Chapter 484 Lord of Rotten Heads with Thousand Eyes (One more update!)

Since the last trip to Dianzhou, Yi Xia has not paid much attention to the extraordinary life in this world.

Only when I have occasional leisure or encounters, will I pay a little attention.

Due to the connection between plane consciousness and the comprehensive network, Yi Xia will also have instant reminders for the invasion of alien life that reaches a certain intensity.

What's more, Cang Zhong's contact with him also means that the officials are already prepared for this.

Therefore, Yi Xia will not pay much attention to this.

For now, the superhuman powers of Earth are still in their infancy.

Even with the relevant assistance given by the times, it is difficult to achieve the relevant path of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

In this regard, those comprehensive network players may develop faster.

At least in the extraordinary stage, there is no doubt about the protection and bonuses given to players by the integrated network.

As for the future, it depends on the individual's fortune.

In fact, with the gradual recovery of extraordinary elements.

It can be expected that there will be more and more related extraordinary existences on the earth.

Yi Xia didn't know what it would be like in the end.

let them go

Yi Xia didn't bother to pay attention to these.

Except for the local extraordinary life that is skewed by the evil camp, the rest of the mess has nothing to do with him.

This is what he said to Cang Zhong before.

In a sense, he belongs to the "temporary workers" of the new era.

In the future, it will depend on the performance of those successors.

Yi Xia said so.

Of course, Cangzhong's expression was a little subtle at that time.

He obviously didn't really believe that someone as reckless as Luo Xian or as detached as Ji Shuan could cultivate into a godlike appearance.

Especially when they know the direction of their magic research.

Elderly man holding a mobile phone in the subway.jpg
Of course, in terms of this aspect, Yi Xia naturally hopes that someone can take over his burden.

The duties of the great witch and the will of the individual have never conflicted.

Fishing in a reasonable range is the supreme mystery of life.


Yi Xia stood on the balcony and took a sip of the mint witch medicine.

The foreign soul in Tong Bing's body is nothing.

The weaker the soul, the easier it is to break through the boundaries of the plane at certain times.

Of course, whether it can be successful or not depends on fate...

Just like in theory, the outcome of no game is certain.

Thinking of this, Yi Xia couldn't help shaking his head.

At this time, the sun is already rising.

Yi Xia thought about it, and was not going to delay any longer.

He had previously purchased a batch of space coordinates of the abyss from a demon warlock.

Although I think about it, the possibility of direct "plane migration" of these planes is not great.

It can be harvested first, so that they can continue to spawn.

In the absence of external force oppression, the degree of internal friction in planes such as the abyss is unimaginable for all things.

Afterwards, Yi Xia randomly selected one of those plane coordinates.

Without tossing about by himself, Yi Xia directly spent the comprehensive network disaster coins and sent them through the comprehensive network.

In the next moment, with the fluctuation of Yi Xia's consciousness.

On his retina, relevant teleportation information was refreshed.

In this way, the earth is gradually moving away.

Familiar darkness and chaos, like the aroma of vegetables coming from a family's family during a meal, spread out clearly and richly...



"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The teleportation is successful, you have arrived at the coordinates of the space plane: the area corresponding to *** (everything cannot be observed)..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the relevant marks of some planes (protected/unviewable), your arrival has aroused the attention of the relevant consciousness of this plane."

"Comprehensive network reminder: please note that this abyss plane is one of the nine derived planes of Bijin Heernan, if the player causes significant damage to the structure of this plane, it may cause the material world of this plane to become unbalanced .”

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have been blessed with the 'plane instant mark', please note that when your relevant mark value reaches five stars, you will be expelled from the plane forever."

Yi Xia looked at the prompt message that appeared on the retina.


It is another "networked" plane.

Yi Xia looked away noncommittally.

Judging from the reminder information on the comprehensive network, the plane corresponding to this abyss plane obviously has some weight.

Ordinary planes do not have such a number of derived planes.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that the opponent's split is severe.

Just like those abyss-like planes that Yi Xia has been to before.

The abyss of this world is full of indescribable chaos and distortion.

There is a round of high probability on its sky, which is the blood-colored star projected by the stars in the material world.

But it is not like the stars in the material world, releasing fair light and warmth.

Instead, it exudes an indescribable evil intention and madness, making all things that stare at it inevitably fall into madness.

Fortunately, the opponent's light is not so "uniform".

It seems that there is a self-contained sieve in the body, and it is probably the power of the abyss that suppresses its brilliance.

The blood-colored rays of light scattered in every corner in an orderly manner.

Generally speaking, it tastes quite "alcoholic" in the abyss.

Yi Xia's arrival instantly attracted the attention of surrounding demons.

The demon warlock did not exaggerate in this regard.

There are indeed a large number of mid-level demons here.

And just when Yi Xia was about to drink the prepared Sanyang decoction prepared according to the legend, and began to harvest.

In the sky that was intertwined with crazy blood, violent spatial fluctuations suddenly came.

The next moment, a huge humanoid appeared.

"Comprehensive network reminder: Warning: Your behavior has attracted the attention of the master god of the black feathers - the master of the rotten head with thousands of pupils - Lelian Waller."

Speed ​​of light?
But this guy's divinity doesn't look like the painting style of an abyss leader?

Yi Xia looked at the humanoid life that appeared suddenly.

It has some human features, but it's much rougher overall.

In terms of various details, it seems that there are some animal characteristics.

There are five pairs of broken black wings behind it, which seem to be more decorative than practical.

On the wings, there are densely closed pupils.

This is an unquestionably divine unit.

Of course, it seems that it has not yet reached the level of legend.

Although it seems that legends are quite a bad street in the multiverse.

But in terms of the truly infinite number of planes in the multiverse, their distribution rate is much rarer than ordinary people imagine.

Just like not every god in every world can be considered a "god"...

"Sinner, leave Qiantong's territory, your blasphemy is being watched by Qiantong!"

The humanoid creature conveyed the will of the evil god with an indescribably crazy voice.

Of course, it didn't get the answers it deserved.

In the next moment, shadow and light enveloped it at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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