The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 518 The network cables of the multiverse are not protected...

Chapter 518 The network cables of the multiverse are not protected... (Two updates!)
Nuo method: The pursuit of all worlds has achieved initial results...

Yi Xia looked down at the building below that seemed to be integrated with the maroon mountains, thinking so.


Unless the other party hides in the divine kingdom of a certain god.

Otherwise, he can always find it.

Without any verbal negotiation, the existence exuding a lot of jealousy has already revealed the elements of these existences to Yi Xia.

Yi Xia didn't rush to wave the Wu Banner, but suddenly inserted it into the ground!
Draw the ground for prison!

Suddenly, the mountain shook!

It was originally a spell that acts on space, but at this moment, due to the change in Yi Xia's body shape, the Wu Banner was too grand.

There was a sharp shaking on the ground!
Due to the discovery of the shortcomings of being too slow in the form of spells before.

Yi Xia has already made the painting of the alienation of the dimensional anchor a prison, and the sacrifice has become a bloodline spell.

Therefore, compared to before, the launch speed at this time is no longer the same.

In the next moment, with the "circle" that the earth suddenly closed.

The surrounding space suddenly became solidified!
After knowing that the other party has mastered the space teleportation ability, Yi Xia obviously does not intend to give the other party a second chance to escape.

Although, the first escape also gave him an extra surprise...

"Please temporarily restrain your anger, powerful alien giant!"

"We would offer you, all our treasures, in exchange for our paltry lives."

A goblin with a demonic aura ran out from underneath.

It used some kind of communication tool to convey its meaning to Yi Xia.

Even without language proficiency, the other party has already given it the relevant spells on its own.

However, Yi Xia only glanced at the other party's appearance in surprise.

Because this really doesn't seem like something a goblin should say...

As for what the other party said?
Dawu didn't care.

What the big witch wants is their death...

And the next moment, Yi Xia suddenly waved the Wu Banner, and slammed it down on the mountain below!
Suddenly, countless spells flew out from the seemingly normal mountain range.

They roared and exuded a vicious and evil aura, intertwined in a chaotic pattern.

Looking from a distance, it looks as magnificent as a colorful meteor shower.

Therein lies dangerous power enough to destroy, enough to destroy mountains and level lakes.

But now, they were facing Yi Xia.

Compared with mountains and the like, Yi Xia is obviously tougher.

In a short moment that is difficult to capture by ordinary things, the slamming witch banner directly collided with those many spells!
The body of the banner with pure power flowing with chaotic blood was smashed down like a broken bamboo!
The radiance of the spell is like the fireworks exploded by a child, weak and powerless!
Unrivaled, the Wu banner directly smashed heavily on the mountain where many enemies, including Kerize-Tago, were hidden!
The next moment, the majestic mountain range from the foot of the mountain made some kind of overwhelmed explosion!

The directly broken mountains flew out like fragments of rock that had exploded!
Fortunately, there are not many intelligent life forms on this planet, and these blasted mountain fragments just smashed one after another large or small potholes in the barren land.

In the center of the core strike area, a huge mushroom cloud that gradually "slowly" expands suddenly rises.

All the evil and darkness were turned into smoke under the violent power!

Yi Xia looked at the rumbling sound below, and seemed to be sinking into the reacting ground.

In the sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames, Yazi Xuying licked his fangs quite contentedly.

The souls of those offenders are the best nourishment for Jai Zi...



"Comprehensive network reminder: You destroyed the right-wing base of Iscandaro/Lava Serpent, and you will be included in the abyss-level taboo list by this organization."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Please note that you have obtained a special mark status: a warning from the lava snake. When you enter a plane with organizations with relevant perception characteristics, they will most likely evacuate directly."

Another hostile list?
At first, when Yi Xia saw the reminder message refreshed on his retina, he still thought it was ordinary.

After he realized what it really meant.

In the witch body form, Yi Xia's face, which was much larger than the ordinary lake, showed a little daze.

The composition of this organization seems a bit strange...

Yi Xia thought so.

At first, he thought it was some demon-related force with audacity or a disordered will.

After all, due to his activities in many abyss-like planes.

It is perfectly normal for forces related to demons to fight against each other.

Of course, it is not surprising that it is unilaterally included as an ally.

Yi Xia is already experienced in the characteristics of the existence of demons and abyss.

In fact, he did find traces of demons in this organization.

That goblin with the blood of a demon...

Of course, Yi Xia suspected that the other party's goblin blood was not very pure.

Even a pure-blooded goblin can't say the words of exchanging wealth for life.

Even if there is, its tone will not be so decisive.

In this regard, Yi Xia is really not racially discriminatory.

At least according to the situation he has been in contact with now, these statements are not too false to slander the goblins.

It can only be said that there are indeed huge differences in certain world views between life and life.

The result is so... vulnerable...

According to Yi Xia's previous thinking, he felt that at least one abyss lord should support the opponent.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia read the information given by the demon warlock again.

Yi Xia couldn't help but pay attention to the courage shown by this organization before and the choice it made after being hit by Yi Xia.

For a while, he couldn't quite understand it.

Are they brave or cowardly?

How does this kind of organization that doesn't even have legendary characters dare to act recklessly in such a deep field as the multiverse?

Perhaps for all things, the separation of material distance given by the Internet can form a good gray protection.

But this is the multiverse...

Going to the door along the network cable is just a basic operation.

Yi Xia shook his head, looking at the ground below which had completely sunk.

Such a small organization has caused him a lot of losses.

Maybe he needs to think about how to establish a tougher posture in the surrounding planes...

And on the other side, somewhere in the multiverse

An organization that just released the latest version of the list of suspected endangered rare dragons suddenly announced that the previously released version was wrong, and urgently recalled it for correction.

And just purchased the existence of the latest related list, and found the deviation between the subsequent release version and the previous version quite carefully.

There are not many changes between them, but a name has been deleted...

(End of this chapter)

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