined to the growth of blood vessels, so you can only get the following related benefits from it:

Your natural armor has been permanently increased by 2 points: 18→20 (2↑), your maximum value has been permanently increased, and your related rationality and order elements have been weakened (this effect has been changed by the character-related blood template immunity). "


"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the relevant changes in your blood, your witch body shape information changes as follows: height 3800.7 → 6843.9 meters (3043.2 meters ↑)..."



Yi Xia looked at the reminder message that appeared on the retina.

He accidentally discovered the power of the void, which has a different meaning to him.

That is:
This thing seems to be a little full.

Yi Xia touched her stomach.

Since his original stomach pouch also acquired the characteristics of the roe owl stomach pouch.

It had been a long time since he had experienced the concept of "full stomach".

The last time he was full, it seemed that it was not long after he obtained the Wuji inheritance.

At that time, the star power of the roe owl was still quite weak.

Fortunately, with the relevant characteristics of the version, at least he doesn't have to be like the roe owl itself.

In the endless hunger, he gradually sank into the rage of predators.

No matter what it is, it's hard to be so tender if you're always hungry.

Yi Xia felt that, as far as he was concerned, the Void Life corresponds to the concept in his recipes.

Maybe it's not like some of the heavy-tasting foods or seasonings he envisioned before.

Instead, staple foods like rice and steamed buns...

Yi Xia thoughtfully glanced at the relevant information about the blood template on his comprehensive network panel.

He probably knew what this might be about.

It's not surprising.

Since there is the possibility of environmental interaction, it is not so strange to be included in the blood recipe.

In the chaotic years when the world was not yet open, the source of the blood corresponding to the chaotic direct lineage of the witch is obviously not the kind of species that does not need to ingest food...

Otherwise, how could there be such a civilization that prefers the taste of tongue in later generations.

Yi Xia thought so.

And the Wisdom Gu buff with 3 layers superimposed finally showed its incomparably powerful benefits.

Under void-related deflection, ultimately exhibiting unprecedented gains.

Just a serving of witch soup almost doubled Yi Xia's bloodline-related gains.

Yi Xia felt that his investment in Wisdom Gu had finally paid off for the first time.

Whereas it can be expected that:
This is just the beginning...

And then again, I finally have what an astral-level life infancy should look like...

Yi Xia sensed a certain powerful change in his body, and suddenly thought this way.

In the ancient legends related to the extraordinary civilization of the oriental genealogy, the figure of the towering figure is naturally not a lie.

Standing upright, that may be supplemented by a statement tone.

Sometimes, Yi Xia would also have fantastic ideas, Manghuang might be a flattened universe.

It's just that it doesn't have the vast void and countless stars in the universe of the ordinary material world.

Instead, the continuous land connects everything, and the mountains and seas connect with the sky.

Only in this way can such a magnificent existence be carried.

That is the ultimate romance traced by practitioners of the Eastern lineage...

Well, at least Yi Xia thinks so.

Just like a horse in the grassland.

The hunting grounds of great witches should not always be in those cramped and dark places.

And Yi Xia reckoned that with the growth of her current body size.

In the witch body form, I am afraid that it is unlikely to step on the ground to fight again.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't care about that.

He felt that he still had certainty and control over power.

It's just some plane consciousness and the like, I'm afraid I don't think so...

Later, Yi Xia thought of the ginseng that he had stored in his backpack for a long time.

Judging from the previous experience of making Wutang, this is the main ingredient of Wutang.

Except for extreme ingredients such as void life, it is useless for other ingredients.

Yi Xia thought about it, what materials should be used to make it, so as not to waste the gift of friendship from the Thirteen Dragon Palace.

It would be great if I could get another young Kun...

Yi Xia still had a chance to think about it aftertaste.

Afterwards, Yi Xia opened the integrated network panel.

He was going to look for it and get some accessories.

If you can't get a good product like Xiao Kun, you can get some meal sticks.

There is no need to say more about the Thirteen Dragon Palaces.

But the multiverse is endless, so it's not a big problem to find a few evil dragons without heels...

 It was originally planned for the third shift today, but it turned out that there was an afternoon meeting with a short notice...

  This week, I will definitely take time to make up the third update~
  ——from the bald head

(End of this chapter)

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