Chapter 542 Rotten Battle Sacrifice (Two Updates!)
As a martial arts practitioner, Yu Zangming never felt that he had a small appetite.

Although he was born in the southern country, he never conceded defeat when it came to cooking since he was a child.

When I was still in college a few years ago, I was a frequent visitor to the surrounding buffet.

Compared with the canteen which is cheap but has standard portions.

The kind of hall that is more inclined to migrant workers is more suitable for a big belly like Akira Yuzang.

Of course, there are also financial considerations.

At that time, for Akira Yuzang, going to the buffet was the best extra meal.

Although it is not that exaggerated, Yu Zangming is always able to "fight fiercely" at the last moment every dinner.

She never thought that she would enter the "spectator seat" when the meal was not long.

What kind of meat is this?

Yu Zangming looked at the cut pieces of meat on his plate.

This plate is as brand new as if it had been newly opened, and the grilled meat on it is even more attractive.

Or because of the fire, although the sebum was browned, it did not damage the meat inside.

Except for some requirements on the teeth, there are no other points lost.

Before that, Yu Zangming was still thinking about staple food and so on.

Now, she doesn't have the slightest idea in this regard.

At this time, the sword weapon, which had been pretending to be dead, began to react slightly.

Inexplicably, Yu Zangming felt that it was urging him to eat more...

I don't know if it's a hallucination or what.

But, I really can't eat it...

Feeling the heavy weight of endless warmth growing in his stomach, Yu Zangming looked at the piece of meat on his plate with difficulty.

Bean soldiers next to him kept watching.

Once the amount of meat on its plate dwindles, a new piece is cut from the gigantic mass that is being grilled.

Yu Zangming always felt that these guys were impatient to use their weapons.

Probably on weekdays, there is no such opportunity?

Yes, the other party cut the meat not with ordinary tableware, but with swords and the like...

On the other side, Yi Xia was feasting.

The quickness of its eating makes people appetite.

It's just that Akira Yuzang had a vague feeling:

It's like she is eating with friends who have a small appetite. In order to control the progress, she only eats a small amount of side dishes first. The subtle sense of sight...



The meal went much faster than expected...  

When Yu Zangming tried his best to shrink his stomach so that he would not walk out of the villa with Cang Zhong in such a gaffe.

The sun was still shining brightly in the sky.

The driver who was waiting in the car looked at the two and smiled:
"Cangju, it seems that you can't drink two cups today."

Cang Zhong waved his hand, and after getting into the car, he let out a breath of foul air slowly.

Obviously, it is also a bit full.

He even felt that this meal might take a lot of time...

In this way, the car slowly drove down the mountain.

"What the hell is that guy?"

On the way, Yu Zangming couldn't help looking at Cang Zhong and asked.

"I told you before, the contemporary great witch, what else can it be."

Cang Zhong changed his position and lay down, trying to relieve the pressure on his stomach through this operation.

"Great witch..."

Yu Zangming chewed the word silently.

She now understands the weight of this word.

"Okay, go to the office and report for the preparation, and it's over."

Cang Zhong thought for a while, looked at Yu Zangming who was sitting behind and said.

"Haven't you already recorded it before?"

Yu Zangming asked in a low voice.

"The situation is different, don't worry, it's a good thing."

Cang Zhong looked at the other party patiently and explained.

The owner of the sword made from fragments of foreign gods and an ordinary extraordinary monk in the wild are two different concepts.

What's more, the sword held by the other party is also related to the great witch.

This cannot be generalized.

At least in terms of attention at the national level, there are two levels.

Even for this brand new field, our research has not yet formed a general and vague system modeling.

However, judging from the legendary images outlined in the relevant literature that has been passed down, swords that involve this level must focus on killing.

This is also the highest level magic weapon they have come into contact with so far.

Or say treasure?

In short, like Wu Kui, Ji Shuan and others, they are the ones who need to focus on.

After all, such an existence already has a very considerable lethality.

Cang Zhong actually doesn't know much about the ultimate meaning of practice and the changes that extraordinary power can have on the social system.

The most intuitive aspect that brings shock to the existing order lies in the direct violence enhancement it bestows on individuals.

How to regulate or coordinate is a huge challenge for any country that is about to face this new era.

Of course, some are challenges, some are trials, and they cannot be generalized...



Yi Xia stood on the balcony and watched the two leave.

Speaking of which, he was still a little curious about how the consciousness of the plane recast the sword.

But there is no special launch of the Nuo Law in this regard: ask the sky to ask.

After all, he is not good at this, and now he has someone who can take advantage of him.

At this time, Yi Xia suddenly remembered a certain piece of equipment that he had thrown in his backpack.

Time to sacrifice it...

Although it has been properly stored with relevant equipment, it does not feel so appropriate to always throw it in the item backpack.

With this in mind, Yi Xia directly took out a certain storage device from the item backpack.

Not even willing to open it, Yi Xia directly held the Wu Banner and launched the battle sacrifice.

In the next instant, some kind of invisible fire went straight through the overlapping space.

Storage equipment does not count as combat implements and is therefore unharmed.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't intend to use it lightly anymore.

Unless you encounter equipment with relevant characteristics next time.

And with the launch of the war sacrifice, Yi Xia could sense that the sealed corruption weapon was gradually burning and decomposing.

It has not yet reached the status of a true artifact, but is endowed with a strong power related to corruption due to the world characteristics of the Rotten Land.

Therefore, it is only a battle sacrifice of ordinary specifications, and it can also be sacrificed.

Rot, the destruction of matter.

In a way, it symbolizes the dead side of all things.

But it does not point to pure death, but its entangled and twisted dark process.

As such, it is part of a grand sequence of planes that can be extended into worlds like Rotfield.

Of course, even Yi Xia hasn't seen too many worlds like that.

And as the corrupted weapon dissipated, Yi Xia could feel a certain kind of full power surging away with it.

A piece of equipment, unless it is at the level of divine equipment, is not worth much trouble for a magnificent world.

Only at certain specific moments, it can play a role of promotion and guidance.

And in the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Sacrifice is a great success (based on your current related bonuses and professional characteristics, related sacrifices of blue quality and above are fixed as a great success), and you have obtained the Pickaxe of Returning Home (a special strange item)..."

(End of this chapter)

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