The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 568 War Employment: The Wrath of the Featherman God

Chapter 568 War Employment: The Wrath of the Featherman God (Two Updates!)
Embankment of the Blood Bank - Benigno
"You are all bugs!"

The roar of the Titan Snakeman-Mabaneta, like the deepest shadow on the battlefield, enveloped all life.

It is said that it is a huge whip-like weapon made of materials extracted from the spine of its biological father, leaving one after another hideous scars burning with bloody flames on the earth.

No one wants to face this terrifying war machine.

But the Feathermen of Benigno had no choice.

Behind them is the kingdom, the homeland, the place they have sworn a sacred oath to guard forever.

On the remains of an ancient riverbed that was once not valued by people, the brutal war seems to never stop.

"God said: We shall walk on the water and not be drowned."

The Heart of Seven Feathers-Anis chanted an ancient spell, and the flood rushed in, overturning the entire battlefield.

Countless snake people were swallowed by the flood, struggling frantically in the flood with the words of drowning.

Yuren was not spared either, and was also swallowed by the flood.

Fortunately, the power of the spell prevents them from being disturbed by the power of the spell in the water.

Therefore, they were able to break free very quickly.

Of course, for the majestic Titan Snakeman-Mabaneta.

Such a large amount of water can only reach its abdomen.

It has eternally fierce scarlet vertical pupils, and it does not mourn the death or injury of the snake man.

Instead, it locked on the heart of seven feathers flying in the air, Yanisi.

This Yuren looks like a more "sturdy" bug.

Yanis obviously noticed the change of the Titan Snakeman.

The next moment, the Titan Snakeman swung the long whip in its hand suddenly!

That's not just a physical attack.

The moment the Titan Snakeman waved it, all the Snakeman within several kilometers around him burst open!
Their twisted flesh and blood forcibly jumped out from the skin, like animated twisting flesh worms, whistling and flying towards the long whip of the Titan snake man.

Snake Kiss - Gut Rip!

In a trance, a huge, indescribably distorted existence seemed to appear behind the Titan Snake Man.

At first glance, it looks like countless intertwined vines gathered together.

But if you concentrate for a while, you can see the bloody folds extending beyond the "vine".

This is an ancient evil that the snake people believe in, a dark existence called the "riven gut".

Yanis obviously wouldn't take such an attack head-on.

It chanted an ancient incantation before disappearing into the sky.

The long whip with filthy power immediately covered the area where the opponent disappeared!
The vicious power erupted suddenly, and the Yuren and Snakemen who failed to escape burst to death one after another!

Even those who left by chance were not completely spared.

Under the influence of the invisible vicious force, more feathered people showed painful expressions on their faces, but the snake people didn't seem to have any changes.


Accompanied by the sarcasm of the titan snake man, it retracted its long whip violently.

These bugs are really not such a fun battle.

Disappointing, it needs more brutal killings!
When the twisted star shines for the third time, it will destroy everything here!


"God is fighting with the guts of the astral world, and he cannot separate other powers to redeem us."

When Yanis traveled through space seven times in a row to avoid the pursuit of the vicious force, she got absolutely bad news when she returned to the church.

In the battle between gods, it is difficult for ordinary things to judge.

That may last for an unimaginably long time.

But obviously, Yuren's god is not such a gentle existence.

Especially in the case of continuous frontal invasions by snake people.

The conflict between the two camps has been going on for years.

But such a brutal frontal war did not last long.

"God also gave guidance: He may bring disasters, which He did not want to see."

Sanyu's blind priest looked at the statue calmly.

She has devoted her whole life to serving God devoutly and will never step out of the church.

This is a sacrifice, and it is also the price that must be paid to channel the will of the gods with a mortal body.

With the destruction of the seven gods in the twilight years, it is already difficult for this land to sustain the coming of the gods.

After hearing what the blind priest said, Yanis was obviously a little dazed.


She looked at Sanyu's blind priest, hoping that he could give her an answer.

Because in Yuren's classics, there is no such record.

"That is a terrifying existence from a foreign land. He wanders between good and evil, and uses the most brutal destruction to snatch souls and everything from those dark lives."

"He delivered one of our great fellow-men from the deepest afflictions, and it swore to serve him."

"It is a faith that God approves of, and it has not forsaken our way."

"So, if it wants to come back, it's still our brother."

The blind priest didn't turn around. Following her calm description, Yanis' eyes changed.

"He is our ally?"

Yanis asked.

"No, before this, God did not greet him."

The blind priest's answer made Yanis even more confused.

Since someone has redeemed one of our compatriots, and is still a pious existence that attracts the attention of God, it seems that there is no communication?
Now, can you find the other party for help?

Seeming to sense Agnes' confusion, the blind priest paused, then turned his head.

Her blind eyes, abandoned for a sharper will, looked at Agnes:
"God...has things to worry about too, kid."

"Not all life on the earth will be safe with the established destiny... Some life will always soar one day-even if it is already able to carry the world..."

At this moment, Yanis wanted to scratch her head a little. It was always difficult for her to accept such extremely twisted words from the pastor.

It's as if there are some things that can't be said directly.

metaphor?Or what allusion?
Yanis felt a headache.

But overall, the potential for a strong ally to emerge should be a good thing.

Although, Yanis didn't see much joy in the pastor's expression.

Obviously, that powerful ally who doesn't know whether it will appear may require some rather heavy prices.

Gold or Soul?

Yanis thought so in her heart.

It shouldn't be the latter, because Yuren's god is a righteous god, and he will never allow such a transaction to happen.

So other than that, what else would be the price that would make the pastor feel a little dignified?

Yanis secretly guessed.

On the other side, Yi Xia, who was thinking about choosing a strong enough opponent, suddenly saw a new comprehensive network reminder message:
"Comprehensive network reminder: You have a new war mercenary (God of Featherman-God of Justice and Redemption-Mick...Loyd): The wrath of God of Featherman..."

The god of Yuren?

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames suddenly lit up.

This is something new...

(End of this chapter)

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