Chapter 555 Now, it's my card draw round! (One update!)

Everything changes so quickly.

After passing through the continuous clouds, the different aircraft with the distinctive characteristics of many integrated network players.

They were able to gradually glimpse the majestic giant "swimming slowly" in the sea of ​​clouds.

No matter how many times you see it, it's always a shock.

Jin Tong-Venaka shrank behind the fluffy feathers of her own griffin, looking at the distant shadow.

This is the second time she has seen the sight of the sky behemoth.

Prior to this, she was placed in the rear security area as a core resource provider.

But this time the group leader asked all the integrated network players in the group to follow suit, and took back the relevant equipment and buildings.

This makes people can't help but feel a certain curiosity and doubt:

Is the leader really preparing for a wave of finishing work?

Fist of Zhilan-Ao Ke seldom makes such a radical choice.

However, in view of his consistent prestige and reliability, the members still proceeded according to the predetermined plan with various delicate emotions.

At this time, the team was spreading out according to the routine frontal battle, and someone noticed that there was an extra face in the team that was the first to attack the core area, which seemed quite unexpected at this time.

That was Jintong Wei Naka, her mission in this attack was quite special and important.

Jintong Wei Naka couldn't help but clenched the cards in her hand, she was clear about her mission.

For a master card maker, it is not complicated or difficult.

Especially, when the relevant consumables have been prepared in advance.

"Relax, I'm right next to you."

A familiar voice came from the side.

Jintong Wei Naka turned her head involuntarily, and then saw a lion coming with a winged projectile.

It walked side by side with its own griffin, and flew to the land of the beast that gradually became clear.

The movements of the integrated network players naturally inevitably attracted the attention of the Ant-Man below.

This is their lair, and of course they will not tolerate the crossover of alien life like comprehensive online players.

After a while, it was like pouring a bowl of cold water into a boiling oil pan.

In an instant, after a riot that seemed to be roaring, innumerable black shadows soared into the sky from the red earth!

Zongwang players who had battled Ant-Man before could not help but feel their scalps go numb.

What is the difference between this and launching a war directly against a small extraordinary civilization?
For the comprehensive online players present who are more familiar with single-line breakthroughs, this kind of scene is a bit too exciting.

But the Fist of Zhilan - Aokete's face did not fluctuate, and even gave the order for the integrated network players to directly launch a saturation attack.

Of course, compared to the pale slogan, Fist of Haze-Ocott came up with something more exciting:

The battle plan team contribution is calculated normally, and all material consumption not included in the team's high-risk restriction list will be fully reimbursed.

"Follow the leader's will!"

With the cheers of the crowd, in the next moment, countless powerful spells and long-range firepower poured out!

After receiving the blessing of the law of "casting spells without materials" given by the leader, for a while, various spell barrages faintly suppressed the Ant-Man who gathered below.

Of course, this is only temporary.

Under normal conditions, continuous fire suppression still has limits.

Watch as Ant-Man gradually breaks through the firepower net as time goes by.

A comprehensive network player couldn't help muttering:
"The head of the group can still maintain his sanity in this situation, and does not impose high-risk restrictions on reimbursement. He seems to be really out of control..."

And with Ant-Man's troops gradually approaching the dangerous zone.

The Fist of Zhilan - Aokete no longer hesitated, and directly issued a certain order to Jintong - Wei Naka through the relevant actions planned before.

On the other side, Jintong Wei Naka, who had been silently watching the battle situation, stared at the promotion information refreshed on his retina for a moment.

Relatively speaking, Jin Tong-Wei Naka's combat experience is not that rich.

But along the way, it has also experienced many difficult challenges.

As we all know, it is common for comprehensive network players to break through the security zone established by themselves.

In the process of fighting against those evil and treacherous beings, it is inevitable to be recruited.

So after receiving the order, Jintong Wei Naka did not hesitate too much.

In the next moment, the 3 lord cards that she had put into the current reserve card slot were activated directly!
"Master specialization card replacement: quick command - card slot activation!"

"Card Summoning: Advanced Elemental Lord*3!"

Following the unique energy fluctuations of card magic, three huge and majestic figures appeared in front of Jintong Wei Naka.

"Your will is granted, Summoner."

The three elemental realms exuding very different auras responded to the call of Jintong Wei Naka with speeches with strong elemental auras.

But they don't have much time to show themselves.

The sudden sacrifice command that followed caused the consciousness of the three high-level elemental lords to visibly fluctuate.

The earth elemental lord and water elemental lord didn't say anything, they just dissipated into the void dully.

The Fire Element Territory muttered as if complaining:
"I have contracted you for more than a hundred years, and I have summoned no more than three times, and I still use it as a sacrifice today..."

The three high-level elemental lords returned to the form of cards again, and they returned directly to the graveyard in the Jintong-Wei Naka card slot.

Before the next natural day, only certain special cards with the power of return and recovery can be summoned again.

Of course, Jin Tong-Wei Naka probably didn't have this plan.

Because these guys need to consume too many resources.

In many cases, there is no need to fight with summons that consume too much.

But now, it is obviously not the time to pursue the maximum utilization of resources.

In the next moment, with the sacrifice of three high-level elemental lords, Jintong-Wei Naka got a chance to call for sacrifice.

Under her full force of mana, there was a bit of determination in her eyes that revealed a strong golden light.

The relevant trivial words of the spirit of Kachi still seemed to be surfacing in his ears one by one.

But at this moment, she made such a choice:

Now, it's my time!

After some combat resources were wasted, and under the watchful eyes of the players who had been silently paying attention to the battlefield comprehensive network, Jin Tong-Wei Naka inserted a certain card in his hand into the card slot.

Call of Sacrifice - Epic Card/Bane!

The card that vaguely glimpsed a little fire gradually became brighter, and then brighter and brighter...

In the next moment, there were no signs or other manifestations.

Suddenly, it was dark, and an unimaginably magnificent life appeared in the sky like that!
It is like a tall mountain born out of thin air above the sky, blocking all evil and danger on the other side...

 Enteritis happened again, but luckily it didn't hurt for too long, I feel listless...

  Everyone should take care of your body, health is the best
  ——From a bald man who can no longer eat and drink recklessly
  ps: happy every day -1
(End of this chapter)

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