The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 531 Drink it, and then meet the new destiny bestowed by the great witch

Chapter 531 Drink it, and then meet the new destiny bestowed by the great witch (one update!)

Yi Xia stared at Aldole, the star-moon corroder in the void, the corpse that had been broken into huge and dirty particles.

The strength of this enemy is average, and its main threat lies in the strange weapon in its hand.

Yi Xia could vaguely feel a little threat from it, but it wasn't very strong.

But just like a mop applies subtle enchantments to some special areas, some things don't necessarily have pure lethality as the core element...

Yi Xia waved the witch flag, and the fire burned away the filth in a certain area in the void.

Then, with a thought in his mind, the space flickered directly to Li.

In the dense flame particles, a bright explosion light is constantly evaporating.

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames penetrated the obstruction of that light.

He could see, at the center of the blazing explosions, what seemed to be the remains of some twisted creature floating in the void.

Yi Xia could tell at a glance that it was the Xingyue Corruptor - Aldole, the instrument he was trying to use to corrupt him.

To be honest, this is not a very suitable collection.

Although there is a certain rotten concept that is unique to this world, it has a certain collection value.

But even with Yi Xia's rough aesthetics, it's hard to accept such things.

If it is used for a battle sacrifice, it should be a good material...

Yi Xia thought so, and then opened the multiverse comprehensive network player trading center, and temporarily purchased a closed container with a small void inside.

His item backpack is used to store ingredients.

Strictly speaking, if this thing is thrown in directly, it may not necessarily have any impact.

But it is always better to keep it closed, and Yi Xia is not short of such expenses now.

The death of Aldole, the Corruptor of Stars and Moons, does not mean that the resistance of the related life in this world has completely disappeared.

When the violent witch fire burned all the way along the rotten earth.

Those rotting lives that were lingering on their last legs probably understood something:
Yi Xia didn't come here for revenge or any more noble purpose like some guys before him.

He just wants the world to burn...



The dying Yuren looked at the majestic figure in the sky that blocked the plague and rotting stars.

What is blurred is the vision, gradually sinking into the darkness...

Sublime Feather God, is this a messenger sent by you?
Forgive my wavering of faith here...

Feather people should not fall into darkness...

But I'm... so tired...

Flames consumed its twisted and corrupted body.

The once bright and dirty feathers, under the burning of the flame, once again exude a brilliance that is very different from the past.

But Yuren didn't notice the pain. On his face covered with sores, there was a long-lost relief.

For Yuren at this moment, death should be a more complete relief.

The rot and distortion that has been entangled to the depths of the blood is the fear brought about by death.

It chases after the light and the eternal truth, which makes it resist the present.

And today, it will usher in the final ending...

Yuren thought so.

And the flames quickly consumed its body.

Under the extremely rotten flesh and blood, the light soul was able to escape.

The long-broken wings unfolded again as in memory.

Yuren glanced at his body that had completely dissipated with the last flame, and there was no hesitation in its soul.

According to Yuren's belief, it will fly to the kingdom of God after death, and cannot be missed in the material world.

That is where brilliance and justice meet.

When it wakes up again from the kingdom of God, it will appeal to the will of God and find the giant who freed it above the sky to express its gratitude.

But the great door engraved in the sacred contract did not open as expected...

God's light failed to shine on this filthy land...

Or my wavering will, making my faith no longer so pure, so I can't invite the door of salvation?

A little confusion appeared in Yuren's soul.

And in the next instant, some kind of indescribable danger exploded in its consciousness.

In the void, a hideous bloody light roared over!

In an instant, Yuren's will turned into a sharp spear.

Yuren has never been afraid of fighting, even in his current state.

But the blood light ignored it, it flew straight to the burning earth, Yuren could see that the other party was trying to devour something from the remains of those corpses.

The flesh and blood burned by the flames obviously did not satisfy him.

Afterwards, Yuren felt some kind of malice attacking it.

Yuren could feel the strong malice of the other party converging on it, it was a kind of bloodthirsty greed that did not need words to express.

But in the end, it seemed that due to certain considerations or some kind of restriction, the other party left it resentfully.

In this way, there is only the crackling sound of the flames scorching the earth on the earth.

Yuren's soul was floating in the void, it didn't know where to go.

It has lost its life, but it has not abandoned the justice that has always been upheld under the power of decay and distortion.

Naturally, it will not try to invade the life of a mortal like those wandering spirits.

And in such a rotten world, how can there be such a pure mortal thing?

What's more, now, there may not be many living creatures left...

Confused, Yuren looked at the giant who was swaying the boundless fire cloud above the sky.

That might be a powerful existence from a foreign land, and Yuren could feel some kind of ancient and magnificent power from the powerful life breath of the other party that made it burn.

At this moment, Yuren already had some clarity:
The other party probably didn't come to this world for pure justice.

But there is no doubt about it: He is indeed carrying out acts of eliminating evil.

Perhaps, a righteous... interstitial ally?
And so it flew towards the magnificent giant.

No matter how the future unfolds, there is no need to consider Yuren's fate.

Now, it should first thank the other party for its relief.

The flames in the air burned its soul, and under the sharp pain, Yuren realized the danger of these flames.

Its power is not as "cheap" as the opponent poured it all over the sky.

Then, the other party seemed to notice it.

Suddenly, the surrounding flame particles suddenly increased sharply.

Then, a huge head broke through the clouds and looked down from a high altitude:

"... a bird... um, the soul of a celestial apostle?"

The voice of the other party was like thunder resounding in the ear.

Yuren held back the trembling of his soul, and lowered his head to show respect for such a great thing:
"As you have noticed, but I have not yet learned of the status of that reverence."

"I am a Featherman, and the Heavenly Father has given me the name of Pablo Sheen under the sacred monument."

"By the mercy of justice and light, thank you for freeing me from a twisted and filthy fate."

The Featherman named Pablo Sheen said so.

Yi Xia looked at the feathered soul who was weak but embodies a certain kind of firm will.

This is a novelty.

Having hunted so many times, he has not yet received the thanks of the soul.

"It's just a matter of convenience."

Yi Xia said so.

"The brilliance of kindness never lies in the weight of the favor paid by the giver, but in the pleading of the rescued."

"You are a kind and bright existence, I beg to follow you in order to repay your kindness."

The Featherman named Pablo Sheen looked at Yi Xia's majestic body, then paused, and said in a low voice:
"I have nowhere to go..."

Yi Xia looked at Yuren's soul, and pondered for a while.

Then, a cup of cloudy soup appeared in front of Yuren:

"Drink it, if you succeed, you will be on the same road..."

Yuren's soul looked at the potion of indescribable violent power that seemed to be hidden under the cloudy appearance.

It didn't sense any evil or dark aura from it.

Maybe it's just a subtle appearance?

In this way, Pablo Sheen did not hesitate, and directly drank the soup in one gulp.

The soup fell directly along its spirit body, but the power mixed in it remained in its body...

(End of this chapter)

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