Chapter 558 Epic Event - The Death of the Giant Beast (Two Updates!)


Under that berserk force, the space fold that became unstable due to the entry of the legendary behemoth Altium was violently distorted!
The chaotic space, with the irresistible force of rules, separates all the substances in this space indiscriminately!
This was originally a spatial rift specially created by the legendary giant Altium in a certain ancient time.

It naturally couldn't bear such a violent impact head-on.

In desperation, the legendary giant Altium broke away from the space crack.

So, it was directly surrounded by the thick mist!

At first, the Legendary Behemoth-Altium didn't notice some abnormalities.

It was just fog, and it was all too familiar with it.

During the long years of traveling in the sky, clouds and mists are the most common scenery it has seen.

But this fog seems to have some evil intentions.

Suddenly submerged in the smog, the legendary giant Altium was even impenetrable for a while.

I just feel that the surrounding area is vast, and I can't see east, west, north and south, and it is difficult to distinguish up, down, left, and right.

What kind of forbidden magic is this?
Legendary Behemoth-Altium sensed danger.

Fortunately, it has already placed a lot of space cracks like that.

In addition, it also has several preparations.

The long years and time can give it absolutely enough time to manage these slowly.

This is also the reason why it can continue to this day.

The vast consciousness of the legendary giant Altium quickly made a decision:

With the urging of some special power in its body, its huge body gradually merged into the haze.

It doesn't know whether Yi Xia can ignore the obstruction of the smog.

But no matter what, it needs some means to hinder Yi Xia.

The surrounding space is still in a stagnant state.

But this is not a problem for the legendary behemoth-Altium.

The isolation of space, in the eyes of all things, is an impasse that cannot be solved.

But it - the legendary beast - Altium, has its own means.

it wants to...

Just when the legendary beast-Altium was thinking quickly about how to get out.

It only felt that its body sank suddenly, and something fell on its back!

You can't carry the stuff...

The legendary behemoth-Altium was taken aback.

Its body separated suddenly, turning into two giant beasts with the same appearance.

Yi Xia, who had landed on it, also fell.

There are so many tricks...

Yi Xia thought as he looked at the two giant beasts flying towards different directions.

However, such an appearance cannot deceive the fair Yazi.

Yi Xia suddenly raised the Wu Banner, and his figure suddenly changed.

In the next instant, he appeared in front of one of the giant beasts with violently churning mist.

Without any hesitation, the Wu banner slammed down!
Despite being blocked by the smog, the legendary beast-Altium was unable to see through Yi Xia's tracks.

But it sensed danger.

It didn't know why its clone was not attacked, but the other party came to it directly.

But it has already endured Yi Xia Yifan before, and it knows that the feeling is not very pleasant.

In the blink of an eye, the legendary behemoth-Altium tried to distort its huge body, and its regular power distorted the material space corresponding to its flesh and blood.

And in the realm where mortal things are difficult to gaze at, many powerful forces surged with the consciousness of the legendary giant Altium.

The legendary giant beast-Altium couldn't understand Yi Xia's violent and hasty attack, as if he wanted to kill it in such a short time.

This is really not like the style that a life like it should have.

And the next moment, the Wu banner suddenly fell down!
Layers upon layers of space, countless protections, indestructible magic...

Under one banner, everything is blank!

The witch banner landed firmly on the head of the legendary giant Altium!

Its head, which was huge enough to carry a small city, suddenly shook violently!

The mighty power that condenses the power of violent chaos is destroying everything without restraint!
Even an existence with such powerful vitality as the legendary behemoth Altium would inevitably feel a little dizzy after suffering two attacks of this scale in succession.

Those complicated means became blurred at this moment.

Under Yi Xia's berserk attack rhythm full of persecution, the legendary behemoth-Altium also felt a little difficult to maintain.

A thought full of fear was suddenly born in its vast consciousness:

Maybe Yi Xia really wanted to kill it in such a short time!

And Yi Xia didn't show the legendary beast-Altium the life-saving skills it had accumulated for a long time.

Taking advantage of the legendary giant beast-Altium being controlled by the smog, the Wu Banner turned again and fell down suddenly!

In the continuous smog, if there are drums ringing continuously.

But it didn't spread out, but in the distorted haze, intertwined and lingering endlessly.

Facing the approaching death, the legendary giant Altium struggled frantically.

Its huge body churned out huge ravines in the smog.

However, soon, the smog that was repelled by it quickly wrapped up again like a living thing.

The majestic behemoth "submerged" in the haze...

On the other side, the comprehensive network players who couldn't see the specific battle situation looked at each other in blank dismay.

The expected grand scene appeared, but the second half ended in summer.

This is quite a bit sad, but it is also a helpless thing.

A comprehensive network player shook his head and directly chose to exit the instance.

Some people fell into contemplation, looking thoughtfully at the spectacular haze in front of them:
"Maybe you can try the first half for free, and the second half for blocking charges?"

And the next moment, some kind of indescribable throbbing emerged in the hearts of all the integrated network players present.

Without words, all are known:

The giant beast carrying the evil Ant-Man civilization fell...

And at this moment, a long mournful cry pierced the silence of the sky from a distant area on the other side.

It's hard to say if there's only sadness woven into it.

But there is no doubt that the consciousness of the giant beast at this moment should be filled with some kind of sadness.

From then on, there is only one giant beast in the sky left in this world...

"Comprehensive network reminder: Epic event-legendary giant beast-red flame giant beast above the sky-Altiom beheaded a generation of exotic giants in the spring of the winter wind in the sky in the 31st year of the dark night. Here, the sea of ​​​​the sky will forever Lost its 'Red Sun'..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have witnessed an epic event, and you have obtained a limited title: Beast's Death (additional shock check bonus against super giant life), and as the event spreads, you can gain additional reputation from it addition……"

At the same time, on a certain mountain on the earth, a monkey cat suddenly opened its eyes from a deep sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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