Chapter 561 Late Night Talk about the Stone Monkey (One more update!)

Before that, Zhong Ling always felt that her life was already legendary enough.

But in reality, people can always discover more "wonderful" things.

After eating the colorful mushrooms, the once peaceful and ordinary life has almost come to an end.

Through those bull's eyes, Zhong Ling has seen too much.

Those unknown whispers, that confusing mystery...

Sometimes, Zhong Ling would inevitably feel a little panicked.

She felt that the more she came into contact with those mysterious areas, the more at a loss she would appear.

There are too many things not to know, and it seems that people will inevitably have a sense of powerlessness and anxiety.

Fortunately, she had faced such a test before.

Probably all those who have successfully experienced the experience of the third year of high school are always good in terms of patience and tenacity.

Of course, some need to be restrained enough to maintain.

Zhong Ling does not belong to that kind.

Her family background cannot provide her with too much trial and error costs.

So until now, she has always been cautious.

It was as if she hadn't experienced much killing at this time, but she was still able to hold the knife firmly.

On this point, Shi Wei, who was held on his neck with a knife, has enough authority to speak about it.

Of course, it just doesn't want to talk about it at all.

"Don't, don't, little girl, everything is negotiable. You just killed me like this, and there is no way to deal with them."

Shi Wei looked at Zhong Ling who seemed to be able to stay in place for half a day just by blowing his own breath, and said rather helplessly.

This was even more of a headache for it than it had ever been besieged by many monsters.

Probably the so-called "tiger falls in Pingyang" is nothing more than this.

"Who are they?"

Zhong Ling stared at the tightly bound monkey in front of her.

The old cow outside is watching for her.

This is the cowshed of an old farmer's house in the mountain.

A few years ago, there were still some farmers living here.

Now, with the continuous death of the elderly and the relocation of other farmers, most of them are now barren.

That is, when worshiping ancestors, some people can be seen.

It is said that it should be demolished recently, but it has not yet been demolished.

If it was normal, Zhong Ling would not have run to such a remote place alone in the middle of the night.

But maybe with confidence in my heart, people are always different.

What's more, she is not alone now.

The old cow outside is much more vigorous than ordinary strong men.

Of course, the premise is that the other party doesn't have an outrageous guy...

"Demon, what else can it be?"

"Why don't you relax and let me breathe? Let me tell you about those guys who are called demon kings by you."

Shi Wei grinned and said.

This girl can't tie people up, but she used all her strength.

I'm afraid it's because I haven't seen a talking spirit before, so I'm so bored and bold.

"Demon King?"

Zhong Ling frowned upon hearing this.

Of course, she didn't know whether the demon king the other party mentioned was like a guy like it.

If it is based on the concept of the ancient oriental legends that she is familiar with, then there will be trouble.

But soon, Zhong Ling thought of a suspicious point:
Even if there is a demon king, what is the purpose of catching such a little demon?

Zhong Ling was quite surprised that the other party could speak like a human being, and had enough clear logic and thinking.

For this reason, she took out all the hemp ropes used to bind firewood at home, and did not stop until the other party was tied up out of breath.

But there is no need to say more about the means.

If it was really powerful, she wouldn't be tied here with a knife on her neck.

But Zhong Ling thought about it, maybe the peculiarity of the other party lies in these aspects?
After all, even in those ancient legends, not every monster has such a well-organized spiritual wisdom.

Most of them are muddled, like beasts.

After thinking about it, Zhong Ling asked the other party some questions one after another, all of which were the confusions she encountered during her cultivation.

Shi Wei actually responded fluently, even in words, he was quite disdainful about it.

At this time, Zhong Ling instantly realized the value of the other party.

Afterwards, Zhong Ling changed her mind, and suddenly remembered a certain question that she had been confused about before:

"What is a great witch?"

"If you don't let me go, knock me...cough, worship me as a teacher, and I will teach you a good lesson, it will definitely be a hundred times better than these low-level skills you have learned."

" just said the Great Witch?"

Shi Wei stopped suddenly, and suddenly looked at Zhong Ling in front of him.

"Where did you hear such words?"

Shi Wei squinted his eyes, his words were somewhat startled and uncertain, and he was no longer gradually presumptuous as before.

Seeing this, Zhong Ling's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that this guy really knew about it.

"I have seen."

Zhong Ling thought about it and said so.

Shi Wei grinned when he heard the words, ready to ridicule.

He also thought that the steel knife on his neck was probably quite sharp, so he paused, and then said:

"I have never seen such a legendary character."

"I only heard a teacher say that it is a person who has the power of heaven and earth, and can ward off ghosts and gods."

Shi Wei rolled his eyeballs, thinking where did Zhong Ling hear this word.

This little girl seemed to be a mortal with good luck.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't have come into contact with such a character.

Really, the era it lived in.

The probability of these monsters dealing with big witches and the like is really low.

After all, those who have really dealt with each other often have nothing to say.

"It turns out that you don't understand."

Zhong Ling curled her lips when she heard the words, feeling that the other party's answer was the same as saying nothing.

She had read this answer in the book.

But that's also nothing substantial.

Could it be possible that there are still such mythical characters on the present earth?
When Shi Wei heard this, his eyes widened, and he felt the steel knife on his neck tightened a little more, so he smiled sarcastically:
"Don't use the knife, don't use the knife, this one doesn't have eyes."

"Don't blame me for talking too much: You are a pure-blooded human race, and you have never even heard of a great witch?"

"Does the great witch have anything to do with people?"

Zhong Ling was a little puzzled when she heard this, but her heart suddenly moved.

She seemed to understand something, but she still pretended not to understand.

When Shi Wei heard this, he probably had some calculations in his heart.

This land is really deserted.

But this confuses it even more:

Since even the relationship between witches and people has been lost, why does this little girl still say that she has seen the great witch?

Is there really a great witch here?

Not everyone dares to use this title indiscriminately.

At some point, it is more important than immortals and Buddhas.

"The shaman is the shelter of man, just like the grass and trees are to the mud and rocks."

"If you really met the Great Witch, then just hand me over to him, what else is needed?"

Shi Wei smiled and said.

Then, he saw Zhong Ling's thoughtful expression.

The next moment, Zhong Ling called the old cow outside, threw it on the cow's back and gave instructions.

Shi Wei:?
Seeing the old cow running into the deep mountains with it in his hands, Shi Wei felt a sudden shock:
"I'm joking, there is no great witch in this world."

"Hurry up and take me back, I'll have a good break up with your master..."

(End of this chapter)

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