Chapter 498 So, it's time for a good harvest... (Two updates!)
Although Yi Xia had some subtle ideas about the channel for the necromancer on the opposite side to obtain the module.

However, he obviously didn't intend to waste this time.

Yi Xia's refusal didn't make much change in the expressions of the integrated network players.

It seems that in this regard, he is definitely experienced.

"Well, I was thinking that everyone is human..."

"You know, this place, apart from intelligent followers, is really barren."

"I don't understand. They have developed technology and magic for so many years, and they don't even have any decent combat decompression resources."

"Dude, if you have a chance - come and find me in the Cg17 theater, my invitation will last longer than the shelf life of a star!"

The other party grinned, and then threw Yi Xia a package of things wrapped in iron.

Yi Xia took it.

Most likely it's smoke...

Of course, Yi Xia wasn't too sure.

Could something made out of some of the demon's internal tissue and other messy stuff still be called smoke?

Generally speaking, from the functional point of view, it is something in one field...

"To be honest, I think you are quite pleasing to the eye."

"I reckon you'd be a pretty good gunner—here's what I tell you: we've got gunners like you in our team."

"Calm but not lacking in strength, I like a guy like you!"

"I almost forgot, my name is Sammy, that's the abbreviation."

"Actually, there's this one about my long-winded real name..."

"Hey, I'm not done yet!"

The comprehensive net player who called himself Sami did not continue his coherent speech with some inexplicable rhythm.

Soon, his teammates took him away.

Before leaving, he even apologized to Yi Xia, saying that they are actually not short of people for the time being.

After figuring out that Yi Xia didn't come back for repairs but was a newly arrived integrated network player who was about to go to the battlefield, he also pointed out the direction for Yi Xia.

Without any further delay, Yi Xia flew away with Hong Yun on his back.

Now that the group returned to the battle machine, they watched Yi Xia leave through the observation equipment of the battle machine.

"Look! Look how cool this guy's back is!"

"I said it: my hunches have been right and wise!"

"Maybe I should add him as a friend... I think maybe that demon smashed my brain just now, and I forgot to add him as a friend."

"Believe me, with my organizational ability, our team will become stronger and stronger!"

Sammy said nonchalantly.

"I never deny your vision—you are heading towards trouble on your own..."

On the other side, the captain with calm eyes gave such an evaluation.

Subsequently, some shocking post-war images were projected on the combat machine.

"Fire? Earthquake? Oh, this lake looks really rough... Speaking of which, wasn't the founder a little too rough when he fabricated it?"

"By the way, can we have some demon invasion?"

"I mean: dominated by succubi..."

Looking at the screen projected on the battle machine's screen, Sami shrugged and offered his own suggestion.

In the next moment, his eyes locked on one of the pictures:
It was a majestic giant elephant standing on the ground. The mountains and cities looked small and pale under its towering and huge figure.

The raging flames that can engulf the city are also like low red wormwood in such a picture scroll.

The shadows of humans and machines are more like black spots that can be ignored.

"This Titan looks a little familiar... Have I bought his integrated mysterious card?"

"No, I can remember all the SSRs and URs!"

Seeing this, Sammy was lost in thought.

Then, he seemed to perceive some truth.

"His name is Yi Xia... a dangerous guy who is on the scarlet warning list of the plane."

"Do you think the thing he stepped on is the same illusionary light as your excretory catheter?"

"That is death and destruction that cannot be dispelled..."

The captain looked at the information displayed on the screen and said dully.

He was a little worried about the future of this battlefield.

Damn, he hasn't even got a full set of smart followers yet!


Navigation in space is silent and noisy.

From the perspective of flesh and blood creatures, the deep darkness and the long dead night are the strong themes that dominate the entire space voyage.

And in another realm, under the darkness, there are more bright and noisy things hidden.

Of course, they don't have to be too beautiful...

Extraordinary perception allows Yi Xia to perceive most of the information.

Some are the various magnetic fields that exist in the universe itself, while others are messages transmitted by man-made machines.

Of course, these are not what Yi Xia is interested in.

Yi Xia wanted to listen to the message transmitted by man-made machinery to relieve boredom.

But they encrypted it...

Therefore, he can only focus on the remaining ones:
That's what the demons send out.

As a foreign invasion unit, the communication methods used by the demons are obviously not necessarily applicable in that way.

The suppression of the planes made it extremely difficult for the demons to command.

Of course, the premise is that they do have effective related commands...

It was probably an energy wave transmitted by some kind of demon, enough to penetrate the vast starry sky.

Yi Xia felt that there must be someone on the human side who specifically accepts it.

But it should not be the key part.

The devil's military secrets and strategic deployment?

It is roughly the same as the moral standards of goblins engaged in business activities, and it belongs to the relevant elements of the void sequence.

At least for now, this is the case for the pure blood demons that Yi Xia has come into contact with.

Chaos is the source of demonic power, and of course it has its promised price...

Along the way, Yi Xia saw many exotic planets.

Some even have signs of intelligent life activity.

Yi Xia guessed that it might be used as a battle fortress, a military institution, and the like.

So close to the main battlefield of the demon invasion, it is unlikely that there are planets inhabited by civilians.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, Yi Xia saw from afar the majestic psionic network built in the universe.

In Yi Xia's extraordinary perception, it presents a magnificent blue color.

And within it, a deadly explosion is taking place:

Countless clusters of light bloomed like fireworks, magic and technology, presented in the most violent form in this no longer dark night sky.

And the devil is the boundless darkness behind the light net...

It was dense darkness and sparks.

Yi Xia once thought that it was the true nature of the outer domain of the universe...

Yi Xia guessed that this high probability corresponds to a medium-sized or even large-scale abyss.

It's no wonder that under such strong fire suppression, it can last for so long.

Now it seems that it is time for a good harvest...

(End of this chapter)

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