Chapter 571 Drawing People and Lines (One more!)

Yi Xia was quite surprised to look at the Titan Snakeman-Mbaneta who exuded a strong breath of death below.

Mobs have a second stage?
In the next instant, Yi Xia threw down the streamer!
The tyrannical air waves, like an invisible wall of waves, raged away on the devastated land!

Without any accident, the resurrected Titan Snakeman-Mabaneta was smashed into the earth again!

The violent power directly destroyed its evil and gloomy body!

However, when Yi Xia was about to leave the lair where he directly killed the snake man.

The Titan Snake Man-Mabaneta, who was clearly smashed into shape, stood up unsteadily again.

Perhaps because it was freed from the shackles of some flesh and blood, its body turned out to be much taller than before.

There was only one eyeball that had burst in its empty eye socket, staring at Yi Xia firmly.

Yi Xia became interested.

The multiverse will of course exist, beings that draw strength from harm and even death.

But just like using paper and stones, you can also build a maze.

Within the scope of the rules, there is no essential difference between the mazes formed by the two.

But when people are unwilling to follow its rules and try to break the game in a more direct way, the two will be different...

"Pain, it's... watching me!"

At this moment, the Titan Snakeman-Mabaneta, who is closer to the existence of negative energy than flesh and blood, let out a low-pitched roar.

Tremors of terror and darkness emanated from its almost festering belly.

Without any warning, it suddenly jumped up from the shattered ground!

Its broken spine protruded from the rotten skin, like a giant centipede, trying to stab Yi Xia!

In the distance, the Yu people who were standing in the protection of the barrier and watching the battle heard a few suppressed exclamations.

Feathermen have extremely powerful racial dynamic vision, which is why they can shoot precise and deadly arrows from high altitudes.

Now, of course, due to the spells of the serpent priests.

The entire embankment of the blood bank, Benigno's sky, is shrouded in some kind of invisible poisonous cloud that exudes darkness and curse.

However, Yi Xia's majestic body was not as dull as the Titan Snakeman expected.

Without even dodging or teleporting, Wu Banner suddenly turned and went straight down!

It's like a mountain falling from the sky and pressing down on a fly, without any resistance worth mentioning!


The Titan Snakeman was smashed straight to the ground by the Wu Banner, and the ground, which was already overwhelmed, let out howls that seemed to be broken!
However, Yi Xia obviously didn't intend to give the other party any more performance time.

Yi Xia naturally disliked this kind of behavior of completely transforming food that was barely worth eating into filthy waste.

Without any gaps or maneuvers, the Wu Banner hit the ground repeatedly like beating a big drum!
The entire Embankment of the Blood Bank - Benigno began to experience violent earthquakes, but fortunately, no one needs to worry about it now.

Because apart from the Yuren Kingdom bordering here on the other side, under the aftermath of the previous berserk, there is no longer any living thing here...

The water gushing out from the broken earth seems to dance on the earth.

With every loud roar that could deafen all things, the splashing water waves seemed to be continuous and abruptly rising mountains.


That may have come from the power of the evil god that the snake people believed in, and it failed to protect the powerful alien among the snake people.

After being thoroughly crushed into the tiniest tissue countless times.

Perhaps the wailing soul of the Titan Snakeman could no longer bear that kind of power, or the concept of divinity that was constantly impacted by the power of chaos was finally irreparably damaged.

It finally failed to climb up from the ground...



"That guy Lloyd is crazy..."

According to this, in a rather distant country, the old king wearing a crown frowned and said.

The war between the Snake Man and the Feather Man took place in a relatively remote corner of the world.

It stands to reason that even if they hit their brains, it would not affect his country.

But now...

"Ding ding ding..."

The instruments used to monitor the territory continuously issued high-pitched warning sounds.

Even without the warning of the instrument, the old king could feel the violent turmoil coming from the depths of the earth.

What kind of taboo spell is this that can cause fluctuations?
The old king didn't know.

Under the endowment of divinity, he got almost eternal life.

Therefore, he is not so eager to wipe out and conquer other races so violently.

Instead, try to gradually absorb and assimilate them with relatively gentle means.

Judging from the current progress, it can be expected that:
Someday in the future, they will eventually become part of his grand plan.

But now, there seems to be some small changes...

"Go and see what they're doing, no matter how bad it is, that guy Lloyd has come in person."

The old king said to his secret guard.

And soon, he received messages from all directions.

None of it seems to be a big problem, but some reports of damage.

It seems trivial, but when piled up, it is enough to cause some headaches:

Reports from some towns close to Yuren Kingdom:
Due to the abnormal fluctuations of the ground, a large number of buildings were damaged, and the Cangqing Forest bordering it was destroyed by fire nearly half of it...

Cities on the other side said their rivers had a sudden drop in flow and the water was cloudy.

As for various types of more subtle economic losses, they have not been consolidated for the time being.

The old king couldn't help but took a sip of the spirits.

This kind of loss, which can be called an indiscriminate disaster, is the most annoying.

And soon, the secret guard brought the latest collected information.

It was an abstract picture temporarily drawn with simple black charcoal while holding back the panic in his heart.

The old king took a look and only saw a humanoid life standing on the ground, but he didn't see anything special.

In addition to pictures, there are also detailed text reports.

The old king didn't rush to read the report, but first looked at the painting that didn't really look artistic.

He pondered for a while, then pointed to the few lines on the painting and asked:
"What does this mean, Benigno?"

The old king frowned. He remembered that there was an order to strengthen the professional skills of intelligence personnel.

Magic equipment is of course better.

But obviously not all the times are suitable for the use of magic equipment.

The old king speculated that the intelligence officer had apparently tried to use the magic equipment as well, but failed.

So I had no choice but to bite the bullet and take out the quick drawing skills that I am not so familiar with.

However, the secret guard's answer made the old king's pupils suddenly dilate:
"My lord, that's Yuren's city..."

(End of this chapter)

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